Register: Observed variable - measurand (atmosphere)
Observed variable - measurand (atmosphere)
Notation | Name | Description | Status |
37 | Aerological soundings | retired | |
39 | Atmospheric density | Density of the atmosphere. | stable |
44 | Integrated air samples | stable | |
56 | Special phenomena | stable | |
57 | State of ground | stable | |
179 | Cloud amount | Fraction of the sky covered by clouds of a particular type or... | stable |
180 | Cloud cover | The amount of sky estimated to be covered by a specified clou... | stable |
181 | Cloud drop effective radius | The area weighted mean radius of liquid water drops, assimila... | stable |
182 | Cloud hydrometeor concentration | Number of cloud hydrometeors (or cloud particles) per unit vo... | stable |
183 | Effective radius of cloud hydrometeors | An ensemble mean size of cloud hydrometeors derived from size... | stable |
186 | Melting layer depth in clouds | Depth of the atmospheric layer in cloud where liquid-solid st... | stable |
188 | PSC occurrence | Polar Stratospheric Clouds occurrence. - Accuracy expressed a... | stable |
192 | CH4 (methane) | IUPAC: methane, PubChem CID: 297, CAS Number: 74-82-8, in gas... | stable |
193 | CH4 (methane, C-13) | IUPAC: methane C-13, PubChem CID: 105026, CAS Number: 14762-7... | stable |
194 | CO2 (carbon dioxide) | IUPAC: carbon dioxide, PubChem CID: 280, CAS Number: 124-38-9... | stable |
195 | CO2 (carbon dioxide, C-13) | IUPAC: n/a, PubChem CID: 10129882, CAS Number: 1111-72-4, in ... | stable |
196 | CO2 [O-18] | CO2 with O-18 isotope | stable |
201 | N2O (nitrous oxide) | IUPAC: nitrous oxide, PubChem CID: 948, CAS Number: 10024-97-... | stable |
203 | SF6 (sulfur hexafluoride) | IUPAC: hexafluoro-λ6-sulfane, PubChem CID: 17358, CAS Number:... | stable |
204 | SO2F2 (sulfuryl fluoride) | IUPAC: sulfuryl difluoride, PubChem CID: 17607, CAS Number: 2... | stable |
205 | H2 (hydrogen molecule) | IUPAC: molecular hydrogen, PubChem CID: 783, CAS Number: 1333... | stable |
206 | H2O (as a chemical species) | IUPAC: oxidane, PubChem CID: 962, CAS Number: 7732-18-5, in g... | stable |
207 | HDO (as a chemical species) | IUPAC: n/a, PubChem CID: 139859, CAS Number: 14940-63-7, in g... | stable |
210 | Amount of precipitation | stable | |
211 | Duration of precipitation | stable | |
212 | Intensity of precipitation | stable | |
213 | Occurrence of precipitation during last period (yes/no) | stable | |
214 | Rate of ice accretion | stable | |
215 | Type of precipitation | stable | |
216 | Atmospheric pressure | stable | |
217 | Characteristic of pressure tendency | The pressure characteristic is an indication of how the press... | stable |
218 | Pressure tendency | Pressure tendency is the character and amount of atmospheric ... | stable |
219 | Beryllium [Be-7] | IUPAC: beryllium-7, PubChem CID: 6335489, CAS Number: 13966-0... | stable |
220 | CO2 [C-14] | CO2 with C-14 isotope | stable |
221 | Krypton [Kr-85] | IUPAC: krypton-85, PubChem CID: 104816, CAS Number: 13983-27-... | stable |
222 | Lead [Pb-210] | IUPAC: lead-210, PubChem CID: 6328175, CAS Number: 14255-04-0 | stable |
223 | Radon [Rn-222] | IUPAC: radon-222, PubChem CID: 61773, CAS Number: 14859-67-7 | stable |
224 | Air temperature (at specified distance from reference surface) | stable | |
225 | Dew-point temperature (at specified distance from reference surface) | stable | |
226 | Extreme temperature (min, max) (at specified distance from reference surface) | stable | |
227 | Temperature profile | superseded | |
229 | Runway visual range | stable | |
230 | Visibility | stable | |
248 | Transport calculations (e.g., trajectories) | stable | |
249 | Turbulence | Kinetic energy density of turbulent motion of the air | stable |
250 | Turbulence type (low levels and wake vortex) | stable | |
251 | Humidity (at specified distance from reference surface) | superseded | |
252 | Integrated water vapour | stable | |
253 | Mass mixing ratio | stable | |
254 | Object wetness duration | stable | |
255 | Water vapour pressure | stable | |
256 | Watervapor profile | superseded | |
257 | Lightning discharge current | Current incurred by the lightning discharge. | stable |
258 | Lightning discharge polarity | Polarity of the charge effectively lowered to ground during a... | stable |
259 | Lightning discharge rate | Number of lightning discharges per unit time in a given regio... | stable |
260 | Lightning discharge type (cloud to cloud, cloud to surface) | Lightning discharge type, defined by the path of the lightnin... | stable |
262 | Surface ozone | superseded | |
263 | Total column ozone | superseded | |
264 | Vertical ozone profile | superseded | |
265 | Past weather | Predominant characteristic of weather which had existed at th... | stable |
266 | Present weather | Weather existing at the time of observation, or under certain... | stable |
267 | Background luminance | Luminous flux received from the background per unit solid ang... | stable |
270 | Sunshine duration | The total time in one day during which the direct solar irrad... | stable |
271 | Surface albedo | Hemispherically integrated reflectance of the Earth surface i... | stable |
273 | UV-B radiation | Ultraviolet radiation covering the range 280-315 nm. | stable |
274 | BrO (bromine monoxide) | IUPAC: n/a, PubChem CID: 5460627, CAS Number: 15656-19-6, in ... | stable |
275 | C2Cl4 (tetrachloroethene) | IUPAC: 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethene, PubChem CID: 31373, CAS Num... | stable |
276 | C2HCl3 (trichloroethene) | IUPAC: 1,1,2-trichloroethene, PubChem CID: 6575, CAS Number: ... | stable |
277 | CH2Br2 (dibromomethane) | IUPAC: dibromomethane, PubChem CID: 3024, CAS Number: 74-95-3... | stable |
278 | CH2Cl2 (dichloromethane) | IUPAC: dichloromethane, PubChem CID: 6344, CAS Number: 75-09-... | stable |
279 | CH3Br (bromomethane) | IUPAC: bromomethane, PubChem CID: 6323, CAS Number: 74-83-9, ... | stable |
280 | CH3Cl (chloromethane) | IUPAC: chloromethane, PubChem CID: 6327, CAS Number: 74-87-3,... | stable |
281 | CH3I (iodomethane) | IUPAC: iodomethane, PubChem CID: 6328, CAS Number: 74-88-4, i... | stable |
282 | CHBr3 (bromoform) | IUPAC: bromoform, PubChem CID: 5558, CAS Number: 75-25-2, in ... | stable |
283 | CHCl3 (trichloromethane, chloroform) | IUPAC: chloroform, PubChem CID: 6212, CAS Number: 67-66-3, in... | stable |
