Register: Flight level significance



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owned by wmo
submitted bymarqh (admin)

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label Flight level significance
manager www dm
member Highest level reached before balloon descent because of icing or turbulence | Balloon re-ascended beyond previous highest ascent level | Mandatory wind level | Flight level top | End missing wind data | Significant temperature level (according to NCDC) | Other | Significant relative humidity level | Begin missing data (all elements) | Standard pressure level | Zero degrees Celsius crossing(s) for RADAT | Flight termination level | Pressure 100 to 110 hPa, when no other reason applies | High-resolution data sample | End missing data (all elements) | End doubtful temperature, height data | Significant wind level | Missing value | Relative humidity level selection terminated | Begin missing relative humidity data | Operator-added level | Aircraft report | Tropopause(s) | Freezing level base | Wind termination level | Level of 80-knot isotach above jet | Surface level | Incremental wind level (fixed regional) | Significant thermodynamic level (inversion) | Base pressure level for stability index | Within 20 hPa of surface | End missing relative humidity data | Significant temperature level | Begin missing temperature data | Operator-deleted level | Interpolated (generated) level | Flight level base | Freezing level top | Begin missing wind data | Incremental height level (generated) | Significant relative humidity level (according to NCDC criteria) | Level of 80-knot isotach below jet | Begin doubtful temperature, height data | Pressure less than 10 hPa (i.e., 9, 8, 7, etc.) when no other reason applies | End missing temperature data | Mandatory temperature level | Maximum wind level
membership predicate member
modified 3 Sep 2014 09:54:16.038
owner wmo
publisher wmo
type Container | Register | Collection
version info 1
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Notation Name Description Status
0 High-resolution data sample stable
1 Within 20 hPa of surface stable
2 Pressure less than 10 hPa (i.e., 9, 8, 7, etc.) when no other reason applies stable
3 Base pressure level for stability index stable
4 Begin doubtful temperature, height data stable
5 Begin missing data (all elements) stable
6 Begin missing relative humidity data stable
7 Begin missing temperature data stable
8 Highest level reached before balloon descent because of icing or turbulence stable
9 End doubtful temperature, height data stable
10 End missing data (all elements) stable
11 End missing relative humidity data stable
12 End missing temperature data stable
13 Zero degrees Celsius crossing(s) for RADAT stable
14 Standard pressure level stable
15 Operator-added level stable
16 Operator-deleted level stable
17 Balloon re-ascended beyond previous highest ascent level stable
18 Significant relative humidity level stable
19 Relative humidity level selection terminated stable
20 Surface level stable
21 Significant temperature level stable
22 Mandatory temperature level stable
23 Flight termination level stable
24 Tropopause(s) stable
25 Aircraft report stable
26 Interpolated (generated) level stable
27 Mandatory wind level stable
28 Significant wind level stable
29 Maximum wind level stable
30 Incremental wind level (fixed regional) stable
31 Incremental height level (generated) stable
32 Wind termination level stable
33 Pressure 100 to 110 hPa, when no other reason applies stable
34 Freezing level base stable
35 Freezing level top stable
36 Flight level base stable
37 Flight level top stable
40 Significant thermodynamic level (inversion) stable
41 Significant relative humidity level (according to NCDC criteria) stable
42 Significant temperature level (according to NCDC) stable
43 Begin missing wind data stable
44 End missing wind data stable
60 Level of 80-knot isotach above jet stable
61 Level of 80-knot isotach below jet stable
62 Other stable
63 Missing value stable