Register: Programme/network affiliation
Programme/network affiliation
Notation | Name | Description | Status |
AARI | AARI | Buoys managed by Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, Rus... | stable |
AARIUSIABPDB | AARI-USIABP | Collaborative buoys by Arctic and Antarctic Research Institut... | stable |
ACTRIS | ACTRIS | Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure, www.... | stable |
ADD | ADD | Aircraft Derived Data (Mode-S/ADS-B) | stable |
ADNet | ADNet | AD-Net Asian Dust and Lidar Observation Network | stable |
ADSC | ADS-C | Automatic Data Surveillance (ICAO). These are transmitted at ... | stable |
AEROCAN | AEROCAN | AEROCAN, federated to AERONET | stable |
AERONET | AERONET | AErosol RObotic NETwork | stable |
AFIRS | AFIRS | Automated Flight Information & Reporting System (Commercial/F... | stable |
AIREP | AIREP | Aircraft Report (Manual). These are transmitted by the aircra... | stable |
AMDAR | AMDAR | Aircraft Meteorological DAta Relay | stable |
ANTONs | ANTON(S) | Antarctic Observing Network surface station | superseded |
ANTONt | ANTON(T) | Antarctic Observing Network upper-air station (TEMP) | superseded |
AOML | AOML | NA | stable |
AOMLGlider | AOML Glider Program | AOML Glider program is part of the CARICOOS Network | stable |
AOMLHurricaneALAMOFloats | AOML Hurricane ALAMO Floats | Hurricane float programme | stable |
AOMLMFDB | AOML-MF DB | NA | stable |
AOMLeSurfmar | AOML-E-SURFMAR | NA | stable |
AOOSGlider | AOOS Gliders | AOOS glider is the glider program of the Alaska Ocean Observi... | stable |
APLUW | APL-UW | NA | stable |
ARGOFPAIIGMMC | Argo FPAII-GMMC | Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco - Groupe Mission Mercato... | stable |
ARGOMorocco | Argo Morocco | Morocco Argo programme | stable |
ARGONIMSKMA | Argo NIMS/KMA | National Institute of Meteorological Science/Korean Meteorolo... | stable |
ARGOPeru | Argo PERU | Argo project - Peru | stable |
ARGOUWMBARI | Argo UW-MBARI | University of Washington - Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Ins... | stable |
ARGOUWSOCCOM | Argo UW-SOCCOM | University of Washington - Southern Ocean Carbon and Climate ... | stable |
ARGOUWTPOSEQ | Argo UW-TPOS eq. | University of Washington - Tropical Pacific Observing System ... | stable |
ARGOWHOISODAEQ | Argo WHOI-SODA eq. | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution - Stratified Ocean Dynam... | stable |
ARGOWHOIloopcurrentEQ | Argo WHOI-Loop Current eq. | 'Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution - Loop Current, Gulf of... | stable |
ASAPAWI | ASAP-AWI | AWI ASAP program | stable |
ASAPJP | ASAP-JP | Japanese ASAP program | stable |
ASAPKR | ASAP-KR | Korean ASAP program | stable |
ASAPMPI | ASAP-MPI | ASAP on MPI operated RVs like German RV Sonne | stable |
ASAPUS | ASAP-US | US ASAP program led by NOAA | stable |
ASAPZA | ASAP-ZA | South African ASAP program | stable |
ASOGlider | Adriatic Sea Observatory | Repeated section in the Adriatic water transformation region | stable |
AWIDB | AWI-DB | Alfred Wagner Institute Drifter Buoy program | stable |
AlaskaLTERGlider | NSF Northern Gulf of Alaska Long Term Ecological Research | NSF Northern Gulf of Alaska Long Term Ecological Research | stable |
AlseamarGlider | Alseamar scientific glider program | Open Glider program of the French Manufacturer Alseamar | stable |
AlterECOGlider | Alter_Eco glider program | An Alternative Framework to Assess Marine Ecosystem Functioni... | stable |
AtlantOSH2020 | AtlantOS_H2020 | Atlantic Ocean Observing System Horizon 2020 Argo project | stable |
BOMDB | BOM DB | Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) Drifting Buoy program | stable |
BOMMB | BOM MB | Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) Moored Buoy | stable |
BOMTSU | BOM-TSU | Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) Tsunameter Buoy | stable |
BPINC | BP INC | NA | stable |
BSHDWDMB | BSH-DWD-MB | NA | stable |
BSHDWDfixed | BSH-DWD-FIXED | NA | stable |
BSHMB | BSH-MB | NA | stable |
BSRN | BSRN | Baseline Surface Radiation Network | stable |
BULARGO | BULARGO | NA | stable |
C3S | Copernicus Climate Change Service-C3S | The Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) operated by the E... | stable |
CANDHIS | CANDHIS | CANDHIS Wave buoys (CETMEF/Meteo France - (Centre d'Archivage... | stable |
CAPMoN | CAPMoN | Canadian Air and Precipitation Monitoring Network | stable |
CARICOOS | CARICOOS | CarICOOS is the observing arm of the Caribbean Regional Assoc... | stable |
CASTNET | CASTNET | Clean Air Status and Trends Network | stable |
CDIP | CDIP | Coastal Data Information Program (CDIP) | stable |
CEOASGlider | CEOAS glider program | College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences glider prog... | stable |
CIS-LiNet | CIS-LiNet | Atmosphere aerosol and ozone monitoring in CIS regions throug... | stable |
CLIMATc | CLIMAT(C) | Station for which monthly climatological means of surface ele... | superseded |
CLIMATct | CLIMAT(CT) | Station for which monthly climatological means of both surfac... | superseded |
CLIMATt | CLIMAT(T) | Station for which monthly climatological means of upper-air e... | superseded |
CLN | CLN | The NOAA Cooperative Remote Sensing Science and Technology (C... | stable |
COMPSMB | COMPS-MB | Owned and maintained by COMPS (University of South Florida) O... | stable |
CORMPNC | CORMP-NC | Coastal Ocean Research and Monitoring Program -NC | stable |
COSYNA | Coastal Observing System for Northern and Arctic Seas | German multi-platform Observatory of the Northern and Arctic ... | stable |
CSIMB | CSI-MB | Owned and maintained by UNC Coastal Studies Institute, Data p... | stable |
CTBTO | CTBTO | Comprehensive Nuclear-Test Ban Treaty Organization Internatio... | stable |
CYCOFOS | Cyprus Coastal Ocean Forecasting and Observing System | Sub-regional forecasting and observing system in the Eastern ... | stable |