284 | CO | IUPAC: carbon monoxide, PubChem CID: 281, CAS Number: 630-08-... | stable |
285 | COF2 (difluoromethanal, carbonyl fluoride) | IUPAC: carbonyl difluoride, PubChem CID: 9623, CAS Number: 35... | stable |
286 | ClO (chlorine monoxide) | IUPAC: n/a, PubChem CID: 166686, CAS Number: 14989-30-1, in g... | stable |
287 | H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) | IUPAC: hydrogen peroxide, PubChem CID: 784, CAS Number: 7722-... | stable |
288 | HCl (hydrochloric acid) | IUPAC: chlorane, PubChem CID: 313, CAS Number: 7647-01-0, in ... | stable |
289 | HF (hydrofluoric acid) | IUPAC: fluorane, PubChem CID: 14917, CAS Number: 7664-39-3, i... | stable |
291 | ROOH | stable | |
294 | Acidity-Alkalinity | stable | |
295 | Electric conductivity | stable | |
296 | Hydrogen ion (H+) or pH | stable | |
302 | S (sulfur) | IUPAC: sulfur, PubChem CID: n/a, CAS Number: 7704-34-9, in to... | stable |
304 | Direction of cloud movement | stable | |
305 | Gust Speed | stable | |
307 | w (vertical component of wind vector) | Vertical component of the 3-D wind vector. positive value for... | stable |
309 | Wind (surface wind direction and speed, horizontal) - deprecated | Horizontal component of wind as speed and direction. | retired |
310 | Upper wind (X, Y components, horizontal) | Horizontal component of wind as a vector in an orthogonal coo... | stable |
314 | Aerosol Absorption Optical Depth | Vertical column integral of spectral aerosol absorption coeff... | stable |
315 | Aerosol Extinction Coefficient | Spectral volumetric extinction cross-section of aerosol parti... | stable |
316 | Particle light absorption coefficient, PM1 | A measure of light attenuation due to absorption by aerosol p... | stable |
317 | Particle light absorption coefficient, PM10 | A measure of light attenuation due to absorption by aerosol p... | stable |
318 | Particle light absorption coefficient, TSP | A measure of light attenuation due to absorption by aerosol p... | stable |
319 | Light backscattering coefficient, PM1 | retired | |
320 | Light backscattering coefficient, PM10 | retired | |
321 | Light backscattering coefficient, total aerosol | retired | |
322 | Particle light scattering coefficient, PM1 | A measure of light attenuation due to absorption by aerosol p... | stable |
323 | Particle light scattering coefficient, PM10 | A measure of light attenuation due to absorption by aerosol p... | stable |
324 | Particle light scattering coefficient, TSP | A measure of light attenuation due to absorption by aerosol p... | stable |
325 | Aerosol optical depth, TSP | The AOD is the effective depth of the aerosol over a specifie... | stable |
326 | Vertical distribution of properties | retired | |
327 | Cloud ice | Atmospheric water in the solid phase (precipitating or not). | stable |
328 | Cloud ice (total column) | Field of atmospheric water in the solid phase (precipitating ... | superseded |
329 | Cloud ice effective radius | The area weighted mean radius of ice particles, assimilated t... | stable |
330 | Freezing level height in clouds | Height of the atmospheric layer in cloud where liquid-solid s... | stable |
331 | Icing potential | 3D field of super-cooled liquid water, enabling the formation... | stable |
332 | CBrClF2 (Halon 1211) | IUPAC: bromo-chloro-difluoromethane, PubChem CID: 9625, CAS N... | stable |
333 | CBrF3 (bromotrifluoromethane, Halon 1301) | IUPAC: bromo(trifluoro)methane, PubChem CID: 6384, CAS Number... | stable |
334 | C13H10 (9H-fluorene, fluorene), in air | IUPAC: 9H-fluorene, PubChem CID: 6853, CAS Number: 86-73-7, i... | stable |
335 | C14H10 (anthracene), PM10 | IUPAC: anthracene, PubChem CID: 8418, CAS Number: 120-12-7, i... | stable |
336 | C14H10 (anthracene), in aerosol | IUPAC: anthracene, PubChem CID: 8418, CAS Number: 120-12-7, i... | stable |
337 | C14H10 (anthracene), in air and aerosol | IUPAC: anthracene, PubChem CID: 8418, CAS Number: 120-12-7, i... | stable |
338 | C14H10 (anthracene), in air | IUPAC: anthracene, PubChem CID: 8418, CAS Number: 120-12-7, i... | stable |
339 | C14H10 (phenanthrene), PM10 | IUPAC: phenanthrene, PubChem CID: 995, CAS Number: 85-01-8, i... | stable |
340 | C14H10 (phenanthrene), in aerosol | IUPAC: phenanthrene, PubChem CID: 995, CAS Number: 85-01-8, i... | stable |
341 | C14H10 (phenanthrene), in air | IUPAC: phenanthrene, PubChem CID: 995, CAS Number: 85-01-8, i... | stable |
342 | C14H10 (phenanthrene), in air and aerosol | IUPAC: phenanthrene, PubChem CID: 995, CAS Number: 85-01-8, i... | stable |
343 | C14H10 (phenanthrene), in wet deposition | IUPAC: phenanthrene, PubChem CID: 995, CAS Number: 85-01-8, i... | stable |
344 | C14H10 (phenanthrene), in total precipitation | IUPAC: phenanthrene, PubChem CID: 995, CAS Number: 85-01-8, i... | stable |
345 | C16H10 (pyrene), in air and aerosol | IUPAC: pyrene, PubChem CID: 31423, CAS Number: 129-00-0, in a... | stable |
346 | C18H12 (benz(a)anthracene), PM10 | IUPAC: benzo[a]anthracene, PubChem CID: 5954, CAS Number: 56-... | stable |
347 | C18H12 (benz(a)anthracene), in aerosol | IUPAC: benzo[a]anthracene, PubChem CID: 5954, CAS Number: 56-... | stable |
348 | C18H12 (benz(a)anthracene), in air | IUPAC: benzo[a]anthracene, PubChem CID: 5954, CAS Number: 56-... | stable |
349 | C18H12 (benz(a)anthracene), in air and aerosol | IUPAC: benzo[a]anthracene, PubChem CID: 5954, CAS Number: 56-... | stable |
350 | C18H12 (benz(a)anthracene), in precipitation | IUPAC: benzo[a]anthracene, PubChem CID: 5954, CAS Number: 56-... | stable |
351 | C18H12 (benz(a)anthracene), in total precipitation | IUPAC: benzo[a]anthracene, PubChem CID: 5954, CAS Number: 56-... | stable |
356 | UV Broadband radiation | Spectrally integrated UV radiation | stable |
357 | UV Erythemal radiation | Radiation effective in causing actinic erythema | stable |
358 | UV Multiband radiation | UV radiation measured across several discrete, narrow waveban... | stable |
359 | UV Spectral radiation | UV radiation measured at a higher spectral resolution (e.g. 1... | stable |
361 | Aerosol column burden (mass density) | 2D field of the column burden of condensed particles in the a... | stable |
362 | Particle effective radius | The area weighted mean radius of the aerosol particles. | stable |
364 | Particle mass concentration, PM10 | Mass of particles per unit volume of air, size range: PM10 | stable |
365 | Particle mass concentration, PM1 | Mass of particles per unit volume of air, size range: PM1 | stable |
