Entry: Acoustic doppler current meter - showing version 1


URI: http://codes.wmo.int/wmdr/ObservingMethodTerrestrial/369    

Determination of stream velocity by means of an acoustic Doppler instrument, which measures the velocity of the water based on the Doppler shift experienced by an acoustic pulse of energy which is reflected off particles suspended in, and moving with, the water. [Based on 'Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter' in Guide to Hydrological Practices (WMO-No. 168), Volume I. 2008 edition, updated in 2020.]

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submitted byamilan17

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date submitted 14 Nov 2022 14:49:52.289
entity Acoustic doppler current meter
source graph graph

description Determination of stream velocity by means of an acoustic Doppler instrument, which measures the velocity of the water based on the Doppler shift experienced by an acoustic pulse of energy which is reflected off particles suspended in, and moving with, the water. [Based on 'Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter' in Guide to Hydrological Practices (WMO-No. 168), Volume I. 2008 edition, updated in 2020.]
item class Concept
label Acoustic doppler current meter
notation 369
register observing method terrestrial
status status stable
account name https://api.github.com/users/amilan17
name amilan17

type register item
version info 1
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description Determination of stream velocity by means of an acoustic Doppler instrument, which measures the velocity of the water based on the Doppler shift experienced by an acoustic pulse of energy which is reflected off particles suspended in, and moving with, the water. [Based on 'Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter' in Guide to Hydrological Practices (WMO-No. 168), Volume I. 2008 edition, updated in 2020.]
label Acoustic doppler current meter
notation 369
type Concept