Entry: Isolated Cumulonimbus or large clusters of Cumulus turrets separated by wide areas in which clouds are absent; cloud bases are generally dark with showers observed in most cells; some scattered middle and upper clouds may be present; individual Cumulus cells are one to two times higher than they are wide


URI: http://codes.wmo.int/bufr4/codeflag/0-20-055/6    

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submitted bymarqh (admin)

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date submitted 3 Sep 2014 09:54:54.598
entity Isolated Cumulonimbus or large clusters of Cumulus turrets separated by wide areas in which clouds are absent; cloud bases are generally dark with showers observed in most cells; some scattered middle and upper clouds may be present; individual Cumulus cells are one to two times higher than they are wide
source graph graph

item class Concept
label Isolated Cumulonimbus or large clusters of Cumulus turrets separated by wide areas in which clouds are absent; cloud bases are generally dark with showers observed in most cells; some scattered middle and upper clouds may be present; individual Cumulus cells are one to two times higher than they are wide
notation 6
register 0 20 055
status status stable
name marqh (admin)
openid 100578379482821123729

type register item
version info 1
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FXY 020055
label Isolated Cumulonimbus or large clusters of Cumulus turrets separated by wide areas in which clouds are absent; cloud bases are generally dark with showers observed in most cells; some scattered middle and upper clouds may be present; individual Cumulus cells are one to two times higher than they are wide
notation 6
type Concept