Register: centre-id
Acronym proposed by member and endorsed by WMO Secretariat
Notation | Name | Description | Status |
ag-antiguamet | ag-antiguamet | Antigua and Barbuda Meteorological Services | stable |
ai-metservice | ai-metservice | Caribbean Meteorological Organization (Anguilla) | stable |
ar-smn | ar-smn | Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (Argentina) | stable |
au-bom | au-bom | Bureau of Meteorology Water Division | stable |
bb-barbadosmetservices | bb-barbadosmetservices | Meteorological Services (Barbados) | stable |
bf-anam | bf-anam | Direction de la Météorologie (Burkina Faso) | stable |
bg-nimh | bg-nimh | National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (Bulgaria) | stable |
br-inmet | br-inmet | Instituto Nacional de Meteorología (Brazil) | stable |
br-inmet-global-broker | br-inmet-global-broker | Instituto Nacional de Meteorología (Brazil), Global Broker Se... | stable |
bs-metservice | bs-metservice | Department of Meteorology (Bahamas) | stable |
by-belgidromet | by-belgidromet | Department of Hydrometeorology (Belarus) | stable |
bz-nms | bz-nms | National Meteorological Service (Belize) | stable |
ca-eccc-msc | ca-eccc-msc | Meteorological Service of Canada | stable |
ca-eccc-msc-global-discovery-catalogue | ca-eccc-msc-global-discovery-catalogue | Meteorological Service of Canada, Global Discovery Catalogue ... | stable |
cg-met | cg-met | Direction de la Météorologie Nationale (Congo) | stable |
cl-meteochile | cl-meteochile | Dirección Meteorológica de Chile | stable |
cm-meteocameroon | cm-meteocameroon | Direction de la Météorologie Nationale (Cameroon) | stable |
cn-cma | cn-cma | China Meteorological Administration | stable |
cn-cma-global-broker | cn-cma-global-broker | China Meteorological Administration, Global Broker Service | stable |
cn-cma-global-cache | cn-cma-global-cache | China Meteorological Administration, Global Cache Service | stable |
cn-cma-global-discovery-catalogue | cn-cma-global-discovery-catalogue | China Meteorological Administration, Global Discovery Catalog... | stable |
cn-cma-global-monitor | cn-cma-global-monitor | China Meteorological Administration, Global Monitor Service | stable |
cu-insmet | cu-insmet | Instituto de Meteorología (Cuba) | stable |
cy-dom | cy-dom | Meteorological Service (Cyprus) | stable |
data-metoffice-noaa-global-cache | data-metoffice-noaa-global-cache | Met Office (Exeter) (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nort... | stable |
de-dwd | de-dwd | Deutscher Wetterdienst (Germany) | stable |
de-dwd-global-cache | de-dwd-global-cache | Deutscher Wetterdienst (Germany), Global Cache Service | stable |
de-dwd-global-discovery-catalogue | de-dwd-global-discovery-catalogue | Deutscher Wetterdienst (Germany), Global Discovery Catalogue ... | stable |
de-dwd-gts-to-wis2 | de-dwd-gts-to-wis2 | Deutscher Wetterdienst, GTS to WIS2 Gateway (Germany) | stable |
dk-dmi-opendata | dk-dmi-opendata | Danish Meteorological Institute (Denmark) | stable |
dm-dms | dm-dms | Dominica Meteorological Services | stable |
dz-meteoalgerie | dz-meteoalgerie | Office National de la Météorologie (Algeria) | stable |
eu-eumetnet-femdi | eu-eumetnet-femdi | WIS Centre (other) | stable |
fr-meteofrance | fr-meteofrance | Météo-France (Toulouse) | stable |
fr-meteofrance-global-broker | fr-meteofrance-global-broker | Météo-France (Toulouse), Global Broker Service | stable |
gd-metservice | gd-metservice | CMO Member (Grenada) | stable |
gn-meteo-guinee-conakry | gn-meteo-guinee-conakry | Direction Nationale de la Météorologie (Guinea) | stable |
gy-hydromet | gy-hydromet | Hydrometeorological Service (Guyana) | stable |
hk-hko | hk-hko | Hong Kong Observatory | stable |
hk-hko-swic | hk-hko-swic | World Weather Information Service (WWIS) (Hong Kong, China) | stable |
id-bmkg | id-bmkg | Agency for Meteorology,Climatology and Geophysics (Indonesia) | stable |
il-ims | il-ims | Israel Meteorological Service | stable |
in-imd | in-imd | India Meteorological Department | stable |
int-ecmwf | int-ecmwf | European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) | stable |
int-eumetsat | int-eumetsat | European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological ... | stable |
