Register: Observed variable - measurand (ocean)



Observed variable - measurand (ocean)

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changed on 21 Nov 2019 09:08:06.565
submitted bykurt-hectic
accepted on 29 Apr 2020 14:36:12.698

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description Observed variable - measurand (ocean)
has member relation member
label Observed variable - measurand (ocean)
member Wind stress | Mean dynamic topography (MDT) | Density | pCO2 air-sea flux | NO3- (nitrate) | Sea-ice surface characteristics | Directional waves | Chlorophyll a concentration | Ocean current speed | Transmissivity | Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) | Dominant wave period | pCO2 | Oil spill cover | O2-Ar ratio | Sea-ice cover | Ocean subsurface tracers | Sea surface height anomaly (SSHA) | Dissolved organic nitrogen | Water-leaving spectral radiance | Dominant wave direction | Sea-ice type | Ocean Surface heat flux | Sea surface height (SSH, OST) | PO4= (phosphate) | Wave directional energy frequency spectrum | Conductivity | NO2- (nitrite) | Wave period | Diffuse attenuation coefficient (DAC), turbidity | Ocean current direction | Sea surface mass flux | Sea surface temperature | Dissolved oxygen | Sea-ice motion | pH | Ocean suspended sediments concentration | Sea surface salinity | Total organic phosphorus | Zooplankton biomass and diversity | Dissolved organic carbon | Surface currents | Sea-ice thickness | Bathymetry | Mean sea surface (MSS) | Zooplankton (size and/or development stage) | Subsurface salinity | Pressure | Sea-ice surface temperature | Wave 1D energy frequency spectrum | Wave height | Significant wave height | C2H6S (dimethylsulfide, DMS) | Fluorescence (DOM) | SiO3= (metasilicate) | Primary production | Subsurface temperature | Ocean subsurface dissolved oxygen concentration | Sea-ice elevation | Total alkalinity (TA) | Tides | pO2 | Ocean dynamic topography (ODT) | Coastal sea level (tide) | N2, Ar
modified 2 Jan 2024 17:12:37.012
type Collection | Register | Container
version info 6
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Notation Name Description Status
13 Bathymetry Bathymetry stable
18 Pressure Pressure (depth) measured by CTD. stable
62 Ocean current direction Direction of ocean motion measured at various depth levels stable
63 Ocean current speed Velocity of ocean motion measured at various depth levels stable
64 Ocean dynamic topography (ODT) Deviation of sea level from the geoid caused by ocean current... stable
65 Surface currents Ocean Vector motion measured at or near the surface (at state... stable
67 Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) The cumulated concentration of inorganic carbon species (diss... stable
68 Dissolved organic carbon Concentration of dissolved organic carbon stable
69 Dissolved organic nitrogen Concentration of dissolved organic nitrogen stable
70 Diffuse attenuation coefficient (DAC), turbidity Indicator of water turbidity and vertical processes in the oc... stable
71 Chlorophyll a concentration Concentration of chlorophyll-a pigment in the surface water [... stable
72 Ocean suspended sediments concentration Variable extracted from ocean colour observation. Indicative ... stable
73 Oil spill cover Fraction of an ocean area polluted by hydrocarbons released f... stable
74 Primary production Production of organic matter by 'phytoplankton', microscopic ... stable
75 Sea surface mass flux Sea surface mass flux stable
76 Ocean Surface heat flux The exchange of heat, per unit area, crossing the surface be... stable
77 Sea surface height anomaly (SSHA) Sea surface height anomaly stable
78 Total alkalinity (TA) The amount of acid necessary to titrate all weak bases in sea... stable
79 pH Negative decimal logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration ... stable
82 SiO3= (metasilicate) Concentration of dissolved metasilicate stable
85 O2-Ar ratio Ratio of O2/Ar concentrations stable
86 Ocean subsurface dissolved oxygen concentration Concentration of dissolved oxygen stable
87 Dissolved oxygen Concentration of dissolved oxygen (O2) in the water column stable
89 Water-leaving spectral radiance Upward spectral radiance from the ocean surface, i.e. amount ... stable
90 C2H6S (dimethylsulfide, DMS) Concentration of DMS stable
91 Subsurface salinity Salinity of seawater stable
92 Sea surface salinity Salinity of sea water in the surface layer (upper ~1 m if obs... stable
94 Subsurface temperature Seawater temperature measured with depth (degrees celsius/kel... stable
95 Sea surface temperature Temperature of the sea water at surface. The 'bulk' temperatu... stable
96 Coastal sea level (tide) Deviation of sea level from local references in coastal zones... stable
98 Dominant wave direction One feature of the ocean wave spectrum. It is the direction o... stable
99 Dominant wave period The period of the most energetic wave in the ocean wave spect... stable
100 Significant wave height Average amplitude of the highest 33 out of 100 waves stable
101 Wave 1D energy frequency spectrum 1D variable colloquially referred to as wave spectrum. Descri... stable
102 Wave directional energy frequency spectrum 2D variable colloquially referred to as wave spectrum. Descri... stable
103 Wind stress The shear force per unit area exerted by wind blowing over th... stable
311 NO2- (nitrite) Nitrite concentration in sea water. stable
312 NO3- (nitrate) Nitrate concentration in sea water. stable
399 PO4= (phosphate) Phosphate concentration in sea water. stable
400 Total organic phosphorus Concentration of dissolved organic phosphorous stable
401 Sea-ice cover Fraction of an ocean area where ice is present stable
402 Sea-ice elevation Elevation of the surface of the sea-ice sheet above sea level stable
403 Sea-ice motion Sea-ice motion stable
404 Sea-ice surface characteristics Sea-ice surface characteristics (albedo, meltpond, dust, snow... stable
405 Sea-ice surface temperature Temperature of the surface of sea-ice stable
406 Sea-ice thickness Thickness of the ice sheet. It is related to sea-ice elevatio... stable
407 Sea-ice type Variable convolving several factors (age, roughness, density,... stable
408 Transmissivity Measure of the light that passes through the water in relatio... stable
549 pO2 partial pressure of O2 stable
731 Conductivity Conductivity measured by CTD or MicroCAT stable
732 Density Density measured by CTD stable
733 Zooplankton (size and/or development stage) Aggregate of animal or animal-like organisms in plankton, as ... stable
735 pCO2 Partial pressure of CO2 stable
736 pCO2 air-sea flux Flux of CO2 from the ocean into the atmosphere stable
739 Fluorescence (DOM) Flurometric coloured dissolved Organic matter concentration stable
740 Mean dynamic topography (MDT) Time-mean (over a prescribed time period) of the sea surface ... stable
741 Mean sea surface (MSS) Time-averaged height (over a prescribed time period) of the o... stable
742 Sea surface height (SSH, OST) Height of the sea surface with respect to the reference ellip... stable
743 Wave height Average of height (trough to crest) of the waves sampled over... stable
744 Wave period The time required for two successive wave crests to pass a fi... stable
745 Directional waves Waves measured in X,Y,Z directions stable
10080 Tides Periodic change of sea height caused by the gravitational for... stable
12245 Zooplankton biomass and diversity Biomass expressed as weight by volume; and diversity of bioma... stable
12246 Ocean subsurface tracers Concentration of trace molecules such as tritium and CFCs stable
12319 N2, Ar Concentration of dissolved N2 and Ar stable