Register: Measurement unit



Measurement unit

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changed on 21 Nov 2019 09:06:03.065
submitted bykurt-hectic
accepted on 29 Apr 2020 14:36:13.110

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description Measurement unit
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label Measurement unit
member nautical mile | centibar per 12 hours | decibel per metre | per mille | milligram per litre | per megametre per steradian | kilometre per day | pH unit | kilometre per hour | radian | milligram per kilogram | Weber | electron volt | nanogram per kilogram | watt | kilogram per kilogram | joule per square metre | dimensionless | milligal | megahertz | millimetre to the sixth power per cubic metre | metre per second squared | henry | per cent | month | square metre second per radian | knot | millimetre per second | parts per million by volume | square metre per second | year | per kilometre | watt per square metre per steradian per metre | centimetre per second | gram per kilogram per second | lux | minute (angle) | Eötvös | decibel per degree (angle) | second | microgram per kilogram | cubic metres | micromole per kilogram | parsec | Dobson Unit | kilogram per metre | radian per second | degree (angle) per second | degree Celsius (°C) | micromole per mole | millimetre of mercury | watt per metre per steradian | newton | watt per square metre per steradian per inverse metre | kelvin per metre | joule | kilocalory per square centimetre | square metre per square second | coulomb | metre per second per metre | mole per mole | week | per meg | unknown | joule per kilogram | hertz | lumen | ohm | nanogram per cubic metre | centimetre per hour | kilogram per cubic metre | kelvin | watt per square metre | pascal | knot per 1000 metres | microgram per cubic metre | foot | becquerel per square metre | per megametre | cubic metre per second | kelvin metre per second | day | milligram per cubic metre | millibecquerel per cubic metre | per cubic metre | pascal per second | metre per year | per second squared | colony-forming unit per millilitre | minute (time) | per kilometre per steradian | micromole per litre | standard acceleration due to gravity | cubic centimetre per cubic metre | watt per square metre per steradian per hertz | missing | square metre | gray | per square kilogram per second | per cubic centimetre | per metre per steradian | ...
modified 2 Jan 2024 17:14:30.589
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Notation Name Description Status
' minute (angle) Unit of plane or phase angle, accepted for use with SI: 1 ' =... stable
'' second (angle) Unit of plane or phase angle, accepted for use with SI: 1 '' ... stable
1 dimensionless Dimensionless; SI base unit equivalent: 1 stable
A ampere SI base unit of electric current stable
AU astronomical unit Unit of length, accepted for use with SI: 1 AU = 149597870700... stable
Bq becquerel SI derived unit of radioactivity; SI base unit equivalent: s-... stable
Bq.l-1 becquerel per litre Unit of radioactivity concentration; SI base unit equivalent:... stable
Bq.m-2 becquerel per square metre SI derived unit of radioactivity area concentration; SI base ... stable
Bq.m-3 becquerel per cubic metre SI derived unit of radioactivity concentration; SI base unit ... stable
Bq.s.m-3 becquerel second per cubic metre SI derived unit of time integrated radioactivity concentratio... stable
C coulomb SI derived unit of electric charge; SI base unit equivalent: ... stable colony-forming unit per millilitre Unit of number concentration of viable bacteria or fungal cel... stable
DU Dobson Unit Unit of column abundance of molecules in the atmosphere. 1 DU... stable
E Eötvös Unit of acceleration divided by distance,1 E = 1E-9 Gal/cm; S... stable
F farad SI derived unit of electrical capacitance; SI base unit equiv... stable
GHz gigahertz SI derived unit of frequency; SI base unit equivalent: 1E9 s-... stable
