Entry: ComplexSamplingMeasurement
URI: http://codes.wmo.int/common/observation-type/METCE/2013/ComplexSamplingMeasurement
ComplexSamplingMeasurement (a subclass of OM_ComplexObservation) is intended for use where the observation event is concerned with the evaluation of multiple measurands at a specified location and time instant or duration. The result of this observation type shall refer to an entity of metatype Record (from ISO 19103). ComplexSamplingMeasurement enforces the following additional constraints: 'featureOfInterest' shall refer to an entity of type SF_SpatialSamplingFeature (from ISO 19156), or subclass thereof; and 'procedure' shall refer to an entity of type Process (from METCE), or subclass thereof. The OM_ComplexObservation is used because the 'result' of this class of observations is a group of measures, provided as a Record. Again, this matches the WMO application domain wherein multiple phenomena are measured within a single 'observation event'. The term ‘measurement’ is used in the name in an attempt to reduce confusion arising from the overloading of the term ‘observation’.
description |
ComplexSamplingMeasurement (a subclass of OM_ComplexObservation) is intended for use where the observation event is concerned with the evaluation of multiple measurands at a specified location and time instant or duration. The result of this observation type shall refer to an entity of metatype Record (from ISO 19103). ComplexSamplingMeasurement enforces the following additional constraints: 'featureOfInterest' shall refer to an entity of type SF_SpatialSamplingFeature (from ISO 19156), or subclass thereof; and 'procedure' shall refer to an entity of type Process (from METCE), or subclass thereof. The OM_ComplexObservation is used because the 'result' of this class of observations is a group of measures, provided as a Record. Again, this matches the WMO application domain wherein multiple phenomena are measured within a single 'observation event'. The term ‘measurement’ is used in the name in an attempt to reduce confusion arising from the overloading of the term ‘observation’.
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see also |
oM complex observation
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