Entry: Relative attenuated backscatter - showing version 1


URI: http://codes.wmo.int/wmdr/ObservedVariableAtmosphere/12251   

The product of the total volume backscatter coefficient and the atmospheric two-way transmission of the layers between the instrument and the observed volume presented in arbitrary units. The total volume backscatter coefficient is the sum of all backscatter coefficients from the atmosphere (including from molecules and particles) accounting for all polarizations. The atmospheric two-way transmission accounts for the total volume (molecular and particulate and all polarizations) extinction along the path from the instrument to the observed volume and back. The value of this variable in presented in relative, arbitrary units to account for observations of attenuated backscatter lacking final absolute calibrations.

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submitted byamilan17

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date submitted 14 Nov 2022 14:49:40.316
entity Relative attenuated backscatter
source graph graph

description The product of the total volume backscatter coefficient and the atmospheric two-way transmission of the layers between the instrument and the observed volume presented in arbitrary units. The total volume backscatter coefficient is the sum of all backscatter coefficients from the atmosphere (including from molecules and particles) accounting for all polarizations. The atmospheric two-way transmission accounts for the total volume (molecular and particulate and all polarizations) extinction along the path from the instrument to the observed volume and back. The value of this variable in presented in relative, arbitrary units to account for observations of attenuated backscatter lacking final absolute calibrations.
item class Concept
label Relative attenuated backscatter
notation 12251
register observed variable atmosphere
status status stable
account name https://api.github.com/users/amilan17
name amilan17

type register item
version info 1
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description The product of the total volume backscatter coefficient and the atmospheric two-way transmission of the layers between the instrument and the observed volume presented in arbitrary units. The total volume backscatter coefficient is the sum of all backscatter coefficients from the atmosphere (including from molecules and particles) accounting for all polarizations. The atmospheric two-way transmission accounts for the total volume (molecular and particulate and all polarizations) extinction along the path from the instrument to the observed volume and back. The value of this variable in presented in relative, arbitrary units to account for observations of attenuated backscatter lacking final absolute calibrations.
label Relative attenuated backscatter
notation 12251
type Concept