Entry: image velocimetry - showing version 1
URI: http://codes.wmo.int/wmdr/ObservingMethodTerrestrial/381
The measurement of velocities at the free surface of a moving water body using PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) or LSPIV (Large Scale Particle Image Velocimetry) operates on the principle of statistical estimation of the displacement of groups of particles in consecutive images. The estimation is most-often made using cross-correlations applied to the spatial distribution of the light intensity defining the patterns (i.e., the pattern image) enclosed in small interrogation areas covering the whole image. The results of image processing is a velocity vector field centered on the interrogation area grid determined by dividing the estimated displacement with the time between images in the pair. Note: Given that LSPIV images cover large areas usually recorded from an oblique angle to the flow surface, an additional step is customarily involved, i.e. image orthorectification [Based on Aberle et al., Experimental Hydraulics: Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques, 2017 and Muste et al., Large-Scale Particle Image Velocimetry for Measurements in Riverine Environments, Special Issue on Hydrologic Measurements, Water Resources Research 44, 2008].
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The measurement of velocities at the free surface of a moving water body using PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) or LSPIV (Large Scale Particle Image Velocimetry) operates on the principle of statistical estimation of the displacement of groups of particles in consecutive images. The estimation is most-often made using cross-correlations applied to the spatial distribution of the light intensity defining the patterns (i.e., the pattern image) enclosed in small interrogation areas covering the whole image. The results of image processing is a velocity vector field centered on the interrogation area grid determined by dividing the estimated displacement with the time between images in the pair. Note: Given that LSPIV images cover large areas usually recorded from an oblique angle to the flow surface, an additional step is customarily involved, i.e. image orthorectification [Based on Aberle et al., Experimental Hydraulics: Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques, 2017 and Muste et al...
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image velocimetry
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