Challenger | Challenger | The Silbo Challenger mission is a partnership between industr... | stable |
CryoNet | CryoNet | NA | superseded |
DBCPothers | DBCP others | NA | stable |
DEKOSIM | DEKOSIM | DEKOSIM is an interdisciplinary research project funded by th... | stable |
DFODB | DFO DB | Department of Fisheries and Oceans Drifter Buoys | stable |
DFOGlider | Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada Glider Program | The Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada Glider Program | stable |
DFOUSVs | DFO USVs | Unmanned/Autonomous Surface Vehicles by DFO, Canada | stable |
DFOUVicGlider | DFO/University of Victoria Glider program | Glider program operated by University of Victoria in collabor... | stable |
EANET | EANET | EANET | stable |
EARLINET | EARLINET | European Aerosol Research Lidar Network | stable |
ECDB | EC DB | Canada Drifting Buoys | stable |
ECIABP | EC-IABP | International Arctic Buoy Program | stable |
ECMB | EC MB | Canadian Moored Buoy Programme (MSC) | stable |
EEAGlider | Extended Ellett Array | The Ellett Array uses moorings, gliders and ship-based hydrog... | stable |
EMEP | EMEP | European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme | stable |
ESRLCCG | ESRLCCG | NOAA-ESRL (CCG) | superseded |
EUROARGO | EUROARGO | European contribution to Argo program | stable |
EuroARGORISE | Euro-Argo RISE | Euro-Argo Research Infrastructure Sustainability and Enhancem... | stable |
EurositesPlanier | EUROSITES PLANIER | NA | stable |
FERHRITSU | FERHRI-TSU | Far Eastern Regional Hydrometeorological Research Institute T... | stable |
FMIGlider | FMI Glider Program | Glider program operated by the Finish Institute of Meteorolog... | stable |
FranceGlider | DTINSU international | Sustained programme of non-repeated National and Internationa... | stable |
GALION | GALION | GAW Aerosol Lidar Observation Network | stable |
GAWPFR | GAW-PFR | GAW Precision Filter Radiometer Network | stable |
GAWglobal | GAW Global | Global GAW station | stable |
GAWlocal | GAW Local | Local GAW station | stable |
GAWnonAffiliated | Non-affiliated | Observing elements that are not affiliated with GAW or any of... | stable |
GAWregional | GAW Regional | Regional GAW station | stable |
GBON | GBON | Global Basic Observing Network | stable |
GCWCryoNet | GCW CryoNet station | A GCW station measuring at least one variable of one cryosphe... | stable |
GCWaffiliated | GCW affiliated station | A station of an GCW affiliated network measuring at least one... | stable |
GCWcontributing | GCW Contributing station | A GCW station which provides useful measurements of the cryos... | stable |
GDP | Global Drifter Program (GDP) | The Global Drifter Program (GDP) operated by SIO's Lagrangian... | stable |
GDPMF | GDPMF | Global Drifter Program drifters with Meteo-France barometer u... | stable |
GEOMARGlider | GEOMAR Glider program | Glider program operated by GEOMAR. Regular cooperation with C... | stable |
GINA | Glider In The Agulhas | Glider program operated by CSIR in South Africa along the Agu... | stable |
GLOSCAL | GLOSCAL | GLOSCAL is a French Project sponsored by ESA, which aims to c... | stable |
GLOSSAO | GLOSS AO | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Angola | stable |
GLOSSAR | GLOSS AR | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Argentina | stable |
GLOSSAU | GLOSS AU | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Australia | stable |
GLOSSBD | GLOSS BD | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Bangladesh | stable |
GLOSSBR | GLOSS BR | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Brasil | stable |
GLOSSCA | GLOSS CA | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Canada | stable |
GLOSSCG | GLOSS CG | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Republic of t... | stable |
GLOSSCI | GLOSS CI | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Côte d'Ivoire | stable |
GLOSSCL | GLOSS CL | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Chile | stable |
GLOSSCM | GLOSS CM | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Cameroon | stable |
GLOSSCN | GLOSS CN | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - China | stable |
GLOSSCO | GLOSS CO | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Colombia | stable |
GLOSSCR | GLOSS CR | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Costa Rica | stable |
GLOSSCU | GLOSS CU | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Cuba | stable |
GLOSSDE | GLOSS DE | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Germany | stable |
GLOSSDJ | GLOSS DJ | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Djibouti | stable |
GLOSSDK | GLOSS DK | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Denmark | stable |
GLOSSEC | GLOSS EC | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Ecuador | stable |
GLOSSEG | GLOSS EG | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Egypt | stable |
GLOSSES | GLOSS ES | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Spain | stable |
GLOSSFR | GLOSS FR | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - France | stable |
GLOSSGB | GLOSS GB | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - United Kingdo... | stable |
GLOSSGH | GLOSS GH | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Ghana | stable |
GLOSSGN | GLOSS GN | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Guinea | stable |
GLOSSHT | GLOSS HT | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Haiti | stable |
GLOSSID | GLOSS ID | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Indonesia | stable |
GLOSSIE | GLOSS IE | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Ireland | stable |
GLOSSIL | GLOSS IL | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Israel | stable |
GLOSSIN | GLOSS IN | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - India | stable |