Gy gray SI derived unit of absorbed dose (of ionizing radiation); SI ... stable
H henry SI derived unit of electrical inductance; SI base unit equiva... stable
HU Hazen unit Unit of color according to the Platinum/Cobalt or Apha-Hazen ... stable
Hz hertz SI derived unit of frequency; SI base unit equivalent: s-1 stable
J joule SI derived unit of energy, work, heat; SI base unit equivalen... stable joule per kilogram SI derived unit of specific energy or specific potential enth... stable
J.m-2 joule per square metre SI derived unit of radiant exposure; SI base unit equivalent:... stable
K kelvin SI base unit of thermodynamic temperature stable
K.m-1 kelvin per metre SI derived unit of spatial gradient of temperature stable
K.m.s-1 kelvin metre per second SI derived unit of covariance of wind speed and temperature o... stable kelvin square metre per kilogram per second SI derived unit of potential vorticity stable
MHz megahertz SI derived unit of frequency; SI base unit equivalent: 1E6 s-... stable most probable number index number in 1 millilitre Unit of expected number concentration of bacteria in the orig... stable
Mm-1 per megametre Unit of quantity with dimension of reciprocal length, e.g., o... stable per megametre per steradian SI derived unit of the scattering coefficient at a given dire... stable
N newton SI derived unit of force, weight stable
N.m-2 newton per square metre SI derived unit of pressure or equivalent quantity stable
NTU nephelometric turbidity unit Units of turbidity from a calibrated nephelometer; SI base un... stable
N_units N units Unit of atmospheric refractivity, the refractivity, N, is rel... stable
Ohm ohm SI derived unit of electrical resistance, impedance, reactanc... stable
Pa pascal SI derived unit of pressure/stress; SI base unit equivalent: ... stable
Pa.s-1 pascal per second SI derived unit of temporal derivative of pressure/stress; SI... stable
S siemens SI derived unit of electrical conductance; SI base unit equiv... stable
S.m-1 siemens per metre SI derived unit of spatial gradient of electric conductance stable
Sv sievert SI derived unit of equivalent dose (of ionizing radiation); S... stable
T tesla SI derived unit of magnetic induction, magnetic flux density;... stable
THz terahertz SI derived unit of frequency; SI base unit equivalent: 1E12 s... stable
V volt SI derived unit of voltage, electrical potential difference, ... stable
W watt SI derived unit of power, radiant flux; SI base unit equivale... stable watt per metre per steradian SI derived unit of spectral intensity, a directional quantity... stable
W.m-2 watt per square metre SI derived unit of heat flux density or irradiance; SI base u... stable watt per square metre per steradian SI derived unit of radiance; SI base unit equivalent: kg.s-3 stable watt per square metre per steradian per hertz SI derived unit of spectral radiance per unit frequency; SI b... stable watt per square metre per steradian per inverse centimetre SI derived unit of spectral radiance per unit wavenumber, wav... stable watt per square metre per steradian per inverse metre SI derived unit of spectral radiance per inverse metre; SI ba... stable watt per square metre per steradian per metre SI derived unit of spectral radiance per unit wavelength; SI ... stable
Wb Weber SI derived unit of magnetic flux; SI base unit equivalent: kg... stable
a year Conventional unit of time duration, ranging from 365 days to ... stable
cb.(12h)-1 centibar per 12 hours Conventional unit of time derivative of pressure, pressure te... stable
cb.s-1 centibar per second Conventional unit of time derivative of pressure, pressure te... stable
cd candela SI base unit of luminous intensity stable
cm centimetre SI prefixed unit of length; SI base unit equivalent: 0.01 m stable
cm-3 per cubic centimetre SI derived unit of specific volume; SI base unit equivalent: ... stable
cm.h-1 centimetre per hour SI derived unit of speed; SI base unit equivalent: 1/360000 m... stable