366 | Particle mass concentration, PM2.5 | Mass of particles per unit volume of air, size range: PM2.5 | stable |
367 | Particle mass concentration (size fractionated) | Mass of particles per unit volume of air, size fractionated | stable |
368 | Particle mass concentration, TSP | Mass of particles per unit volume of air, size range: TSP | stable |
369 | Particle number concentration | Amount of particles per unit volume of air | stable |
370 | Particle number size distribution, PM10 | Particle number concentration as a function of size, typicall... | stable |
371 | Particle number size distribution, TSP | Particle number concentration as a function of size, typicall... | stable |
373 | Cloud liquid water (CLW) | Atmospheric water in the liquid phase (precipitating or not). | stable |
374 | Cloud liquid water (CLW, total column) | Field of atmospheric water in the liquid phase (precipitating... | superseded |
375 | C12H8Cl6 (aldrin), in aerosol | IUPAC: (1R,4S,4aS,5S,8R,8aR)-1,2,3,4,10,10-Hexachloro-1,4,4a,... | stable |
376 | C12H8Cl6 (aldrin), in air | IUPAC: (1R,4S,4aS,5S,8R,8aR)-1,2,3,4,10,10-Hexachloro-1,4,4a,... | stable |
377 | C12H8Cl6 (aldrin), in air and aerosol | IUPAC: (1R,4S,4aS,5S,8R,8aR)-1,2,3,4,10,10-Hexachloro-1,4,4a,... | stable |
378 | C12H8Cl6 (aldrin), in total precipitation | IUPAC: (1R,4S,4aS,5S,8R,8aR)-1,2,3,4,10,10-Hexachloro-1,4,4a,... | stable |
379 | C12H8Cl6 (aldrin), in wet precipitation | IUPAC: (1R,4S,4aS,5S,8R,8aR)-1,2,3,4,10,10-Hexachloro-1,4,4a,... | stable |
380 | C6Cl6 (hexachlorobenzene, HCB), in air | IUPAC: 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachlorobenzene, PubChem CID: 8370, CAS ... | stable |
381 | C6H6Cl6 (1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachlorocyclohexane, alpha-lindane, alpha-HCH), in aerosol | IUPAC: 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachlorocyclohexane, PubChem CID: 727, C... | stable |
382 | C6H6Cl6 (1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachlorocyclohexane, alpha-lindane, alpha-HCH), in air | IUPAC: 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachlorocyclohexane, PubChem CID: 727, C... | stable |
383 | C6H6Cl6 (1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachlorocyclohexane, alpha-lindane, alpha-HCH), in wet precipitation | IUPAC: 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachlorocyclohexane, PubChem CID: 727, C... | stable |
384 | C6H6Cl6 (1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachlorocyclohexane, gamma-lindane, gamma-HCH), in air | IUPAC: 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachlorocyclohexane, PubChem CID: 727, C... | stable |
385 | C6H6Cl6 (1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachlorocyclohexane, gamma-lindane, gamma-HCH), in wet precipitation | IUPAC: 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachlorocyclohexane, PubChem CID: 727, C... | stable |
390 | NH3 (Ammonia) | IUPAC: azane, PubChem CID: 222, CAS Number: 7664-41-7, in gas... | stable |
391 | C2H3O5N (peroxyacetylnitrate, PAN) | IUPAC: nitro ethaneperoxoate, PubChem CID: 16782, CAS Number:... | stable |
392 | ClONO2 (chlorine nitrate) | IUPAC: chloro nitrate, PubChem CID: 114934, CAS Number: 14545... | stable |
393 | HCN (formonitrile, hydrogen cyanide) | IUPAC: formonitrile, PubChem CID: 768, CAS Number: 74-90-8, i... | stable |
394 | HNO3 (nitric acid) | IUPAC: nitric acid, PubChem CID: 944, CAS Number: 7697-37-2, ... | stable |
395 | NO (nitrogen monoxide) | IUPAC: nitric oxide, PubChem CID: 145068, CAS Number: 10102-4... | stable |
396 | NO2 (nitrogen dioxide) | IUPAC: n/a, PubChem CID: 3032552, CAS Number: 10102-44-0, in ... | stable |
397 | NOx | stable | |
398 | NOy | stable | |
411 | CCN concentration at single supersaturation | stable | |
412 | CCN concentration spectra | stable | |
413 | Hygroscopic growth factor, 110 μm equivalent | stable | |
414 | Hygroscopic growth factor, 165 μm equivalent | stable | |
415 | Hygroscopic growth factor, 35 μm equivalent | stable | |
416 | Hygroscopic growth factor, 50 μm equivalent | stable | |
417 | Hygroscopic growth factor, 75 μm equivalent | stable | |
418 | Hygroscopic growth factor, total aerosol | stable | |
419 | C2F6 (hexafluoroethane, PFC-116) | IUPAC: 1,1,1,2,2,2-hexafluoroethane, PubChem CID: 6431, CAS N... | stable |
420 | C3F8 (octafluoropropane, PFC-218) | IUPAC: 1,1,1,2,2,3,3,3-octafluoropropane, PubChem CID: 6432, ... | stable |
421 | CF4 (tetrafluoromethane, carbon tetrafluoride, perfluoromethane, PFC-14) | IUPAC: tetrafluoromethane, PubChem CID: 6393, CAS Number: 75-... | stable |
428 | COS (OCS, carbon oxide sulfide, carbonyl sulfide) | IUPAC: carbonyl sulfide, PubChem CID: 10039, CAS Number: 463-... | stable |
429 | CS2 (carbon disulfide) | IUPAC: methanedithione, PubChem CID: 6348, CAS Number: 75-15-... | stable |
430 | SO2 | IUPAC: sulfur dioxide, PubChem CID: 1119, CAS Number: 7446 09... | stable |
431 | Lightning detection (time and location) | Detection of the time and location (latitude, longitude) of l... | stable |
432 | Lightning discharge direction from station | Azimuth of the lightning event with respect to the correspond... | stable |
433 | Lightning discharge distance from station | Distance of the lightning event from the corresponding statio... | stable |
434 | C2H2 (ethyne, acetylene) | IUPAC: acetylene, PubChem CID: 6326, CAS Number: 74-86-2, in ... | stable |
435 | C2H2O2 (oxaldehyde, ethanedial) | IUPAC: oxaldehyde, PubChem CID: 7860, CAS Number: 107-22-2, i... | stable |
436 | C2H4 (ethene) | IUPAC: ethene, PubChem CID: 6325, CAS Number: 74-85-1, in gas... | stable |
437 | C2H6 (ethane) | IUPAC: ethane, PubChem CID: 6324, CAS Number: 74-84-0, in gas... | stable |
438 | C2H6S (dimethylsulfide, DMS) | IUPAC: methylsulfanylmethane, PubChem CID: 1068, CAS Number: ... | stable |
439 | C3H4 (propyne) | IUPAC: prop-1-yne, PubChem CID: 6335, CAS Number: 74-99-7, in... | stable |
440 | C3H4O (prop-2-enal, acrolein) | IUPAC: prop-2-enal, PubChem CID: 7847, CAS Number: 107-02-8, ... | stable |
441 | C3H4O2 (2-oxopropanal, methylglyoxal) | IUPAC: 2-oxopropanal, PubChem CID: 880, CAS Number: 78-98-8, ... | stable |
442 | C3H6 (propene) | IUPAC: prop-1-ene, PubChem CID: 8252, CAS Number: 115-07-1, i... | stable |
443 | C3H6O (acetone, propanone) | IUPAC: propan-2-one, PubChem CID: 180, CAS Number: 67-64-1, i... | stable |