GLOSSIR | GLOSS IR | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Iran | stable |
GLOSSIS | GLOSS IS | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Iceland | stable |
GLOSSJM | GLOSS JM | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Jamaica | stable |
GLOSSJP | GLOSS JP | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Japan | stable |
GLOSSKE | GLOSS KE | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Kenya | stable |
GLOSSKP | GLOSS KP | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - North Korea | stable |
GLOSSKR | GLOSS KR | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - South Korea | stable |
GLOSSLK | GLOSS LK | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Sri Lanka | stable |
GLOSSMA | GLOSS MA | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Morocco | stable |
GLOSSMG | GLOSS MG | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Madagascar | stable |
GLOSSMM | GLOSS MM | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Myanmar | stable |
GLOSSMU | GLOSS MU | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Mauritius | stable |
GLOSSMX | GLOSS MX | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Mexico | stable |
GLOSSMY | GLOSS MY | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Malaysia | stable |
GLOSSMZ | GLOSS MZ | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Mozambique | stable |
GLOSSNA | GLOSS NA | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Namibia | stable |
GLOSSNG | GLOSS NG | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Nigeria | stable |
GLOSSNO | GLOSS NO | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Norway | stable |
GLOSSNZ | GLOSS NZ | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - New Zealand | stable |
GLOSSOM | GLOSS OM | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Oman | stable |
GLOSSPA | GLOSS PA | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Panama | stable |
GLOSSPE | GLOSS PE | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Peru | stable |
GLOSSPG | GLOSS PG | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Papua New Gui... | stable |
GLOSSPH | GLOSS PH | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Philippines | stable |
GLOSSPK | GLOSS PK | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Pakistan | stable |
GLOSSPT | GLOSS PT | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Portugal | stable |
GLOSSRU | GLOSS RU | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Russia | stable |
GLOSSSC | GLOSS SC | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Seychelles | stable |
GLOSSSE | GLOSS SE | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Sweden | stable |
GLOSSSG | GLOSS SG | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Sinagpore | stable |
GLOSSSN | GLOSS SN | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Senegal | stable |
GLOSSSO | GLOSS SO | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Somalia | stable |
GLOSSSV | GLOSS SV | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - El Salvador | stable |
GLOSSTH | GLOSS TH | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Thailand | stable |
GLOSSTT | GLOSS TT | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Trinidad and ... | stable |
GLOSSTZ | GLOSS TZ | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Tanzania | stable |
GLOSSUS | GLOSS US | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - United states... | stable |
GLOSSUY | GLOSS UY | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Uruguay | stable |
GLOSSVE | GLOSS VE | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Venezuela | stable |
GLOSSVN | GLOSS VN | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Vietnam | stable |
GLOSSVU | GLOSS VU | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Vanuatu | stable |
GLOSSYE | GLOSS YE | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - Yemen | stable |
GLOSSZA | GLOSS ZA | Global Sea Level Observing System Tide Gauges - South Africa | stable |
GNSSradioOccultation | GNSS radio-occultation system | NA | stable |
GOMIX | GOMIX | GOMIX glider program lead by University of Texas | stable |
GOMOGlider | Global Ocean Monitoring and Observing Program - Glider | GOMO provide and support high quality global ocean observatio... | stable |
GOSGeneral | GOS General | No affiliation to other GOS Surface networks | stable |
GOship | GO-SHIP | Global Ocean Ship-Based Hydrographic Investigations Programme | stable |
GRUAN | GRUAN | GCOS Reference Upper-Air Network | stable |
GSN | GSN | GCOS Surface Network | stable |
GSRN | GSRN | GCOS Surface Reference Network | stable |
GTOS | GTOS | Global Terrestrial Observing System | stable |
GUAN | GUAN | GCOS Upper-Air Network | stable |
GreatLakeGlider | Great Lakes Observing System Glider Program | Great Lakes Observing System Glider Program | stable |
HCMRGlider | HCMR glider program | HCMR maintain the Cretan Line. | stable |
HKOBSDB | HK-OBS-DB | Hong Kong Observatory Drifter Buoy | stable |
HZGGlider | HZG glider program | Glider program operated by Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht | stable |
HurricaneGlider | NOAA Glider Hurricane Program | NOAA Glider Hurricane Program aims at improving hurricane for... | stable |
IABP | IABP | International Arctic Buoy Programme (IABP) | stable |
IABPEC | IABP-EC | NA | stable |
IABPNIC | IABP NIC | NA | stable |
IABPUS | IABP US | Coordination/data management of the Intl Arctic Buoy program | stable |
IABPUW | IABP-UW | Intl Arctic Buoy Program (IABP) University of Washington (UW) | stable |
IABPcanada | IABP CANADA | ICE FLOE DRIFT | stable |
IAGOS | IAGOS | In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System | stable |
IBPIO | IBPIO | International Buoy Programme for the Indian Ocean (IBPIO) | stable |
ICOS | ICOS | Integrated Carbon Observation System, | stable |
