Entry: Per cent precipitation in a sub-period of an overall period (Encoded as per cent accumulation over the sub-period) - showing version 1
URI: http://codes.wmo.int/grib2/codeflag/4.2/1-1-1
Per cent precipitation in a sub-period of an overall period (Encoded as per cent accumulation over the sub-period)
category (property) |
Hydrology probabilities
description |
Per cent precipitation in a sub-period of an overall period (Encoded as per cent accumulation over the sub-period)
discipline (property) |
Hydrological products
edition number |
FM 92 GRIB edition 2
identifier |
parameter data code table
| category (property)
| discipline (property)
| edition number
label |
Per cent precipitation in a sub-period of an overall period (Encoded as per cent accumulation over the sub-period)
parameter data code table |
pref label |
Per cent precipitation in a sub-period of an overall period (Encoded as per cent accumulation over the sub-period)
type |
| Parameter(Class)
unit |
per cent