444 | C3H6O (propanal) | IUPAC: propanal, PubChem CID: 527, CAS Number: 123-38-6, in g... | stable |
445 | C3H8 (propane) | IUPAC: propane, PubChem CID: 6334, CAS Number: 74-98-6, in ga... | stable |
446 | C4H6 (1,3-butadiene, butadiene) | IUPAC: buta-1,3-diene, PubChem CID: 7845, CAS Number: 106-99-... | stable |
447 | C4H6O (2-methylprop-2-enal, methacrolein) | IUPAC: 2-methylprop-2-enal, PubChem CID: 6562, CAS Number: 78... | stable |
448 | C4H6O (but-3-en-2-one, methylvinylketone) | IUPAC: but-3-en-2-one, PubChem CID: 6570, CAS Number: 78-94-4... | stable |
449 | C4H8 (1-butene) | IUPAC: but-1-ene, PubChem CID: 7844, CAS Number: 106-98-9, in... | stable |
450 | C4H8 (sum of butenes) | stable | |
451 | C4H8O (butan-2-one, methylethylketone) | IUPAC: butan-2-one, PubChem CID: 6569, CAS Number: 78-93-3, i... | stable |
452 | C4H8O (butanal isomers) | stable | |
453 | C5H10 (1-pentene) | IUPAC: pent-1-ene, PubChem CID: 8004, CAS Number: 109-67-1, i... | stable |
454 | C5H10 (2-methyl-1-butene) | IUPAC: 2-methylbut-1-ene, PubChem CID: 11240, CAS Number: 563... | stable |
455 | C5H10 (2-methyl-2-butene) | IUPAC: 2-methylbut-2-ene, PubChem CID: 10553, CAS Number: 513... | stable |
456 | C5H10 (3-methyl-1-butene) | IUPAC: 3-methylbut-1-ene, PubChem CID: 11239, CAS Number: 563... | stable |
457 | C5H10 (cyclopentane) | IUPAC: cyclopentane, PubChem CID: 9253, CAS Number: 287-92-3,... | stable |
458 | C5H10 (sum of 1-pentene and 2-methyl-2-butene) | stable | |
459 | C5H10 (sum of pentenes) | stable | |
460 | C5H10O (pentanal, valeraldehyde) | IUPAC: pentanal, PubChem CID: 8063, CAS Number: 110-62-3, in ... | stable |
461 | C5H12 & C4H8 (sum of 2,2-dimethylpropane & c-2-butene) | stable | |
462 | C5H12 (2,2-dimethylpropane) | IUPAC: 2,2-dimethylpropane, PubChem CID: 10041, CAS Number: 4... | stable |
463 | C5H14 (2,3-dimethylbutane) | IUPAC: 2,3-dimethylbutane, PubChem CID: 6589, CAS Number: 79-... | stable |
464 | C5H8 (2-methyl-1,3-butadiene, isoprene) | IUPAC: 2-methylbuta-1,3-diene, PubChem CID: 6557, CAS Number:... | stable |
465 | C5H8 (cyclopentene) | IUPAC: cyclopentene, PubChem CID: 8882, CAS Number: 142-29-0,... | stable |
466 | C5Hn, n=10 (sum of 3-methyl-1-butene and cyclopentene) | Sum of 3-methyl-1-butene and cyclopentane, in gas phase | stable |
467 | C5Hn, n={12, 10} (sum of n-pentane and cyclopentane) | Sum of n-pentane and cyclopentane, in gas phase | stable |
468 | C6H12 (cyclohexane) | IUPAC: cyclohexane, PubChem CID: 8078, CAS Number: 110-82-7, ... | stable |
469 | C6H12 (methylcyclopentane) | IUPAC: methylcyclopentane, PubChem CID: 7296, CAS Number: 96-... | stable |
470 | C6H12O (hexanal isomers) | stable | |
471 | C6H14 (2,2-dimethylbutane) | stable | |
472 | C6H14 (2-methylpentane) | IUPAC: 2-methylpentane, PubChem CID: 7892, CAS Number: 107-83... | stable |
473 | C6H14 (3-methylpentane) | IUPAC: 3-methylpentane, PubChem CID: 7282, CAS Number: 96-14-... | stable |
474 | C6H14 (n-hexane) | IUPAC: hexane, PubChem CID: 8058, CAS Number: 110-54-3, in ga... | stable |
475 | C6H14 (sum of methylpentanes) | stable | |
476 | C6H6 (benzene) | IUPAC: benzene, PubChem CID: 241, CAS Number: 71-43-2, in gas... | stable |
477 | C6Hn, n={14, 12} (sum of 3-methylpentane and cyclohexane) | sum of 3-methylpentane and cyclohexane, in gas phase | stable |
478 | C6Hn, n={14, 12} (sum of 2,2-dimethylbutane and methylcyclopentane) | sum of 2,2-dimethylbutane and methylcyclopentane, in gas phas... | stable |
479 | C6Hn, n={14, 12} (sum of 2,3-dimethylbutane and methylcyclopentane) | sum of 2,3-dimethylbutane and methylcyclopentane, in gas phas... | stable |
480 | C7H16 (sum of methylhexanes) | stable | |
481 | C7H6O (benzene carbaldehyde) | stable | |
482 | C7H8 (toluene) | IUPAC: toluene, PubChem CID: 1140, CAS Number: 108-88-3, in g... | stable |
483 | C8H10 (ethylbenzene) | IUPAC: ethylbenzene, PubChem CID: 7500, CAS Number: 100-41-4,... | stable |
484 | C8H10 (m-xylene) | IUPAC: 1,3-xylene, PubChem CID: 7929, CAS Number: 108-38-3, i... | stable |
485 | C8H10 (o-xylene) | IUPAC: 1,2-xylene, PubChem CID: 7237, CAS Number: 95-47-6, in... | stable |
486 | C8H10 (Sum of p-xylene and m-xylene, 1,3- and 1,4-dimethylbenzene) | stable | |
487 | C9H12 (1,2,4-trimethylbenzene) | IUPAC: 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, PubChem CID: 7247, CAS Number:... | stable |
488 | C9H12 (1,3,5-trimethylbenzene) | IUPAC: 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, PubChem CID: 7947, CAS Number:... | stable |
489 | CH2O (methanal, formaldehyde) | IUPAC: formaldehyde, PubChem CID: 712, CAS Number: 50-00-0, i... | stable |
490 | CH3CH2OH (ethanol) | IUPAC: ethanol, PubChem CID: 702, CAS Number: 64-17-5, in gas... | stable |
491 | CH3CHO (acetaldehyde, ethanal) | IUPAC: acetaldehyde, PubChem CID: 177, CAS Number: 75-07-0, i... | stable |
492 | CH3CN (acetonitrile) | IUPAC: acetonitrile, PubChem CID: 6342, CAS Number: 75-05-8, ... | stable |
493 | CH3OH (methanol) | IUPAC: methanol, PubChem CID: 887, CAS Number: 67-56-1, in ga... | stable |
494 | NMHC | stable | |
495 | c-C4H8 (cis-2-butene) | IUPAC: (Z)-but-2-ene, PubChem CID: 5287573, CAS Number: 590-1... | stable |
496 | c-C5H10 (cis-2-pentene) | IUPAC: (Z)-pent-2-ene, PubChem CID: 5326160, CAS Number: 627-... | stable |
497 | i-C4H10 (2-methylpropane, iso-butane) | IUPAC: 2-methylpropane, PubChem CID: 6360, CAS Number: 75-28-... | stable |
498 | i-C4H8 (2-methylpropene, iso-butene) | IUPAC: 2-methylprop-1-ene, PubChem CID: 8255, CAS Number: 115... | stable |
499 | i-C5H12 (2-methylbutane, iso-pentane) | IUPAC: 2-methylbutane, PubChem CID: 6556, CAS Number: 78-78-4... | stable |
500 | i-C7H16 (2-methylhexane, isoheptane) | IUPAC: 2-methylhexane, PubChem CID: 11582, CAS Number: 591-76... | stable |
501 | n-C4H10 (n-butane) | IUPAC: butane, PubChem CID: 7843, CAS Number: 106-97-8, in ga... | stable |
502 | n-C5H12 (n-pentane) | IUPAC: pentane, PubChem CID: 8003, CAS Number: 109-66-0, in g... | stable |
503 | n-C7H16 (n-heptane) | IUPAC: heptane, PubChem CID: 8900, CAS Number: 142-82-5, in g... | stable |
504 | t-C4H8 (trans-2-butene) | IUPAC: (E)-but-2-ene, PubChem CID: 62695, CAS Number: 107-01-... | stable |
505 | t-C5H10 (trans-2-pentene) | IUPAC: (E)-pent-2-ene, PubChem CID: 5326161, CAS Number: 109-... | stable |
506 | Cloud optical depth | Effective depth (thickness) of a cloud from the viewpoint of ... | stable |
507 | Optical depth of fog | The degree to which fog prevents light from passing through i... | stable |