IDAF | IDAF | IGAC/DEBITS Africa | superseded |
ILBD | IL-DB | Drifting buoy by Israel | stable |
ILMB | IL-MB | Moored buoys by Israel | stable |
IMARPEglider | IMARPE Glider Program | IMARPE (Instituto del Mar del Perœ) glider program | stable |
IMOSGlider | Integrated Marine Observing System - Glider | The Ocean Gliders facility operates a fleet of autonomous und... | stable |
IMPROVE | IMPROVE | IMPROVE Optical Aerosol | stable |
INCOISTSU | INCOIS-TSU | Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services Tsuname... | stable |
INDAAF | INDAAF | International Network to study Deposition and Atmospheric com... | stable |
INDIANIO | INDIA NIO | Collection of METOCEAN data in India Ocean | stable |
INOCARTSU | INOCAR-TSU | Instituto Oceanografico de la Armada Tsunameter buoys | stable |
INTAROSGlider | INTAROS french glider program | Glider deployment run by CNRS in the Fram Strait during INTAR... | stable |
IPABUS | IPABUS | International Programme for Antarctic Buoys - US | stable |
ISMARGlider | CNR Ismar Glider Program | Glider program operated by CNR ISMAR including repeated secti... | stable |
ITPWHOI | ITP-WHOI | NA | stable |
ITPdamocles | ITP-DAMOCLES | NA | stable |
IsraelGlider | Israeli National Monitoring | 3 SeaExplorer gliders purchased and operated under consortium... | stable |
JAMSTECDB | JAMSTECDB | Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology Drifting... | stable |
JAMSTECMB | JAMSTEC-MB | Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology Moored B... | stable |
JMADB | JMA DB | JMA Drifting Buoy | stable |
JMATSU | JMA-TSU | JMA Tsunameter buoys | stable |
KIOSTGlider | KIOST glider program | Glider program operated by KIOST. Storm tracking applications... | stable |
KMAMB | KMA MB | Korea Meteorological Department Moored Buoy programme | stable |
KUDB | KU DB | Drifting Buoys operated by Disaster Prevention Research Insti... | stable |
KUGON | Korea Underwater Glider Observing Network | Korea Underwater Glider Observing Network | stable |
LALINET | LALINET | LALINET Latin America Lidar Network | stable |
LOCEAN | LOCEAN | Laboratory of Oceanography and Climate: Experiments and Digit... | stable |
LTERGlider | NSF Long Term Ecological Research | The Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) program in Antarctic... | stable |
LargeLakeGlider | Large Lakes Observatory Glider Program | Large Lakes Observatory Glider Program | stable |
MAGIC | Mid Atlantic Glider Initiative and Collaboration | Mid Atlantic Glider Initiative and Collaboration | stable |
MARSGlider | Marine Autonomous and Robotic Systems | UK sustained program for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles | stable |
MBARIGlider | MBARI glider program | MBARI and Naval Postgraduate School glider program | stable |
MEDARGO | MEDARGO | NA | stable |
MERSEA | MERSEA | NA | stable |
MIGlider | Marine Institute Glider Program | Glider program operated by the Marine Institute (Ireland) | stable |
MOCCAEU | MOCCA-EU | Monitoring the Oceans and Climate Change with Argo - EU | stable |
MOCCAGER | MOCCA-GER | Monitoring the Oceans and Climate Change with Argo - Germany | stable |
MOCCAIT | MOCCA-IT | Monitoring the Oceans and Climate Change with Argo - Italy | stable |
MOCCANETH | MOCCA-NETH | Monitoring the Oceans and Climate Change with Argo - Netherla... | stable |
MOCCAPOL | MOCCA-POL | Monitoring the Oceans and Climate Change with Argo - Poland | stable |
MOOSEnvironment | Mediterranean Ocean Observing System for the Environment | Mediterranean Ocean Observing System for the Environment | stable |
MPLNET | MPLNET | Micro-Pulse Lidar Network | stable |
MUNGlider | Memorial University of Newfoundland Glider program | Glider operation leaded by MUN | stable |
MeteoFranceDB | METEO FRANCE DB | MF Drifters Atlantic and Indian Ocean | stable |
MeteoFranceMB | METEO FRANCE MB | MF Drifters Atlantic and Indian Ocean | stable |
MeteoFranceWB | METEO FRANCE WB | Meteo-France waverider (operational) | stable |
NADP | NADP | National Atmospheric Deposition Program | stable |
NAOSCanada | NAOS-Canada | Canadian contribution to NAOS program | stable |
NAOSfrance | NAOS-FRANCE | Novel Argo Ocean Observing System (NOAS) France project | stable |
NATOGlider | Scientific NATO glider experiment | Sustained gliders scientific experiments from NATO | stable |
NAVOCEANODBCP | Navoceano DBCP | Naval Oceanographic Office DBCP programme | stable |
NCCOOS | NCCOOS | NA | stable |
NCSUglider | NCSU Ocean Observing and Modeling Group Glider Program | Glider program of the NCSU (North Carolina State University) ... | stable |
NDACC | NDACC | Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change | stable |
NDBCBP | NDBC-BP | NA | stable |
NDBCCOE | NDBC-COE | NA | stable |
NDBCCSI | NDBC-CSI | NA | stable |
NDBCMB | NDBC-MB | NA | stable |
NDBCNASA | NDBC-NASA | NA | stable |
NDBCTABS | NDBC-TABS | NA | stable |
NDBCTSU | NDBC-TSU | NDBC Tsunameter buoys | stable |
NDBCUSCG | NDBC-USCG | NA | stable |
NDWCTSU | NDWC-TSU | National Disaster Warning Center Tsunameter buoys | stable |
NERACOOSMB | NERACOOS-MB | Owned and maintained by Woods Hole Group/NERACOOS, Data provi... | stable |
NICIABP | NIC-IABP | NA | stable |
NIWAGlider | NIWA Glider Program | Glider program operated by NIWA is New Zealand. | stable |
NOAACBIBS | NOAA-CBIBS | The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) ... | stable |
NOAAGML | NOAA-GML | NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory | stable |
NOAAOAPglider | NOAA Ocean Acidification Program | NOAA's Ocean Acidification Program - Gliders | stable |
NOCLGlider | NOC Liverpool Glider Program | NOC Liverpool Glider Program covers the glider deployments le... | stable |
NWSNDBCMB | NWS-NDBC-MB | NWS NDBC Moored buoy | stable |
NWSNDBCWB | NWS-NDBC-WB | NWS NDBC Wave buoy | stable |
