Register: Code Table D-3: METCE observation types



The items within this code table are specialized observation or measurement types defined within 'Modèle pour l'Échange des informations sur le Temps, le Climat et l'Eau' (METCE). Each observation or measurement type listed herein is specified as a class in METCE that derives from the OM_Observation class (defined in ISO 19156, Geographic information - Observations and measurements, clause 6.2) or sub-class thereof.

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contained item class Collection
description The items within this code table are specialized observation or measurement types defined within 'Modèle pour l'Échange des informations sur le Temps, le Climat et l'Eau' (METCE). Each observation or measurement type listed herein is specified as a class in METCE that derives from the OM_Observation class (defined in ISO 19156, Geographic information - Observations and measurements, clause 6.2) or sub-class thereof.
label Code Table D-3: METCE observation types
manager www dm
member WMO METCE observation types (2013)
membership predicate member
modified 3 Sep 2014 09:52:33.790
notation D-3
owner wmo
subregister WMO METCE observation types (2013)
type Container | Collection | Register
version info 2
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Notation Name Description Status
2013   WMO METCE observation types (2013) Observation types for METCE (2013). stable