508 | Optical depth within a cloud layer | A part of cloud optical depth which results from a vertical i... | stable |
509 | Short-wave cloud reflectance | Reflectance of the solar radiation from clouds | stable |
521 | Extinction coefficient | stable | |
522 | Hydrometeor radius | stable | |
523 | Hydrometeor type | stable | |
524 | Lithometeor type | stable | |
525 | Meteorological Optical Range | stable | |
526 | Obscuration type | stable | |
529 | Strong acids | stable | |
531 | Cloud base height | For surface observations, height of the cloud base above grou... | stable |
532 | Cloud top height | Height of the top of the cloud (highest cloud in case of mult... | stable |
533 | Height of inversion | Height of a stable layer of air with an increased temperature... | stable |
534 | C2H3Cl2F (1,1-dichloro-1-fluoroethane, HCFC-141b) | IUPAC: 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoroethane, PubChem CID: 15586, CAS N... | stable |
535 | C2H3ClF2 (1-chloro-1,1-difluoroethane, HCFC-142b) | IUPAC: 1-chloro-1,1-difluoroethane, PubChem CID: 6388, CAS Nu... | stable |
536 | C2H3F3 (1,1,1-trifluoroethane, HFC-143a) | IUPAC: 1,1,1-trifluoroethane, PubChem CID: 9868, CAS Number: ... | stable |
537 | CHClF2 (chlorodifluoromethane, HCFC-22) | IUPAC: chloro(difluoro)methane, PubChem CID: 6372, CAS Number... | stable |
538 | Br- (bromide) | IUPAC: bromide, PubChem CID: 259, CAS Number: 24959-67-9, in ... | stable |
539 | Cl- (chloride) | IUPAC: chloride, PubChem CID: 312, CAS Number: 16887-00-6, in... | stable |
540 | F- (fluoride) | IUPAC: fluoride, PubChem CID: 28179, CAS Number: 16984-48-8, ... | stable |
541 | I- (iodide) | IUPAC: iodide, PubChem CID: 30165, CAS Number: 20461-54-5, in... | stable |
542 | PO4--- (phosphate) | IUPAC: phosphate, PubChem CID: 1061, CAS Number: 14265-44-2, ... | stable |
543 | SO4= (sulfate), corrected | IUPAC: sulfate, PubChem CID: 1117, CAS Number: 14808-79-8, in... | stable |
544 | SO4= (sulfate) | IUPAC: sulfate, PubChem CID: 1117, CAS Number: 14808-79-8, in... | stable |
545 | Ca++ (calcium) | IUPAC: calcium(2+), PubChem CID: 271, CAS Number: 14127-61-8,... | stable |
546 | Mg++ (magnesium) | IUPAC: magnesium(2+), PubChem CID: 888, CAS Number: 22537-22-... | stable |
547 | K+ (potassium) | IUPAC: potassium(1+), PubChem CID: 813, CAS Number: 24203-36-... | stable |
548 | Na+ (sodium) | IUPAC: sodium(1+), PubChem CID: 923, CAS Number: 17341-25-2, ... | stable |
550 | Type of cloud | Result of cloud type classification - Accuracy expressed as i... | stable |
551 | Type of high clouds | Type of clouds of genera Cirrus, Cirrocumulus, or Cirrostratu... | stable |
552 | Type of low clouds | Type of clouds of genera Stratus, Stratocumulus, Cumulus, or ... | stable |
553 | Type of middle clouds | Type of clouds of genera Altocumulus, Altostratus, or Nimbost... | stable |
554 | C2H2F4 (1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane, HFC-134a) | IUPAC: 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane, PubChem CID: 13129, CAS Num... | stable |
555 | C2H4F2 (1,1-difluoroethane, HFC-152a) | IUPAC: 1,1-difluoroethane, PubChem CID: 6368, CAS Number: 75-... | stable |
556 | C2HF5 (pentafluoroethane, HFC-125) | IUPAC: 1,1,1,2,2-pentafluoroethane, PubChem CID: 9633, CAS Nu... | stable |
557 | C3H2F6 (1,1,1,2,3,3-hexafluoropropane, HFC-236ea) | IUPAC: 1,1,1,2,3,3-hexafluoropropane, PubChem CID: 79009, CAS... | stable |
558 | C3H3F5 (1,1,1,3,3-Pentafluoropropane, HFC-245fa) | IUPAC: 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropane, PubChem CID: 68030, CAS ... | stable |
559 | C3HF7 (1,1,1,2,3,3,3-Heptafluoropropane, HFC-227ea) | IUPAC: 1,1,1,2,3,3,3-heptafluoropropane, PubChem CID: 67940, ... | stable |
560 | C4H5F5 (1,1,1,3,3-pentafluorobutane, HFC-365mfc) | IUPAC: 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluorobutane, PubChem CID: 67884, CAS N... | stable |
561 | CH2F2 (difluoromethane, HFC-32) | IUPAC: difluoromethane, PubChem CID: 6345, CAS Number: 75-10-... | stable |
562 | CHF3 (trifluoromethane, HFC-23) | IUPAC: fluoroform, PubChem CID: 6373, CAS Number: 75-46-7, in... | stable |
565 | Long-wave irradiance (direction unspecified) | Flux density of long-wave radiation (direction unspecified) a... | stable |
566 | Downward long-wave irradiance | Flux density of downwelling long-wave radiation, at a specifi... | stable |
567 | Upward long-wave irradiance | Flux density of upwelling long-wave radiation, at the top of ... | stable |
568 | NH4+ (ammonium) | IUPAC: azanium, PubChem CID: 223, CAS Number: 14798-03-9, in ... | stable |
569 | NO3- (nitrate) | IUPAC: nitrate, PubChem CID: 943, CAS Number: 14797-55-8, in ... | stable |
570 | NO2- (nitrite) | IUPAC: nitrite, PubChem CID: 946, CAS Number: 14797-65-0, in ... | stable |
571 | Diffuse downward short-wave irradiance | Flux density of diffuse short-wave solar radiation, at a spec... | stable |
572 | Direct downward short-wave irradiance | Flux density of direct downwelling short-wave solar radiation... | stable |
573 | Downward short-wave irradiance | Flux density of downwelling short-wave solar radiation, at th... | stable |
574 | Upward short-wave irradiance | Flux density of upwelling short-wave radiation, at the top of... | stable |
576 | CH3COO- (acetate) | IUPAC: acetate, PubChem CID: 175, CAS Number: 71-50-1, in tot... | stable |
577 | HCOO- (formate) | IUPAC: formate, PubChem CID: 283, CAS Number: 71-47-6, in tot... | stable |
578 | C2H5COO- (propionate) | IUPAC: propanoate, PubChem CID: 104745, CAS Number: 72-03-7, ... | stable |
579 | Acidity-Alkalinity, TSP | stable | |
589 | C2Cl2F4 (1,2-dichlorotetrafluoroethane, CFC-114) | IUPAC: 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane, PubChem CID: 6... | stable |
590 | C2Cl3F3 (1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane, CFC-113) | IUPAC: 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane, PubChem CID: 64... | stable |
591 | C2ClF5 (1-chloro-1,1,2,2,2-pentafluoroethane, CFC-115) | IUPAC: 1-chloro-1,1,2,2,2-pentafluoroethane, PubChem CID: 643... | stable |
592 | CCl2F2 (dichlorodifluoromethane, CFC-12) | IUPAC: dichloro(difluoro)methane, PubChem CID: 6391, CAS Numb... | stable |
593 | CCl3F (trichlorofluoromethane, CFC-11) | IUPAC: trichloro(fluoro)methane, PubChem CID: 6389, CAS Numbe... | stable |
594 | CCl4 (tetrachloromethane, carbon tetrachloride) | IUPAC: tetrachloromethane, PubChem CID: 5943, CAS Number: 56-... | stable |
