Entry: ComplexSamplingMeasurement


URI: http://codes.wmo.int/common/observation-type/METCE/2013/ComplexSamplingMeasurement    

ComplexSamplingMeasurement (a subclass of OM_ComplexObservation) is intended for use where the observation event is concerned with the evaluation of multiple measurands at a specified location and time instant or duration. The result of this observation type shall refer to an entity of metatype Record (from ISO 19103). ComplexSamplingMeasurement enforces the following additional constraints: 'featureOfInterest' shall refer to an entity of type SF_SpatialSamplingFeature (from ISO 19156), or subclass thereof; and 'procedure' shall refer to an entity of type Process (from METCE), or subclass thereof. The OM_ComplexObservation is used because the 'result' of this class of observations is a group of measures, provided as a Record. Again, this matches the WMO application domain wherein multiple phenomena are measured within a single 'observation event'. The term ‘measurement’ is used in the name in an attempt to reduce confusion arising from the overloading of the term ‘observation’.

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date submitted 3 Sep 2014 09:52:33.864
entity ComplexSamplingMeasurement
source graph graph

description ComplexSamplingMeasurement (a subclass of OM_ComplexObservation) is intended for use where the observation event is concerned with the evaluation of multiple measurands at a specified location and time instant or duration. The result of this observation type shall refer to an entity of metatype Record (from ISO 19103). ComplexSamplingMeasurement enforces the following additional constraints: 'featureOfInterest' shall refer to an entity of type SF_SpatialSamplingFeature (from ISO 19156), or subclass thereof; and 'procedure' shall refer to an entity of type Process (from METCE), or subclass thereof. The OM_ComplexObservation is used because the 'result' of this class of observations is a group of measures, provided as a Record. Again, this matches the WMO application domain wherein multiple phenomena are measured within a single 'observation event'. The term ‘measurement’ is used in the name in an attempt to reduce confusion arising from the overloading of the term ‘observation’.
item class Concept
label ComplexSamplingMeasurement
notation ComplexSamplingMeasurement
register 2013
status status experimental
name bootstrap

type register item
version info 1
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description ComplexSamplingMeasurement (a subclass of OM_ComplexObservation) is intended for use where the observation event is concerned with the evaluation of multiple measurands at a specified location and time instant or duration. The result of this observation type shall refer to an entity of metatype Record (from ISO 19103). ComplexSamplingMeasurement enforces the following additional constraints: 'featureOfInterest' shall refer to an entity of type SF_SpatialSamplingFeature (from ISO 19156), or subclass thereof; and 'procedure' shall refer to an entity of type Process (from METCE), or subclass thereof. The OM_ComplexObservation is used because the 'result' of this class of observations is a group of measures, provided as a Record. Again, this matches the WMO application domain wherein multiple phenomena are measured within a single 'observation event'. The term ‘measurement’ is used in the name in an attempt to reduce confusion arising from the overloading of the term ‘observation’.
label ComplexSamplingMeasurement
see also oM complex observation
type Concept