cm.s-1 centimetre per second SI derived unit of speed; SI base unit equivalent: 0.01 m.s-1 stable
cm2 square centimetre SI derived unit of area; SI base unit equivalent: 1E-4 m2 stable
cm3.m-3 cubic centimetre per cubic metre SI derived unit of volumetric mixing ratio, equivalent to ppm... stable
d day Unit of time, accepted for use with SI: 1 d = 86400 s stable
dB decibel Unit of sound intensity, accepted for use with SI stable
dB.deg-1 decibel per degree (angle) Unit of angular gradient of sound intensity stable
dB.m-1 decibel per metre Unit of spatial gradient of sound intensity stable
dPa.s-1 decipascal per second (microbar per second) SI derived unit of time derivative of pressure, pressure tend... stable
daPa dekapascal SI derived unit of pressure/stress; SI base unit equivalent: ... stable
deg degree (angle) Unit of plane or phase angle, accepted for use with SI: 1 deg... stable
deg.s-1 degree (angle) per second Unit of angular speed, accepted for use with SI stable
deg2 square degree (angle) Unit of square of phase or plane angle, accepted for use with... stable
degC degree Celsius (°C) SI derived unit of temperature, as defined by ITS-90; SI base... stable degree Celsius per 100 metres SI derived unit of spatial gradient of temperature per 100 me... stable
degC.m-1 degree Celsius per metre SI derived unit of spatial gradient of temperature per metre;... stable
dm decimetre SI prefixed unit of length; SI base unit equivalent: 0.1 m stable
eV electron volt Unit of energy, accepted for use with SI; SI base unit equiva... stable femtomole per kilogram SI derived unit of amount per unit mass; SI base unit equival... stable
ft foot Imperial/US unit of length, equal to 1200/3937 metre or 0.304... stable gram per cubic centimetre SI derived unit of density, equivalent to kilograms per litre... stable gram per kilogram SI derived unit of mass fraction, dimensionless; SI base unit... stable gram per kilogram per second SI derived unit of time derivative of mass fraction; SI base ... stable
g0 standard acceleration due to gravity Conventional unit of gravity acceleration; g0 = 9.80665 m.s-2 stable
gpm geopotential metre The height of a given point in the atmosphere in units propor... stable
h hour Unit of time, accepted for use with SI: 1 h = 3600 s stable
hPa hectopascal SI derived unit of pressure/stress; SI base unit equivalent: ... stable
hPa.(3h)-1 hectopascal per 3 hours SI derived unit of time derivative of pressure; SI base unit ... stable
hPa.h-1 hectopascal per hour SI derived unit of time derivative of pressure; SI base unit ... stable
hPa.s-1 hectopascal per second SI derived unit of time derivative of pressure; SI base unit ... stable
ha hectare Unit of area, accepted for use with SI: 1 ha = 1E4 m2 stable
in inch Imperial/US unit of length, equal to 25.4 millimetres stable
inapplicable inapplicable There is no value (categorical data) stable
kHz kilohertz SI derived unit of frequency; SI base unit equivalent: 1000 s... stable
kPa kilopascal SI derived unit of pressure/stress, equal to 1000 Pa; SI base... stable kilocalory per square centimetre Unit of radiant exposure, equal to 4.184E7 J.m-2 stable
kg kilogram SI base unit of mass stable
kg-2.s-1 per square kilogram per second SI derived unit of quantity with dimension of M-2.T-1 stable kilogram per kilogram SI derived unit of mass fraction; SI base unit equivalent: 1 stable kilogram per kilogram per second SI derived unit of time derivative of mass fraction; SI base ... stable
kg.m-1 kilogram per metre SI derived unit of linear mass density or quantity with dimen... stable
kg.m-2 kilogram per square metre SI derived unit of area density stable
kg.m-2.s-1 kilogram per square metre per second SI derived unit of time derivative of mass area density stable
kg.m-3 kilogram per cubic metre SI derived unit of density, mass density stable
km kilometre SI prefixed unit of length; SI base unit equivalent: 1000 m stable
