Register: Observed variable - measurand (earth)



Observed variable - measurand (earth)

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is a Collection | Container | Register
changed on 21 Nov 2019 09:07:24.210
submitted bykurt-hectic
accepted on 29 Apr 2020 14:36:12.555

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description Observed variable - measurand (earth)
has member relation member
label Observed variable - measurand (earth)
member Gravity field | Crustal motion (horizontal and vertical) | Geomagnetic field | Gravity gradients | Crustal plates positioning | Earth Rotation | Geoid
modified 21 Nov 2019 09:07:24.210
type Collection | Container | Register
version info 2
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Notation Name Description Status
6 Crustal motion (horizontal and vertical) Changes in time of the position and height of the Earth plate... stable
7 Crustal plates positioning Basis for monitoring the evolution of the lithosphere dynamic... stable
8 Earth Rotation Rotation velocity of the Earth, determining the length of the... stable
9 Geoid Equipotential surface which would coincide exactly with the m... stable
10 Geomagnetic field Magnitude and direction of the 3D magnetic field on the surfa... stable
11 Gravity field Indicative of the statics and dynamics of the lithosphere and... stable
12 Gravity gradients Gradient of the Earth's gravity field measured at the satelli... stable