NZTSU | NZ-TSU | GNS Science is a New Zealand Crown Research Institute | stable |
NansenLegacyGlider | NorGliders - Nansen Legacy | Nansen Legacy glider program Operated by NorGliders | stable |
NavoceanGlider | US NAVY glider program | Glider program operated by NAVOCANO (Oceanographic component ... | stable |
NewZealandDB | NEW ZEALAND DB | NA | stable |
NorEMSOGlider | NorGlider - NorEMSO | Norwegian Glider program around EMSO sites | stable |
NorwayGlider | NorGliders - other | Norwegian national facility for ocean gliders (NorGliders) is... | stable |
NorwayIMR | NORWAY-IMR | Institute of Marine Research Drifting Buoy Program | stable |
ODYSSEAGlider | ODYSSEA H2020 Glider program | ODYSSEA developed, operate and demonstrate an interoperable a... | stable |
OGSGlider | OGS glider program | Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimental... | stable |
OOICGSNGlider | OOI - Coastal and Global Scale Nodes | The Ocean Observatories Initiative is funded by the National ... | stable |
OOIEnduranceGlider | OOI - Coastal Endurance Array | The OOI is funded by the National Science Foundation and is m... | stable |
OOIMB | OOI-MB | Station owned and maintained by Ocean Observatories Initiativ... | stable |
OSAWI | OS-AWI | AWI OceanSITES program | stable |
OSBAS | OS-BAS | NA | stable |
OSBCCR | OS-BCCR | NA | stable |
OSBIOS | OS-BIOS | NA | stable |
OSCNR | OS-CNR | NA | stable |
OSCNRISMAR | OS-CNR-ISMAR | Moorings operated by Istituto di Scienze MARine (ISMAR), Cons... | stable |
OSCNRS | OS-CNRS | NA | stable |
OSCSIRO | OS-CSIRO | NA | stable |
OSDFO | OS-DFO | NA | stable |
OSDML | OS-DML | NA | stable |
OSEUTHOR | OS-EU-THOR | NA | stable |
OSFSC | OS-FSC | Program monitoring the Atlantic Inflow of the Shetland Branch... | stable |
OSGEOMAR | OS-GEOMAR | NA | stable |
OSHAV | OS-HAV | NA | stable |
OSIEO | OS-IEO | OceanSITES operated by IEO, Spain | stable |
OSIMARPE | OS-IMARPE | NA | stable |
OSIONTU | OS-IO-NTU | NA | stable |
OSIOwarnemuende | OS-IO-WARNEMUENDE | NA | stable |
OSIRD | OS-IRD | NA | stable |
OSIceland | OS-ICELAND | OceanSITES operated by Iceland | stable |
OSJMAJAMSTEC | OS-JMA/JAMSTEC | Moorings Operated by JMA-JAMSTEC | stable |
OSKIOST | OS-KIOST | NA | stable |
OSKORSPilot | OS-KORS Pilot | Korean Ocean Research Stations (KORS), coastal pilot sites op... | stable |
OSLDEO | OS-LDEO | NA | stable |
OSMARUM | OS-MARUM | NA | stable |
OSMBARI | OS-MBARI | NA | stable |
OSMBL | OS-MBL | Moorings operated by Marine Biological Lab, USA | stable |
OSMNR | OS-MNR | OceanSITES operated by Ministry of Natural Resources, China | stable |
OSMSS | OS-MSS | Shetland-branch monitoring in the Faroe-Shetland Channel, con... | stable |
OSNAPGlider | Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program | Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program (OSNAP) is... | stable |
OSNERSC | OS-NERSC | Long time series moorings by Nansen Environmental and Remote ... | stable |
OSNIO | OS-NIO | NA | stable |
OSNIOT | OS-NIOT | NA | stable |
OSNIWA | OS-NIWA | NA | stable |
OSNOAA | OS-NOAA | Moorings operated generically by NOAA | stable |
OSNOAANDBC | OS-NOAA/NDBC | Moorings operated by NDBC | stable |
OSNOC | OS-NOC | NA | stable |
OSOCEANOR | OS-OCEANOR | Moorings operated by OCEANOR, Greece | stable |
OSOGS | OS-OGS | NA | stable |
OSSAM | OS-SAM | Southwest Atlantic MOC | stable |
OSSAMSDML | OS-SAMS_DML | Moorings operated by SAMS, UK | stable |
OSSIO | OS-SIO | NA | stable |
OSSNU | OS-SNU | NA | stable |
OSSOA | OS-SOA | NA | stable |
OSUDB | OSU DB | Ice buoys operated by Oregon State University, USA, contribut... | stable |
OSUNhawaiiManoa | OS-UN_HAWAII_MANOA | NA | stable |
OSUNmiami | OS-UN_MIAMI | NA | stable |
OSUSP | OS-USP | NA | stable |
OSUTokyo | OS-UTokyo | Cabled sites operated by Tokyo University | stable |
OSUW | OS-UW | NA | stable |
OSWHOI | OS-WHOI | NA | stable |
OShamburgUniversity | OS-HAMBURG UNIVERSITY | NA | stable |
OVENSGlider | NorGliders - OVENS | OVENS glider program operated by UiB | stable |
PHOTONS | PHOTONS | PHOTONS, federated to AERONET | stable |
PLOCANGlider | Macaronesian Marine and Maritime Observation Network | Repeated Gliders deployments across the Macaronesian region | stable |
PMELMB | PMEL MB | PMEL Moored Buoys | stable |
PolarGlider | Polar Glider | Polar Gliders in a glider program within the University of Go... | stable |
PortugalMB | PORTUGAL-MB | Portugal - Instituto Hidrografico (IH) | stable |
ProVoLoGlider | NorGliders - ProVoLo | ProVoLo glider program operated by UiB | stable |
RAEONGlider | Real-Time Aquatic Ecosystem Observation Network Glider program | Canadian contribution of the great lake observation using gli... | stable |
RBCN | RBCN | Regional Basic Climatological Networks | superseded |
RBON | RBON | Regional Basic Observing Network | stable |
RBONpilot | RBON-Pilot Project | Regional Basic Observing Network (pilot project) | superseded |
RBSN | RBSN | GOS Regional Basic Synoptic Networks | superseded |
RBSNp | RBSN(P) | Regional Basic Synoptic Network upper-air station (PILOT) | superseded |
RBSNs | RBSN(S) | Regional Basic Synoptic Network surface station (SYNOP) | superseded |
RBSNsp | RBSN(SP) | NA | superseded |
RBSNst | RBSN(ST) | Regional Basic Synoptic Network surface and upper-air station... | superseded |
RBSNt | RBSN(T) | Regional Basic Synoptic Network upper-air station (TEMP) | superseded |
REFINE | REFINE | Robots Explore plankton-driven Fluxes in the marine twIlight ... | stable |
RUCOOLColResGlider | RUCOOL - Collaborative Reasearch | This project integrated a deep rated version of the Ion Sensi... | stable |
RUCOOLGlider | Rutgers Center for Ocean Observing Leadership Glider Program | The Rutgers University Center for Ocean Observing Leadership ... | stable |
SASDB | SAS-DB | Voluntary buoys deployed by Sailing for Science | stable |
SAWSDB | SAWS DB | South African Weather Service Drifting Buoys programme | stable |