595 | CH3CCl3 (1,1,1-trichloroethane, methyl chloroform) | IUPAC: 1,1,1-trichloroethane, PubChem CID: 6278, CAS Number: ... | stable |
597 | Al (aluminium) | IUPAC: aluminium, PubChem CID: 5359268, CAS Number: 7429-90-5... | stable |
598 | As (arsenic) | IUPAC: arsenic, PubChem CID: 5359596, CAS Number: 7440-38-2, ... | stable |
599 | Cd (cadmium) | IUPAC: cadmium, PubChem CID: 23973, CAS Number: 7440-43-9, in... | stable |
600 | Cr (chromium) | IUPAC: chromium, PubChem CID: 23976, CAS Number: 7440-47-3, i... | stable |
601 | Co (cobalt) | IUPAC: cobalt, PubChem CID: 104730, CAS Number: 7440-48-4, in... | stable |
602 | Cu (copper) | IUPAC: copper, PubChem CID: 23978, CAS Number: 7440-50-8, in ... | stable |
603 | Fe (iron) | IUPAC: iron, PubChem CID: 23925, CAS Number: 7439-89-6, in to... | stable |
604 | Pb (lead) | IUPAC: lead, PubChem CID: 5352425, CAS Number: 7439-92-1, in ... | stable |
605 | Mn (manganese) | IUPAC: manganese, PubChem CID: 23930, CAS Number: 7439-96-5, ... | stable |
606 | Hg (mercury) | IUPAC: mercury, PubChem CID: 23931, CAS Number: 7439-97-6, in... | stable |
607 | Ni (nickel) | IUPAC: nickel, PubChem CID: 936, CAS Number: 7440-02-1, in to... | stable |
608 | V (vanadium) | IUPAC: vanadium, PubChem CID: 23990, CAS Number: 7440-62-2, i... | stable |
609 | Zn (zinc) | IUPAC: zinc, PubChem CID: 23994, CAS Number: 7440-66-6, in to... | stable |
614 | Cl- (chloride), PM1 | IUPAC: chloride, PubChem CID: 312, CAS Number: 16887-00-6, in... | stable |
615 | Cl- (chloride), PM10 | IUPAC: chloride, PubChem CID: 312, CAS Number: 16887-00-6, in... | stable |
616 | Cl- (chloride), PM2.5 | IUPAC: chloride, PubChem CID: 312, CAS Number: 16887-00-6, in... | stable |
617 | Cl- (chloride), TSP | IUPAC: chloride, PubChem CID: 312, CAS Number: 16887-00-6, in... | stable |
618 | F- (fluoride), TSP | IUPAC: fluoride, PubChem CID: 28179, CAS Number: 16984-48-8, ... | stable |
619 | SO4= (sulfate), corrected | IUPAC: sulfate, PubChem CID: 1117, CAS Number: 14808-79-8, in... | stable |
620 | SO4= (sulfate), TSP | IUPAC: sulfate, PubChem CID: 1117, CAS Number: 14808-79-8, in... | stable |
621 | SO4= (sulfate), PM10 | IUPAC: sulfate, PubChem CID: 1117, CAS Number: 14808-79-8, in... | stable |
622 | SO4= (sulfate), PM2.5 | IUPAC: sulfate, PubChem CID: 1117, CAS Number: 14808-79-8, in... | stable |
623 | Elemental carbon, PM10 | Carbonaceous fraction of particulate matter that is thermally... | stable |
624 | Elemental carbon, PM1 | Carbonaceous fraction of particulate matter that is thermally... | stable |
625 | Elemental carbon, PM2.5 | Carbonaceous fraction of particulate matter that is thermally... | stable |
626 | Total carbon, PM10 | Sum of elemental and organic carbon. Includes inorganic carbo... | stable |
632 | Ca++ (calcium), PM10 | IUPAC: calcium(2+), PubChem CID: 271, CAS Number: 14127-61-8,... | stable |
633 | Ca++ (calcium), PM2.5 | IUPAC: calcium(2+), PubChem CID: 271, CAS Number: 14127-61-8,... | stable |
634 | Ca++ (calcium), TSP | IUPAC: calcium(2+), PubChem CID: 271, CAS Number: 14127-61-8,... | stable |
635 | Mg++ (magnesium), PM10 | IUPAC: magnesium(2+), PubChem CID: 888, CAS Number: 22537-22-... | stable |
636 | Mg++ (magnesium), PM2.5 | IUPAC: magnesium(2+), PubChem CID: 888, CAS Number: 22537-22-... | stable |
637 | Mg++ (magnesium), TSP | IUPAC: magnesium(2+), PubChem CID: 888, CAS Number: 22537-22-... | stable |
638 | K+ (potassium), PM10 | IUPAC: potassium(1+), PubChem CID: 813, CAS Number: 24203-36-... | stable |
639 | K+ (potassium), PM2.5 | IUPAC: potassium(1+), PubChem CID: 813, CAS Number: 24203-36-... | stable |
640 | K+ (potassium), TSP | IUPAC: potassium(1+), PubChem CID: 813, CAS Number: 24203-36-... | stable |
641 | Na+ (sodium), PM10 | IUPAC: sodium(1+), PubChem CID: 923, CAS Number: 17341-25-2, ... | stable |
642 | Na+ (sodium), PM2.5 | IUPAC: sodium(1+), PubChem CID: 923, CAS Number: 17341-25-2, ... | stable |
643 | Na+ (sodium), TSP | IUPAC: sodium(1+), PubChem CID: 923, CAS Number: 17341-25-2, ... | stable |
644 | NH3 (ammonia), PM2.5 | IUPAC: azane, PubChem CID: 222, CAS Number: 7664-41-7, in par... | stable |
645 | NH4+ (ammonium), PM10 | IUPAC: azanium, PubChem CID: 223, CAS Number: 14798-03-9, in ... | stable |
646 | NH4+ (ammonium), PM2.5 | IUPAC: azanium, PubChem CID: 223, CAS Number: 14798-03-9, in ... | stable |
647 | NH4+ (ammonium), TSP | IUPAC: azanium, PubChem CID: 223, CAS Number: 14798-03-9, in ... | stable |
648 | NH4NO4 (ammonium nitrate), TSP | IUPAC: ammonium nitrate, PubChem CID: 22985, CAS Number: 6484... | stable |
649 | NH4NO3 (ammonium nitrate), PM1 | IUPAC: ammonium nitrate, PubChem CID: 22985, CAS Number: 6484... | stable |
650 | NO3- (nitrate), PM10 | IUPAC: nitrate, PubChem CID: 943, CAS Number: 14797-55-8, in ... | stable |
651 | NO3- (nitrate), PM2.5 | IUPAC: nitrate, PubChem CID: 943, CAS Number: 14797-55-8, in ... | stable |
652 | NO3- (nitrate), TSP | IUPAC: nitrate, PubChem CID: 943, CAS Number: 14797-55-8, in ... | stable |
653 | NO2- (nitrite), TSP | IUPAC: nitrite, PubChem CID: 946, CAS Number: 14797-65-0, in ... | stable |
654 | Sum of NH3 (ammonia) and NH4+ (ammonium) | Sum of NH3 (ammonia) and NH4+ (ammonium) | stable |
655 | Sum of HNO3 (nitric acid) and NO3- (nitrate) | Sum of HNO3 (nitric acid) and NO3- (nitrate) | stable |
656 | Major chemical components | Major chemical components | stable |
657 | Major inorganic components, TSP | Major inorganic components, TSP | stable |
658 | Major inorganic components, coarse | Major inorganic components, coarse | stable |
659 | Major inorganic components, fine | Major inorganic components, fine | stable |
660 | Other chemical components, coarse | Other chemical components, coarse | stable |
661 | Other chemical components, fine | Other chemical components, fine | stable |
662 | C2H3O2- (CH3COO-, acetate), PM1 | IUPAC: acetate, PubChem CID: 175, CAS Number: 71-50-0, in par... | stable |
663 | C2H3O2- (CH3COO-, acetate) | IUPAC: acetate, PubChem CID: 175, CAS Number: 71-50-0, in par... | stable |
664 | C2O4= (oxalate, ethanedioate), PM1 | IUPAC: oxalate, PubChem CID: 71081, CAS Number: 338-70-5, in ... | stable |
665 | C2O4= (oxalate, ethanedioate), PM10 | IUPAC: oxalate, PubChem CID: 71081, CAS Number: 338-70-5, in ... | stable |
666 | C2O4= (oxalate, ethanedioate), TSP | IUPAC: oxalate, PubChem CID: 71081, CAS Number: 338-70-5, in ... | stable |
