Register: Representativeness
Notation | Name | Description | Status |
drainageArea | drainage area | An area (also known as 'catchment') having a common outlet fo... | stable |
inapplicable | inapplicable | Not applicable in the context of the observed quantity. | stable |
largeScale | large scale (100 km .. < 3000 km) | An area or volume of 100 km to 3000 km horizontal extent (for... | stable |
mesoscale | mesoscale (3 km .. < 100 km) | An area or volume of 3 km to 100 km horizontal extent (for ex... | stable |
microscale | microscale (< 100 m) | An area or volume less than 100 m horizontal extent (for exam... | stable |
planetaryScale | planetary scale (> 3000 km) | An area or volume of more than 3000 km horizontal extent (for... | stable |
toposcale | toposcale, local scale (100 m .. < 3 km) | An area or volume of 100 m to 3 km horizontal extent (for exa... | stable |
unknown | unknown | The representativeness is unknown in the context of the obser... | stable |