SBUMB | SBU-MB | Owned and maintained by Stony Brook University Buoy | stable |
SCALE | SCALE glider program | Glider program operated by CSIR in the Antarctic/Southern Atl... | stable |
SHADOZ | SHADOZ | Southern Hemisphere ADditional Ozonesondes | stable |
SIODB | SIO-DB | Scripps Institution of Oceanography Drifter Buoy | stable |
SIOSGlider | NorGliders - SIOS | SIOS glider program operated by UiB | stable |
SKIOGlider | SKIO Glider Program | SKIO Glider Program is part of SECOORA's observatories to obs... | stable |
SOCIBGDP | SOCIB-GDP | Barometer upgraded drifting buoys managed by the Balearic Isl... | stable |
SOCIBGlider | Balearic Islands Observatory | SOCIB operational program is, covering the Eivissa channel (6... | stable |
SOOP | SOOP | Ship Of Opportunity Programme | stable |
SOOPAOMLTSG | SOOP-AOML-TSG | AOML managed TSG systems | stable |
SOOPBOM | SOOP-BOM | NA | stable |
SOOPFPVRECOPESCA | SOOP-FVP-RECOPESCA | A new example of participative approach to collect in-situ en... | stable |
SOOPFVPBDC | SOOP-FVP-BDC | SOOP-FVP-Beering Data Collective. Collaborative data collecti... | stable |
SOOPFVPCatchingData | SOOP-FVP-Catching Data | Collection of T/S data from fishing equipment, developed by t... | stable |
SOOPFVPODN | SOOP-FVP-ODN | Fishing Vessel observation program led by Ocean Data Network | stable |
SOOPFVPVistools | SOOP-FVP-Vistools | ILVO fishing Vessel Observation Activities | stable |
SOOPIFREMERTSG | SOOP-IFREMER-TSG | T/S underway data collection program from Ifremer operated TS... | stable |
SOOPIRDTSG | SOOP-IRD-TSG | T/S underway data collection program from IRD operated TSG an... | stable |
SOOPIRDXBT | SOOP-IRD-XBT | XBT program from IRD institute | stable |
SOSCEX | SOSCEx glider program | The Southern Ocean Seasonal Cycle Experiment glider program. | stable |
ScrippsGlider | Scripps Glider Program | The Scripps Glider Program is part of the Southern California... | stable |
SpainIEOMB | SPAIN-IEO-MB | Moored Buoys Managed by Spanish Institute of Oceanography of ... | stable |
StonyBrookGlider | Stony Brook Glider Program | SoMas Glider Program is part of the CARICOOS program | stable |
TAMDAR | TAMDAR | Tropospheric Aircraft Meteorological Data Relay (Commercial/P... | stable |
TAMUMB | TAMU-MB | Developed and maintained by Texas A&M University, Funding pro... | stable |
TCCON | TCCON | Total Carbon Column Observing Network | stable |
TGGM | TG GM | Tide gauges in Gambia | stable |
TTUGlider | Tallin University Glider Program | Estonian Glider program operated by Tallin University of Tech... | stable |
UBODB | UBO DB | Drifters funded by UBO (University of Western Brittany) and C... | stable |
UCSDscripps | UCSD-SCRIPPS | SIO/CICESE Sea of Cortez Drifters | stable |
UConnecticutglider | University of Connectuct Glider Program | Glider observation program led by university of Connecticut | stable |
UEAGlider | University of East Anglia Glider Program | Glider program operated by UEA. UEA operated all over the wor... | stable |
UKMODB | UK-MO DB | UK MetOffice Iridium Drifters | stable |
UKMOLV | UK-MO LV | UK Metoffice Light Vessel | stable |
UKMOMB | UK-MO MB | United Kingdom Met Office Moored Buoys | stable |
UKMOfixed | UK-MO FIXED | UK Metoffice Fixed station | stable |
UKjerseyMB | UK-JERSEY MB | NA | stable |
UMasGlider | University of Massachussetts Dartmouth Glider Program | Program created for the deployment operated by the University... | stable |
UNHMB | UNH-MB | Owned and maintained by the University of New Hampshire, Moor... | stable |
USACE | USACE | Owned and maintained by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, data pr... | stable |
USAMLRPGlider | U.S. Antarctic Marine Living Resources Program | U.S. Antarctic Marine Living Resources glider program | stable |
USCGDB | US-CG DB | USCG Drift Buoys | stable |
USEPAGLGlider | US EPA Great Lakes National Program | US EPA Great Lakes National Glider Program. | stable |
USFGlider | University of South Florida Glider Program | USF Glider Program is part of SECOORA monitoring program | stable |
USMGlider | USM Glider Program | USM Glider Program is part of the Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocea... | stable |
UWAPLglider | University of Washington Applied Physics Laboratory Glider Program | Glider program supported by Integrative Observational Platfor... | stable |
UWURIglider | UW-URI Glider Program | Glider program lead by UW in cooperation with University of R... | stable |
Udelawareglider | University of Delaware Glider Program | University of Delaware glider program with the operational su... | stable |
Ugotebordglider | University of GÅ¡teborg Glider Program | University of GÅ¡teborg Glider Program | stable |
Umaineglider | University of Main Glider Program | Glider program run by University of Main | stable |
UnivLasPalmasGlider | Univ las Palmas glider program | Glider program of SITMA-ULPGC | stable |
VIMGlider | Virginia Institute of Marine Science Glider Program | Glider deployment operated by VIMS with observation program. | stable |
VOS3P | VOS-3P | NA | stable |
VOSAR | VOS-AR | Argentina's contribution to the Voluntary Observing Ships (VO... | stable |
VOSAU | VOS-AU | NA | stable |
VOSCA | VOS-CA | NA | stable |
VOSCL | VOS-CL | NA | stable |
VOSCO | VOS-CO | Colombian contribution to the Voluntary Observing Ships (VOS)... | stable |
VOSDE | VOS-DE | NA | stable |
VOSDK | VOS-DK | Danish VOS program | stable |
VOSES | VOS-ES | NA | stable |
VOSEU | VOS-EU | NA | stable |
VOSFR | VOS-FR | NA | stable |
VOSGB | VOS-GB | NA | stable |
VOSGR | VOS-GR | NA | stable |
VOSHK | VOS-HK | NA | stable |
VOSIE | VOS-IE | NA | stable |
VOSIL | VOS-IL | NA | stable |
VOSIN | VOS-IN | NA | stable |
VOSIR | VOS-IR | Islamic Republic of Iran contribution to the Voluntary Observ... | stable |
VOSIS | VOS-IS | NA | stable |