io-wis2dev1-test | io-wis2dev1-test | Test WIS2 Node (for use in the WIS2 test environment, not for... | stable |
ir-irimo | ir-irimo | Islamic Republic of Iran Meteorological Organization | stable |
it-meteoam | it-meteoam | Servizio Meteorológico (Italy) | stable |
jm-msj | jm-msj | Meteorological Service (Jamaica) | stable |
jp-jma | jp-jma | Japan Meteorological Agency | stable |
jp-jma-global-cache | jp-jma-global-cache | Japan Meteorological Agency, Global Cache Service | stable |
jp-jma-gts-to-wis2 | jp-jma-gts-to-wis2 | Japan Meteorological Agency, GTS to WIS2 Gateway (Japan) | stable |
ke-meteo | ke-meteo | Kenya Meteorological Department | stable |
kn-metservice | kn-metservice | St Kitts and Nevis Meteorological Service | stable |
kr-kma | kr-kma | Korea Meteorological Administration | stable |
kr-kma-global-cache | kr-kma-global-cache | Korea Meteorological Administration, Global Cache Service | stable |
ky-cinws | ky-cinws | Caribbean Meteorological Organization (Cayman Islands) | stable |
kz-kazhydromet | kz-kazhydromet | National Meteorological and Hydrological Service (Almaty) (Ka... | stable |
lc-metservice | lc-metservice | Saint Lucia Meteorological Service | stable |
ly-lnmc | ly-lnmc | Libyan National Meteorological Centre | stable |
ma-marocmeteo | ma-marocmeteo | Direction de la Météorologie Nationale (Morocco) | stable |
ma-meteomaroc-global-monitor | ma-meteomaroc-global-monitor | Direction de la Météorologie Nationale (Morocco), Global Moni... | stable |
ms-metservice | ms-metservice | Caribbean Meteorological Organization (Montserrat) | stable |
my-metmalaysia | my-metmalaysia | Malaysian Meteorological Department | stable |
na-meteona | na-meteona | Namibia Meteorological Service | stable |
ng-nimet | ng-nimet | Nigerian Meteorological Agency | stable |
nz-metservice | nz-metservice | New Zealand National Meteorological Service | stable |
pl-imgw | pl-imgw | Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (Poland) | stable |
ru-aviamettelecom | ru-aviamettelecom | Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmenta... | stable |
sa-ncm | sa-ncm | National Center for Meteorology (Saudi Arabia) | stable |
se-smhi | se-smhi | Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute | stable |
sg-mss | sg-mss | Meteorological Services Division (Singapore) | stable |
sg-mss-asmc | sg-mss-asmc | ASEAN Specialized Meteorological Centre (ASMC) (Singapore) | stable |
sx-metservice | sx-metservice | Meteorological Department Curaçao (Curaçao and Sint Maarten) | stable |
sz-swazimet | sz-swazimet | Eswatini Meteorological Service | stable |
tc-metservice | tc-metservice | Caribbean Meteorological Organization (Turks and Caicos Islan... | stable |
td-anam | td-anam | Direction des Ressources en Eau et de la Météorologie (Chad) | stable |
tt-trin-met | tt-trin-met | Meteorological Service (Trinidad and Tobago) | stable |
uk-metoffice-nmc | uk-metoffice-nmc | Met Office (Exeter) (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nort... | stable |
up-test | upload-test | delete me | experimental |
us-cimss | us-cimss | National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Servi... | stable |
us-noaa-global-broker | us-noaa-global-broker | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Wea... | stable |
us-noaa-nws | us-noaa-nws | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Wea... | stable |
us-noaa-synoptic | us-noaa-synoptic | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Wea... | stable |
us-synoptic-uas | us-synoptic-uas | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Wea... | stable |
us-ucsd-scripps-ldl | us-ucsd-scripps-ldl | WIS Centre (other)/University of California San Diego (United... | stable |
uy-inumet | uy-inumet | Dirección Nacional de Meteorología (Uruguay) | stable |
vc-metservice | vc-metservice | CMO Member (St. Vincent and the Grenadines) | stable |
vg-metservice | vg-metservice | Caribbean Meteorological Organization (British Virgin Islands... | stable |
za-weathersa | za-weathersa | South African Weather Service | stable |
zm-zmd | zm-zmd | Zambia Meteorological Department | stable |
zw-msd | zw-msd | Zimbabwe Meteorological Services Department | stable |