667 | CH3O3S- (methanesulfonate), PM1 | IUPAC: methanesulfonate, PubChem CID: 85257, CAS Number: 1605... | stable |
668 | CH3O3S- (methanesulfonate), TSP | IUPAC: methanesulfonate, PubChem CID: 85257, CAS Number: 1605... | stable |
669 | CHO2- (HCOO-, formate) | IUPAC: formate, PubChem CID: 283, CAS Number: 71-47-6, in par... | stable |
670 | Carbonaceous-organic material, PM10 | stable | |
671 | Carbonaceous-organic material, fine | stable | |
672 | Ti (titanium), TSP | IUPAC: titanium, PubChem CID: 23963, CAS Number: 7440-32-6, i... | stable |
673 | Al (aluminium), PM2.5 | IUPAC: aluminium, PubChem CID: 5359268, CAS Number: 7429-90-5... | stable |
674 | Al (aluminium), TSP | IUPAC: aluminium, PubChem CID: 5359268, CAS Number: 7429-90-5... | stable |
675 | Sb (antimony), PM2.5 | IUPAC: antimony, PubChem CID: 5354495, CAS Number: 7440-36-0,... | stable |
676 | Sb (antimony), TSP | IUPAC: antimony, PubChem CID: 5354495, CAS Number: 7440-36-0,... | stable |
677 | As (arsenic), PM10 | IUPAC: arsenic, PubChem CID: 5359596, CAS Number: 7440-38-2, ... | stable |
678 | As (arsenic), TSP | IUPAC: arsenic, PubChem CID: 5359596, CAS Number: 7440-38-2, ... | stable |
679 | Ba (barium), PM2.5 | IUPAC: barium, PubChem CID: 5355457, CAS Number: 7440-39-3, i... | stable |
680 | Ba (barium), TSP | IUPAC: barium, PubChem CID: 5355457, CAS Number: 7440-39-3, i... | stable |
681 | Bi (bismuth), PM2.5 | IUPAC: bismuth, PubChem CID: 5359367, CAS Number: 7440-69-9, ... | stable |
682 | Bi (bismuth), TSP | IUPAC: bismuth, PubChem CID: 5359367, CAS Number: 7440-69-9, ... | stable |
683 | Cd (cadmium), PM1 | IUPAC: cadmium, PubChem CID: 23973, CAS Number: 7440-43-9, in... | stable |
684 | Cd (cadmium), PM10 | IUPAC: cadmium, PubChem CID: 23973, CAS Number: 7440-43-9, in... | stable |
685 | Cd (cadmium), PM2.5 | IUPAC: cadmium, PubChem CID: 23973, CAS Number: 7440-43-9, in... | stable |
686 | Cd (cadmium), PM2.5 - PM10 | IUPAC: cadmium, PubChem CID: 23973, CAS Number: 7440-43-9, in... | stable |
687 | Cd (cadmium), TSP | IUPAC: cadmium, PubChem CID: 23973, CAS Number: 7440-43-9, in... | stable |
688 | Ce (cerium), PM2.5 | IUPAC: cerium, PubChem CID: 23974, CAS Number: 7440-45-1, in ... | stable |
689 | Ce (cerium), TSP | IUPAC: cerium, PubChem CID: 23974, CAS Number: 7440-45-1, in ... | stable |
690 | Cr (chromium), TSP | IUPAC: chromium, PubChem CID: 23976, CAS Number: 7440-47-3, i... | stable |
691 | Co (cobalt), TSP | IUPAC: cobalt, PubChem CID: 104730, CAS Number: 7440-48-4, in... | stable |
692 | Cu (copper), PM10 | IUPAC: copper, PubChem CID: 23978, CAS Number: 7440-50-8, in ... | stable |
693 | Cu (copper), TSP | IUPAC: copper, PubChem CID: 23978, CAS Number: 7440-50-8, in ... | stable |
694 | Fe (iron), TSP | IUPAC: iron, PubChem CID: 23925, CAS Number: 7439-89-6, in pa... | stable |
695 | La (lanthanum), PM2.5 | IUPAC: lanthanum, PubChem CID: 23926, CAS Number: 7439-91-0, ... | stable |
696 | La (lanthanum), TSP | IUPAC: lanthanum, PubChem CID: 23926, CAS Number: 7439-91-0, ... | stable |
697 | Pb (lead), PM10 | IUPAC: lead, PubChem CID: 5352425, CAS Number: 7439-92-1, in ... | stable |
698 | Pb (lead), TSP | IUPAC: lead, PubChem CID: 5352425, CAS Number: 7439-92-1, in ... | stable |
699 | Li (lithium), PM2.5 | IUPAC: lithium, PubChem CID: 3028194, CAS Number: 7439-93-2, ... | stable |
700 | Li (lithium), TSP | IUPAC: lithium, PubChem CID: 3028194, CAS Number: 7439-93-2, ... | stable |
701 | Mn (manganese), PM10 | IUPAC: manganese, PubChem CID: 23930, CAS Number: 7439-96-5, ... | stable |
702 | Mn (manganese), TSP | IUPAC: manganese, PubChem CID: 23930, CAS Number: 7439-96-5, ... | stable |
703 | Hg (mercury), TSP | IUPAC: mercury, PubChem CID: 23931, CAS Number: 7439-97-6, in... | stable |
704 | Ni (nickel), PM10 | IUPAC: nickel, PubChem CID: 935, CAS Number: 7440-02-0, in pa... | stable |
705 | Ni (nickel), TSP | IUPAC: nickel, PubChem CID: 935, CAS Number: 7440-02-0, in pa... | stable |
706 | P (phosphorous), PM2.5 | IUPAC: phosphorus, PubChem CID: 5462309, CAS Number: 7723-14-... | stable |
707 | P (phosphorous), TSP | IUPAC: phosphorus, PubChem CID: 5462309, CAS Number: 7723-14-... | stable |
708 | Rb (rubidium), PM2.5 | IUPAC: rubidium, PubChem CID: 5357696, CAS Number: 7440-17-7,... | stable |
709 | Rb (rubidium), TSP | IUPAC: rubidium, PubChem CID: 5357696, CAS Number: 7440-17-7,... | stable |
710 | Se (selenium), TSP | IUPAC: selenium, PubChem CID: 6326970, CAS Number: 7782-49-2,... | stable |
711 | Sr (strontium), PM2.5 | IUPAC: strontium, PubChem CID: 5359327, CAS Number: 7440-24-6... | stable |
712 | Sr (strontium), TSP | IUPAC: strontium, PubChem CID: 5359327, CAS Number: 7440-24-6... | stable |
713 | Tl (thallium), PM2.5 | IUPAC: thallium, PubChem CID: 5359464, CAS Number: 7440-28-0,... | stable |
714 | Tl (thallium), TSP | IUPAC: thallium, PubChem CID: 5359464, CAS Number: 7440-28-0,... | stable |
715 | Th (thorium), PM2.5 | IUPAC: thorium, PubChem CID: 23960, CAS Number: 7440-29-1, in... | stable |
716 | Th (thorium), TSP | IUPAC: thorium, PubChem CID: 23960, CAS Number: 7440-29-1, in... | stable |
717 | Sn (tin), PM2.5 | IUPAC: tin, PubChem CID: 5352426, CAS Number: 7440-31-5, in p... | stable |
718 | Sn (tin), TSP | IUPAC: tin, PubChem CID: 5352426, CAS Number: 7440-31-5, in p... | stable |
719 | U (uranium), PM2.5 | IUPAC: uranium, PubChem CID: 23989, CAS Number: 7440-61-1, in... | stable |
720 | U (uranium), TSP | IUPAC: uranium, PubChem CID: 23989, CAS Number: 7440-61-1, in... | stable |
721 | V (vanadium), PM2.5 | IUPAC: vanadium, PubChem CID: 23990, CAS Number: 7440-62-2, i... | stable |
722 | V (vanadium), TSP | IUPAC: vanadium, PubChem CID: 23990, CAS Number: 7440-62-2, i... | stable |
723 | Zn (zinc), PM2.5 | IUPAC: zinc, PubChem CID: 23994, CAS Number: 7440-66-6, in pa... | stable |
724 | Zn (zinc), TSP | IUPAC: zinc, PubChem CID: 23994, CAS Number: 7440-66-6, in pa... | stable |
727 | Dust mass concentration | Concentration of dust or sand in the atmosphere | stable |
728 | Volcanic ash particle mass concentration | 3D field of mass mixing ratio of volcanic ash | stable |
729 | Aerosol volcanic ash (Total column) | Field of total column mass of volcanic ash | stable |
12000 | Atmospheric pressure profile | Upper-air atmospheric pressure | superseded |
12001 | Total lightning density | stable | |
12002 | Lightning density cloud-to-ground | stable | |