VOSJP | VOS-JP | NA | stable |
VOSKR | VOS-KR | NA | stable |
VOSMAERSK | VOS-MAERSK | Program for Voluntary Observing Ships (VOS) data gathered by ... | stable |
VOSMY | VOS-MY | NA | stable |
VOSNL | VOS-NL | NA | stable |
VOSNO | VOS-NO | NA | stable |
VOSNZ | VOS-NZ | NA | stable |
VOSPL | VOS-PL | Polish VOS program | stable |
VOSRU | VOS-RU | NA | stable |
VOSSE | VOS-SE | NA | stable |
VOSSHIPMASK | VOS-SHIP-MASK | Program created for platforms transmitting under 'SHIP' GTS i... | stable |
VOSSRoCS | VOS-SRoCS | Science Research on Commercial Ships - Voluntary Observing Sh... | stable |
VOSTH | VOS-TH | Thai VOS program | stable |
VOSUS | VOS-US | NA | stable |
VOSZA | VOS-ZA | NA | stable |
VOTOGlider | VOTO: Ocean Knowledge glider program | Ocean Knowledge at Voice of the Ocean glider program | stable |
WHOIGlider | Woods Hole Spray glider Program | Woods Hole Spray glider surveys of the Gulf Stream and other ... | stable |
WHYCOS | WHYCOS | World Hydrological Cycle Observing System | stable |
WRO | WRO | GOS Weather Radar | stable |
WhaleGlider | Whale Glider Program | Whale Glider program in the Chukchi Sea. | stable |
argoAWI | ARGO AWI | ARGO AWI | stable |
argoArgentina | ARGO ARGENTINA | ARGO ARGENTINA | stable |
argoAustralia | ARGO AUSTRALIA | ARGO AUSTRALIA | stable |
argoAustraliaEq | ARGO AUSTRALIA EQ. | ARGO AUSTRALIA EQ. | stable |
argoBGCAOML | Argo BGC, AOML | NOAA/AOML Argo BGC float program | stable |
argoBSH | ARGO BSH | ARGO BSH | stable |
argoBrazil | ARGO BRAZIL | ARGO BRAZIL | stable |
argoBrazilNavy | ARGO BRAZIL NAVY | ARGO BRAZIL NAVY | stable |
argoCanada | ARGO CANADA | ARGO CANADA | stable |
argoCanadaEq | Argo CANADA eq. | Canadian Argo equivalent program | stable |
argoChile | ARGO CHILE | ARGO CHILE | stable |
argoChina | ARGO CHINA | ARGO CHINA | stable |
argoChinaSOA | ARGO CHINA SOA | ARGO CHINA SOA | stable |
argoCostaRica | ARGO COSTA RICA | ARGO COSTA RICA | stable |
argoDeepChina | Argo Deep, CHINA | Deep Argo program led by QNLM (Qingdao pilot National Laborat... | stable |
argoDenmark | ARGO DENMARK | ARGO DENMARK | stable |
argoEcuador | ARGO ECUADOR | ARGO ECUADOR | stable |
argoEqAOML | ARGO EQ. AOML | ARGO EQ. AOML | stable |
argoEqAWI | ARGO EQ. AWI | ARGO EQ. AWI | stable |
argoEqBSH | ARGO EQ. BSH | ARGO EQ. BSH | stable |
argoEqChina | ARGO EQ. CHINA | ARGO EQ. CHINA | stable |
argoEqFSU | ARGO EQ. FSU | ARGO EQ. FSU | stable |
argoEqHNFRI | ARGO EQ. HNFRI | ARGO EQ. HNFRI | stable |
argoEqIFM | ARGO EQ. IFM | ARGO EQ. IFM | stable |
argoEqIFM2 | ARGO EQ. IFM2 | ARGO EQ. IFM2 | stable |
argoEqIreland | ARGO EQ. IRELAND | ARGO EQ. IRELAND | stable |
argoEqJMA | ARGO EQ. JMA | ARGO EQ. JMA | stable |
argoEqJamstec | ARGO EQ. JAMSTEC | ARGO EQ. JAMSTEC | stable |
argoEqNDBC | ARGO EQ. NDBC | ARGO EQ. NDBC | stable |
argoEqNIPR | ARGO EQ. NIPR | ARGO EQ. NIPR | stable |
argoEqNRIFS | ARGO EQ. NRIFS | ARGO EQ. NRIFS | stable |
argoEqNavoceano | ARGO EQ. NAVOCEANO | ARGO EQ. NAVOCEANO | stable |
argoEqOIST | ARGO EQ. OIST | ARGO EQ. OIST | stable |
argoEqORI | ARGO EQ. ORI | ARGO EQ. ORI | stable |
argoEqPMEL | ARGO EQ. PMEL | ARGO EQ. PMEL | stable |
argoEqPomme | ARGO EQ. POMME | ARGO EQ. POMME | stable |
argoEqSage | ARGO EQ. SAGE | ARGO EQ. SAGE | stable |
argoEqTNFRI | ARGO EQ. TNFRI | ARGO EQ. TNFRI | stable |
argoEqTSK | ARGO EQ. TSK | ARGO EQ. TSK | stable |
argoEqTU | ARGO EQ. TU | ARGO EQ. TU | stable |
argoEqUH | ARGO EQ. UH | ARGO EQ. UH | stable |
argoEqUHH | ARGO EQ. UHH | ARGO EQ. UHH | stable |
argoEqUMOSU | ARGO EQ. UM-OSU | ARGO EQ. UM-OSU | stable |
argoEqVocals | ARGO EQ. VOCALS | ARGO EQ. VOCALS | stable |
argoEqWHOI | ARGO EQ. WHOI | ARGO EQ. WHOI | stable |
argoFinland | ARGO FINLAND | ARGO FINLAND | stable |
argoGOBGCSIO | Argo GO-BGC, SIO | SCRIPPS institute Argo BGC program | stable |
argoGOBGCUW | Argo GO-BGC, UW | Argo BGC program of UW | stable |
argoGOBGCWHOI | Argo GO-BGC, WHOI | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Argo BGC program | stable |
argoGOMBoemEq | Argo GOM-BOEM eq. | Gulf of Mexico US Argo research program | stable |
argoGabon | ARGO GABON | ARGO GABON | stable |
argoGermany | ARGO GERMANY | ARGO GERMANY | stable |
argoGermany2025 | Argo GERMANY 2025 | German Argo 2025 | stable |
argoGreece | ARGO GREECE | ARGO GREECE | stable |
argoHUEq | Argo eq. HU | Hokkaido University contribution to Argo | stable |
argoIFMGeomar | ARGO IFM-GEOMAR | ARGO IFM-GEOMAR | stable |
argoIndia | ARGO INDIA | ARGO INDIA | stable |
argoIndonesia | Argo INDONESIA | Indonesian Argo program | stable |
argoIreland | ARGO IRELAND | ARGO IRELAND | stable |
argoItaly | ARGO ITALY | ARGO ITALY | stable |
argoJMA | ARGO JMA | ARGO JMA | stable |
argoJamstec | ARGO JAMSTEC | ARGO JAMSTEC | stable |
argoKenya | ARGO KENYA | ARGO KENYA | stable |
argoKiost | ARGO KIOST | ARGO KIOST | stable |
argoLebanon | ARGO LEBANON | ARGO LEBANON | stable |
argoMauritius | ARGO MAURITIUS | ARGO MAURITIUS | stable |
argoMexCoUS | ARGO MEX-CO-US | ARGO MEX-CO-US | stable |
argoMexico | ARGO MEXICO | ARGO MEXICO | stable |
argoNetherlands | ARGO NETHERLANDS | ARGO NETHERLANDS | stable |
argoNewZealand | ARGO NEW ZEALAND | ARGO NEW ZEALAND | stable |
argoNorway | ARGO NORWAY | ARGO NORWAY | stable |
argoPMEL | ARGO PMEL | ARGO PMEL | stable |
argoPoland | ARGO POLAND | ARGO POLAND | stable |
argoPortugal | Argo Portugal | Argo float deployment and scientific program in Portugal | stable |
argoRussia | ARGO RUSSIA | ARGO RUSSIA | stable |
argoSIO | ARGO SIO | ARGO SIO | stable |
argoSIOEqOKMC | ARGO SIO EQ. (OKMC) | ARGO SIO EQ. (OKMC) | stable |
argoSIOEqSBE61NOPP | Argo SIO eq. (SBE61NOPP) | NOPP Deep Argo pilot | stable |
argoSIOeqBGCSOLONOPP | Argo SIO .eq. (BGCSOLONOPP) | Side BioGeoChemical Argo program, National Oceanographic Part... | stable |
argoSaudiArabia | ARGO SAUDI ARABIA | ARGO SAUDI ARABIA | stable |
