Register: State of sky in the tropics



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label State of sky in the tropics
manager www dm
member Swelling Cumulus with towers having a pronounced tilt in a downwind direction; vertical cloud thickness is more than one and a half times that of its average width | State of sky unknown or not described by any of the above | Tall Cumulus congestus with vertical thickness more than twice the average width; not organized in clusters or lines; one or more layers of clouds extend out from the cloud towers, although no continuous cloud layers exist | Isolated Cumulonimbus or large clusters of Cumulus turrets separated by wide areas in which clouds are absent; cloud bases are generally dark with showers observed in most cells; some scattered middle and upper clouds may be present; individual Cumulus cells are one to two times higher than they are wide | Missing value | Continuous sheets of middle clouds and/or Cirrostratus with Cumulonimbus and Cumulus congestus in organized lines or cloud bands; rain is generally observed from Altostratus sheets and heavy showers from Cumulonimbus; wind has a squally character | Numerous Cumulus extending through the middle troposphere with broken to overcast sheets of middle clouds and/or Cirrostratus; Cumulus towers do not decrease generally in size with height; ragged dark cloud bases with some showers present | Continuous dense middle clouds and/or Cirrostratus cloud sheets with some large isolated Cumulonimbus or Cumulus congestus clouds penetrating these sheets; light rain occasionally observed from the Altostratus; Cumulonimbus bases ragged and dark with showers visible | Cumulus of intermediate size with cloud cover less than 5/8; average cloud width is more than its vertical thickness; towers are vertical with little or no evidence of precipitation, except along slopes of elevated terrain; a general absence of middle and upper clouds | Cumulus, if any, are quite small; generally less than 2/8 coverage, except on windward slopes of elevated terrain; average width of cloud is at least as great as its vertical thickness | Swelling Cumulus with rapidly growing tall turrets which decrease in size with height and whose tops tend to separate from the longer cloud body and evaporate within minutes of the separation | Swelling Cumulus with towers having a pronounced tilt in an upwind direction; vertical cloud thickness is more than one and a half times that of its average width
membership predicate member
modified 3 Sep 2014 09:54:54.556
owner wmo
publisher wmo
type Collection | Container | Register
version info 1
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Notation Name Description Status
0 Cumulus, if any, are quite small; generally less than 2/8 coverage, except on windward slopes of elevated terrain; average width of cloud is at least as great as its vertical thickness stable
1 Cumulus of intermediate size with cloud cover less than 5/8; average cloud width is more than its vertical thickness; towers are vertical with little or no evidence of precipitation, except along slopes of elevated terrain; a general absence of middle and upper clouds stable
2 Swelling Cumulus with rapidly growing tall turrets which decrease in size with height and whose tops tend to separate from the longer cloud body and evaporate within minutes of the separation stable
3 Swelling Cumulus with towers having a pronounced tilt in a downwind direction; vertical cloud thickness is more than one and a half times that of its average width stable
4 Swelling Cumulus with towers having a pronounced tilt in an upwind direction; vertical cloud thickness is more than one and a half times that of its average width stable
5 Tall Cumulus congestus with vertical thickness more than twice the average width; not organized in clusters or lines; one or more layers of clouds extend out from the cloud towers, although no continuous cloud layers exist stable
6 Isolated Cumulonimbus or large clusters of Cumulus turrets separated by wide areas in which clouds are absent; cloud bases are generally dark with showers observed in most cells; some scattered middle and upper clouds may be present; individual Cumulus cells are one to two times higher than they are wide stable
7 Numerous Cumulus extending through the middle troposphere with broken to overcast sheets of middle clouds and/or Cirrostratus; Cumulus towers do not decrease generally in size with height; ragged dark cloud bases with some showers present stable
8 Continuous dense middle clouds and/or Cirrostratus cloud sheets with some large isolated Cumulonimbus or Cumulus congestus clouds penetrating these sheets; light rain occasionally observed from the Altostratus; Cumulonimbus bases ragged and dark with showers visible stable
9 Continuous sheets of middle clouds and/or Cirrostratus with Cumulonimbus and Cumulus congestus in organized lines or cloud bands; rain is generally observed from Altostratus sheets and heavy showers from Cumulonimbus; wind has a squally character stable
10 State of sky unknown or not described by any of the above stable
15 Missing value stable