Entry: Observation


URI: http://codes.wmo.int/wmdr/PurposeOfFrequencyUse/observation    

Frequency is used in the observation of a feature of interest

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is a Concept
submitted byamilan17
accepted on 13 Nov 2020 08:44:12.584

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date accepted 13 Nov 2020 08:44:12.584
date submitted 13 Nov 2020 08:35:11.890
entity Observation
source graph graph

description Frequency is used in the observation of a feature of interest
item class Concept
label Observation
notation observation
register purpose of frequency use
status status stable
account name https://api.github.com/users/amilan17
name amilan17

type register item
version info 2
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description Frequency is used in the observation of a feature of interest
label Observation
notation observation
type Concept