Register: Code Table D-6: Aerodrome recent weather



The items within this code table are the weather types that may be reported within a meteorological aerodrome observation report that have occurred during the period since the last issued routine report or last hour, whichever is shorter, but are not observed at the time of the observation. Requirements for reporting recent weather at an aerodrome are specified in Technical Regulations, Volume II (WMO-No. 49), Part II, Appendix 3, [C.3.1.] This code table contains the set of weather types that are permitted for reporting recent weather. These are a subset of the enumerated set of meteorologically valid combinations specified in Part A, Code Table 4678 comprising elements ‘intensity or proximity’, ‘descriptor’, ‘precipitation’, ‘obscuration’ and/or ‘other’.

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description The items within this code table are the weather types that may be reported within a meteorological aerodrome observation report that have occurred during the period since the last issued routine report or last hour, whichever is shorter, but are not observed at the time of the observation. Requirements for reporting recent weather at an aerodrome are specified in Technical Regulations, Volume II (WMO-No. 49), Part II, Appendix 3, [C.3.1.] This code table contains the set of weather types that are permitted for reporting recent weather. These are a subset of the enumerated set of meteorologically valid combinations specified in Part A, Code Table 4678 comprising elements ‘intensity or proximity’, ‘descriptor’, ‘precipitation’, ‘obscuration’ and/or ‘other’.
label Code Table D-6: Aerodrome recent weather
manager www dm
member Thunderstorm with precipitation of snow | Duststorm | Showery precipitation of unidentified precipitation | Thunderstorm with unidentified precipitation | Funnel cloud(s) (tornado or water-spout) | Precipitation of snow grains | Precipitation of freezing rain | Blowing snow | Thunderstorm with precipitation of hail | Precipitation of ice pellets | Precipitation of rain | Showery precipitation of hail | Showery precipitation of snow | Volcanic ash | Thunderstorm with precipitation of snow pellets/small hail | Precipitation of rain and snow | Precipitation of freezing drizzle | Thunderstorm with precipitation of rain | Unidentified precipitation | Thunderstorm | Precipitation of drizzle | Precipitation of snow | Unidentified freezing precipitation | Showery precipitation of rain | Sandstorm | Showery precipitation of snow pellets/small hail
membership predicate member
modified 4 Apr 2018 15:53:40.229
notation D-6
owner wmo
type Container | Collection | Register
version info 3
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