argoSouthAfrica | ARGO SOUTH AFRICA | ARGO SOUTH AFRICA | stable |
argoSpain | ARGO SPAIN | ARGO SPAIN | stable |
argoSriLanka | ARGO SRI LANKA | ARGO SRI LANKA | stable |
argoSweden | Argo Sweden | Swedish Argo program | stable |
argoUK | ARGO UK | ARGO UK | stable |
argoUKBIO | ARGO UK BIO | ARGO UK BIO | stable |
argoUKEq | ARGO UK EQ. | ARGO UK EQ. | stable |
argoUW | ARGO UW | ARGO UW | stable |
argoUWAplEq | ARGO UW-APL EQ. | ARGO UW-APL EQ. | stable |
argoUWEq | ARGO UW EQ. | ARGO UW EQ. | stable |
argoUWMbariEq | ARGO UW-MBARI EQ. | ARGO UW-MBARI EQ. | stable |
argoUWSoccomEq | ARGO UW-SOCCOM EQ. | ARGO UW-SOCCOM EQ. | stable |
argoUWSpursEq | ARGO UW-SPURS EQ. | ARGO UW-SPURS EQ. | stable |
argoUWUAEq | ARGO UW-UA EQ. | ARGO UW-UA EQ. | stable |
argoWHOI | ARGO WHOI | ARGO WHOI | stable |
bioargoUMaine | BioArgo UMaine | BGC Argo contribution from University of Maine | stable |
brazilPNBOIAINPE | BRAZIL PNBOIA-INPE | Programa Nacional de Boias (PNBOIA) is the brazilian contribu... | stable |
ceilometers | Ceilometers | Elastic lidar (ceilometer) networks | stable |
centennialObservingstations | Centennial Observing Stations | Long-term meteorological observations are unique sources of p... | stable |
colombiaTSU | COLOMBIA-TSU | Colombia Tsunameter buoy | stable |
copernicusHRSSTFRM | COPERNICUS-HRSST-FRM | COPERNICUS High Resolution SST Framework | stable |
coriolis | CORIOLIS | CORIOLIS | stable |
coriolisBioargo | CORIOLIS-BIOARGO | NA | stable |
coriolisCanoa | CORIOLIS-CANOA | NA | stable |
coriolisCongas | CORIOLIS-CONGAS | NA | stable |
coriolisDrake | CORIOLIS-DRAKE | ARGO South West Atlantic | stable |
coriolisEGEE | CORIOLIS-EGEE | NA | stable |
coriolisEqypt | CORIOLIS-EGYPT | NA | stable |
coriolisFNOBJCOMMOPS | CORIOLIS-FNOB-JCOMMOPS | CORIOLIS project under JCOMMOPS initiative, within a larger c... | stable |
coriolisFlops | CORIOLIS-FLOPS | CORIOLIS project for FLOtteurs du Pacifique Sud-es | stable |
coriolisFlostral | CORIOLIS-FLOSTRAL | NA | stable |
coriolisFrontalis | CORIOLIS-FRONTALIS | NA | stable |
coriolisGoodHope | CORIOLIS-GOOD HOPE | NA | stable |
coriolisOvide | CORIOLIS-OVIDE | NA | stable |
coriolisPirata | CORIOLIS-PIRATA | NA | stable |
coriolisPrevimer | CORIOLIS-PREVIMER | NA | stable |
coriolisProsat | CORIOLIS-PROSAT | NA | stable |
coriolisRemocean | CORIOLIS-REMOCEAN | NA | stable |
coriolisRemoceanEq | CORIOLIS-REMOCEAN EQ. | NA | stable |
coriolisSpice | CORIOLIS-SPICE | NA | stable |
coriolisTrack | CORIOLIS-TRACK | NA | stable |
eAIMS | E-AIMS | Euro-Argo Improvements for the GMES Marine Service | stable |
eASAP | E-ASAP | Eumetnet - Automated Shipboard Aerological Program | stable |
eSurfmar | E-SURFMAR | EUMETNET Composite Observing System (EUCOS)Surface Marine Pro... | stable |
eSurfmarGDP | E-SURFMAR GDP | Global Drifter Program drifters with E-SURFMAR barometer upgr... | stable |
eSurfmarIrishIMI | E-SURFMAR-IRISH IMI | EUMETNET Composite Observing System (EUCOS)Surface Marine Pro... | stable |
eSurfmarNOAA | E-SURFMAR-NOAA | NA | stable |
eSurfmarUKFRMB | E-SURFMAR-UK/FR MB | NA | stable |
eSurfmarUKMB | E-SURFMAR-UK MB | UKMO moored buoy programme | stable |
euroSeaArgo | EuroSea Argo | Argo part of the EuroSea project | stable |
germanAODnetwork | German AOD network | German Aerosol Optical Depth Network | stable |
germanyMB | GERMANY MB | KIEL GEK BUOY | stable |
greeceMB | GREECE MB | Moored buoys in the Greek Poseiden Network | stable |
gyroscope | GYROSCOPE | GyroScope project is aimed to develop a European component of... | stable |
indiaNIOT | INDIA-NIOT | Indian Ocean Observing Program | stable |
indiaNIOTSU | INDIA NIO-TSU | NIO Tsunameter buoys | stable |
irishGlider | Irish sustained glider deployment | Irish deployment on sustained endurance line | stable |
italyDB | ITALY DB | Italian Drifting Buoys (EXPARGOS) | stable |
italyOGS | ITALY-OGS | NA | stable |
lightningDetection | Lightning detection system | Surface-based lightning detection system | stable |
marlinDB | MARLIN-DB | NA | stable |
meridianGoodHope | MERIDIAN GOODHOPE | NA | stable |
nonAffiliated | Non-affiliated | Observing elements that are not affiliated with WIGOS or any ... | stable |
pacIOOS | PACIOOS | Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System Stations | stable |
peruMB | Peru-MB | Moored Buoys deployed by SENAMHI-Peru | stable |
petrobras | PETROBRAS | NA | stable |
polarAOD | PolarAOD | Polar Aerosol Optical Depth Measurement Network Project | stable |
projetoAzul | Projeto Azul | Project Azul is a cooperation between SHELL Brazil, the Labor... | stable |
saildrone | SAILDRONE | Autonomous Surface Vehicles deployed by NOAA as pilot | stable |
scripps | SCRIPPS | NA | stable |
shell | SHELL | SHELL Beaufort sea ice movement | stable |
shoaTSU | SHOA-TSU | Chilean Navy Hydrographic And Oceanographic Service Tsunamete... | stable |
sibRad | SibRad | SibRad | stable |
skynet | SKYNET | Aerosol-cloud-radiation interaction in the atmosphere project | stable |
soclim | SOCLIM | Southern Ocean Climate: Field studies with innovative tools | stable |
spainPDEMB | SPAIN-PDE MB | Puertos del EStado Spain Moored buoy | stable |
stratus | STRATUS | Woodshole IO OceanSITES | stable |
taoAtlas | TAO ATLAS | TAO Array of ATLAS buoys in the Equatorial Ocean | stable |
taoPirata | TAO PIRATA | Prediction and Research Moored Array in the Atlantic | stable |
taoPirataUS | TAO PIRATA US | NA | stable |
taoRamaUSindia | TAO RAMA US-INDIA | Research Moored Array for African-Asian-Australian Monsoon An... | stable |
taoTriton | TAO TRITON | Triton buoy network | stable |
texasUniversityGlider | Texas University Glider Program | Texas University Glider Program is part of GCOOS Regional All... | stable |
unknown | unknown | The affiliation/programme is unknown. | stable |
windProfiler | Wind Profilers | Wind profilers for upper-air wind observations | stable |