km-1 per kilometre SI derived unit of quantity with dimension of reciprocal leng... stable per kilometre per steradian SI derived unit of the scattering coefficient at a given dire... stable
km.d-1 kilometre per day SI derived unit of speed; SI base unit equivalent: 1000/86400... stable
km.h-1 kilometre per hour SI derived unit of speed; SI base unit equivalent: 1000/3600 ... stable
kt knot Conventional unit of speed, equal to 1 nmi/h; SI base unit eq... stable knot per 1000 metres Conventional unit of spatial gradient of speed; SI base unit ... stable
l litre SI derived unit of volume; SI base unit equivalent: 0.001 m3 stable
lm lumen SI derived unit of luminous flux; SI base unit equivalent: 1 ... stable
lx lux SI derived unit of illuminance; SI base unit equivalent: cd.m... stable
m metre SI base unit of length stable
m(2.3-1).s-1 metre to the two thirds power per second SI derived unit of the quantity with dimension of L^(2/3) T-1 stable
m-1 per metre SI derived unit of quantity with dimension of reciprocal leng... stable per metre per steradian SI derived unit of the scattering coefficient at a given dire... stable
m-3 per cubic metre SI derived unit of specific volume stable
m.a-1 metre per year Conventional unit of velocity stable
m.s-1 metre per second SI derived unit of speed stable metre per second per 1000 metres SI derived unit of spatial gradient of speed; SI base unit eq... stable
m.s-1.m-1 metre per second per metre SI derived unit of spatial gradient of speed stable
m.s-2 metre per second squared SI derived unit of acceleration stable
m2 square metre SI derived unit of area stable
m2.s square metre second SI derived unit of sea surface wave variance spectral density stable
m2.s-1 square metre per second SI derived unit of kinematic viscosity, thermal diffusivity, ... stable
m2.s-2 square metre per square second SI derived quantity with dimension of squared speed stable
m2.s.rad-1 square metre second per radian SI derived unit of sea surface wave directional variance spec... stable
m3 cubic metres SI derived unit of volume stable
m3.m-3 cubic metre per cubic metre SI derived unit of volume fraction; SI base unit equivalent: ... stable
m3.s-1 cubic metre per second SI derived unit of volume flow rate or time derivative of vol... stable
m4 metre to the fourth power SI derived unit of the second moment of area, area moment of ... stable
mBq.m-3 millibecquerel per cubic metre SI derived unit of volumetric radioactivity concentration; SI... stable
mGal milligal CGS unit of acceleration, equal to one thousandth of a Gal (1... stable millisiemens per centimetre SI derived unit of spatial gradient of electrical conductance... stable
mSv millisievert SI derived unit of equivalent dose (of ionizing radiation); S... stable
mV millivolt SI derived unit of voltage, electrical potential difference, ... stable
mbar millibar Conventional unit of pressure, equal to 1 hPa; SI base unit e... stable milligram per cubic centimetre SI derived unit of mass concentration; SI base unit equivalen... stable milligram per kilogram SI derived unit of mass fraction, equivalent to ppmm (parts p... stable
mg.l-1 milligram per litre SI derived unit of density or mass concentration; SI base uni... stable
mg.m-3 milligram per cubic metre SI derived unit of density or mass concentration; SI base uni... stable
min minute (time) Unit of time, accepted for use with SI: 1 min = 60 s stable
missing missing The correct value is not readily available to the sender of t... stable
mm millimetre SI prefixed unit of length; SI base unit equivalent: 0.001 m stable
mm.h-1 millimetre per hour SI derived unit of speed; SI base unit equivalent: 1/3.6E6 m.... stable
mm.s-1 millimetre per second SI derived unit of speed; SI base unit equivalent: 0.001 m.s-... stable
mm3.m-3 cubic millimetre per cubic metre SI derived unit of volumetric mixing ratio, equivalent to ppb... stable
mm6.m-3 millimetre to the sixth power per cubic metre SI derived unit of quantity with dimension of L3; SI base uni... stable
mmHg millimetre of mercury Conventional unit of pressure, equal to 133.322387415 Pa stable
mmol.mol-1 millimole per mole SI derived unit equivalent to expressing mole fraction in par... stable
mol mole SI base unit of amount of substance stable
mol.mol-1 mole per mole SI derived unit of mole fraction; SI base unit equivalent: 1 stable
mon month Conventional unit of time duration of between 28-31 days wher... stable
nbar nanobar Conventional unit of pressure; SI base unit equivalent: 1E-4 ... stable nanogram per kilogram SI derived unit of mass fraction, equivalent to pptm (parts p... stable
ng.m-3 nanogram per cubic metre SI derived unit of mass concentration; SI base unit equivalen... stable
nm nanometre SI prefixed unit of length; SI base unit equivalent: 1E-9 m stable
nmi nautical mile Conventional unit of length; SI base unit equivalent: 1852 m stable nanomole per kilogram SI derived unit of amount per unit mass; SI base unit equival... stable
nmol.mol-1 nanomole per mole SI derived unit of mole fraction; SI base unit equivalent: 1E... stable
okta eights of sky covered by cloud Unit of cloud amount, expressed as number of eighths of the s... stable
pH_unit pH unit Negative decimal logarithm of the hydrogen ion activity ('eff... stable
pc parsec Astronomical unit of length, 1 pc = 64800/Π AU stable
percent per cent Dimensionless number, expressed as a fraction of 100; SI base... stable
permeg per meg Dimensionless number, expressed as a fraction of 1000000; SI ... stable
permil per mille Dimensionless number, expressed as a fraction of 1000; SI bas... stable picomole per kilogram SI derived unit of amount per unit mass; SI base unit equival... stable
pmol.mol-1 picomole per mole SI derived unit equivalent of mole fraction; SI base unit equ... stable
ppbv parts per billion by volume Unit of volume fraction, equivalent to SI derived unit: 1E-9 stable
ppmv parts per million by volume Unit of volume fraction, equivalent to SI derived unit: 1E-6 stable
pptv parts per trillion by volume Unit of volume fraction, equivalent to SI derived unit: 1E-12 stable
psu practical salinity unit Conventional unit, equivalent to per mille; SI based unit equ... stable
rad radian SI derived unit of plane angle; SI base unit equivalent: 1 stable
rad.m-1 radian per metre SI derived unit of spatial gradient of plane angle stable
rad.s-1 radian per second SI derived unit of angular velocity; SI base unit equivalent:... stable
s second SI base unit of time stable
s-2 per second squared SI derived unit of second order time derivative stable
s.m-1 second per metre SI derived unit of quantity with dimension of T.L-1 stable
sr steradian SI derived unit of solid angle; SI base unit equivalent: 1 stable
t tonne Unit of mass, accepted for use with SI; SI base unit equivale... stable
t.ha-1 (metric) ton per hectare Unit of area density, equal to 0.1 kg.m-2 stable
u unified atomic mass unit Conventional unit of mass; 1 u = 1 Da (Dalton) = 1.6605390666... stable microsiemens per centimetre SI derived unit of spatial gradient of electrical conductance... stable microgram per kilogram SI derived unit of mass fraction, equivalent to ppbm (parts p... stable
ug.l-1 microgram per litre SI derived unit of mass concentration; SI base unit equivalen... stable
ug.m-3 microgram per cubic metre SI derived unit of mass concentration; SI base unit equivalen... stable
um micrometre SI prefixed unit of length; SI base unit equivalent: 1E-6 m stable cubic micrometre per cubic centimetre SI derived unit of volume fraction, equivalent to pptv (parts... stable micromole per kilogram SI derived unit of amount per unit mass; SI base unit equival... stable
umol.l-1 micromole per litre SI derived unit of amount concentration; SI base unit equival... stable
umol.mol-1 micromole per mole SI derived unit of mole fraction; SI base unit equivalent: 1E... stable
unknown unknown The correct value is not known to, and not computable by, the... stable
week week Conventional unit of time, equivalent to 604800 s stable