12005 | Horizontal wind direction at specified distance from reference surface | The direction of horizontal wind expressed in degrees at whic... | stable |
12006 | Horizontal wind speed at specified distance from reference surface | Commonly refers to the speed of horizontal wind, a ratio of t... | stable |
12016 | Cl3CCF3 (1,1,1-trichloro-2,2,2-trifluoroethane, CFC-113a) | IUPAC: 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2,2-trifluoroethane, PubChem CID: 96... | stable |
12017 | CBr2F2 (dibromodifluoromethane, Halon 1202) | IUPAC: dibromo(difluoro)methane, PubChem CID: 6382, CAS Numbe... | stable |
12018 | C2Br2F4 (1,2-dibromo-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane, Halon 2402) | IUPAC: 1,2-dibromo-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane, PubChem CID: 31... | stable |
12019 | C2H3Cl2F (1,1-dichloro-2-fluoroethane, HCFC-141a) | IUPAC: 1,1-dichloro-2-fluoroethane, PubChem CID: 67936, CAS N... | stable |
12021 | O2/N2 ratio | Atmospheric O2/N2 ratio | stable |
12022 | Total pollen | All pollen taxa | stable |
12023 | Total Pinaceae | Pine family pollen | stable |
12024 | Abies | Fir pollen | stable |
12025 | Picea | Spruce pollen | stable |
12026 | Larix | Larch pollen | stable |
12027 | Pinus | Pine pollen | stable |
12028 | Total Cupressaceae | Cypress family pollen | stable |
12029 | Total Arecaceae | Palm family pollen | stable |
12030 | Platanus | Plane tree pollen | stable |
12031 | Parietaria | Pellitory pollen | stable |
12032 | Urtica | Nettle pollen | stable |
12033 | Castanea | Sweet chestnut pollen | stable |
12034 | Fagus | Beech pollen | stable |
12035 | Quercus | Oak pollen | stable |
12036 | Total Betulaceae | Birch family pollen | stable |
12037 | Alnus | Alder pollen | stable |
12038 | Betula | Birch pollen | stable |
12039 | Carpinus | Hornbeam pollen | stable |
12040 | Corylus | Hazel pollen | stable |
12041 | Total Amaranthaceae | Amaranth family pollen | stable |
12042 | Chenopodium | Chenopodium (goosefoot) pollen | stable |
12043 | Populus | Poplar pollen | stable |
12044 | Salix | Willow pollen | stable |
12045 | Total Oleaceae | Olive family pollen | stable |
12046 | Olea | Olive pollen | stable |
12047 | Fraxinus | Ash pollen | stable |
12048 | Total Asteraceae | Aster family pollen | stable |
12049 | Ambrosia | Ragweed pollen | stable |
12050 | Artemisia | Mugwort pollen | stable |
12051 | Solidago | Solidago (goldenrod) pollen | stable |
12052 | Total Poaceae | Grasses pollen | stable |
12053 | Secale | Secale pollen | stable |
12054 | Zea mays | Maize pollen | stable |
12055 | Juglans | Walnut tree pollen | stable |
12056 | Ulmus | Elm pollen | stable |
12057 | Acer | Maple pollen | stable |
12058 | Aesculus | Aesculus pollen | stable |
12059 | Brassica | Brassica pollen | stable |
12060 | Plantago | Plantain pollen | stable |
12061 | Sambucus | Sambucus (elder) pollen | stable |
12062 | Rumex | Rumex (dock, sorrel) pollen | stable |
12063 | Tilia | Linden pollen | stable |
12064 | Humulus | Hop pollen | stable |
12065 | Taxus | Yew pollen | stable |
12066 | Hippophae | Sea-buckthorn pollen | stable |
12067 | Ilex | Holly pollen | stable |
12068 | Ligustrum | Privet pollen | stable |
12069 | Total Juncaceae | Rush family pollen | stable |
12070 | Total Cyperaceae | Sedge family pollen | stable |
12071 | Total Ericaceae | Heather family pollen | stable |
12072 | Total Rosaceae | Rose family pollen | stable |
12073 | Silene | Melandrium pollen | stable |
12074 | Total Ranunculaceae | Buttercup family pollen | stable |
12075 | Total Umbelliferae | Celery, carrot or parsley family pollen | stable |
12076 | Total Brassicaceae | Cabbage family (mustards, crucifers) pollen | stable |
12077 | Ostrya | Hophornbeam pollen | stable |
12078 | Cedrus | Cedar family pollen | stable |
12079 | Buxus | Box pollen | stable |
12080 | Ginkgo | Ginkgo pollen | stable |
12081 | Liquidambar | Sweetgum pollen | stable |
12082 | Mercurialis | Mercuries pollen | stable |
12083 | Total Moraceae | Mulberry family pollen | stable |
12084 | Alternaria | Alternaria spores | stable |
12085 | Cladosporium | Cladosporium spores | stable |
12086 | NF3 (nitrogen trifluoride) | IUPAC: nitrogen trifluoride, PubChem CID: 24553, CAS Number: ... | stable |
12087 | CH3D (monodeuterated methane, methane-d1) | IUPAC: deuteriomethane, PubChem CID: 12669, CAS Number: 676-4... | stable |
12088 | CClF3 (chlorotrifluoromethane, CFC-13) | IUPAC: chloro(trifluoro)methane, PubChem CID: 6392, CAS Numbe... | stable |
12089 | C2HClF4 (1-chloro-1,2,2,2-tetrafluoroethane, HCFC-124) | IUPAC: 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane, PubChem CID: 17822... | stable |
12090 | C5H2F10 (1,1,1,2,2,3,4,5,5,5-decafluoropentane, HFC-43-10-mee) | IUPAC: 1,1,1,2,2,3,4,5,5,5-decafluoropentane, PubChem CID: 86... | stable |
12091 | C4F8 (octafluorocyclobutane, PFC-318) | IUPAC: 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4-octafluorocyclobutane, PubChem CID: 82... | stable |
12092 | C3H8O (1-propanol) | IUPAC: Propan-1-ol, PubChem CID: 1031, CAS Number: 71-23-8, i... | stable |
12093 | C3H8O (2-propanol) | IUPAC: Propan-2-ol, PubChem CID: 3776, CAS Number: 67-63-0, i... | stable |
12094 | C4H4O (furan) | IUPAC: Furan, PubChem CID: 8029, CAS Number: 110-00-9, in gas... | stable |
12095 | C5H6O (2-methylfuran) | IUPAC: 2-Methylfuran, PubChem CID: 10797, CAS Number: 534-22-... | stable |
12096 | C5H6O (3-methylfuran) | IUPAC: 3-Methylfuran, PubChem CID: 13587, CAS Number: 930-27-... | stable |
12097 | C3H3N (2-propenenitrile, acrylonitrile) | IUPAC: Prop-2-enenitrile, PubChem CID: 7855, CAS Number: 107-... | stable |
12098 | C3H5N (propanenitrile) | IUPAC: Propanenitrile, PubChem CID: 7854, CAS Number: 107-12-... | stable |
12099 | C4H5N (2-methyl-2-propenenitrile, methylacrylonitrile) | IUPAC: 2-Methylprop-2-enenitrile, PubChem CID: 31368, CAS Num... | stable |
12100 | CH3NO3 (methyl nitrate) | IUPAC: Methyl nitrate, PubChem CID: 11724, CAS Number: 598-58... | stable |
12101 | C2H5NO3 (ethyl nitrate) | IUPAC: Ethyl nitrate, PubChem CID: 12259, CAS Number: 625-58-... | stable |
12102 | C3H7NO3 (isopropyl nitrate) | IUPAC: Propan-2-yl nitrate, PubChem CID: 15575, CAS Number: 1... | stable |
12103 | C4H9NO3 (n-butyl nitrate) | IUPAC: Butyl nitrate, PubChem CID: 13567, CAS Number: 928-45-... | stable |
12104 | C4H9NO3 (isobutyl nitrate) | IUPAC: 2-Methylpropyl nitrate, PubChem CID: 10974, CAS Number... | stable |
12105 | C4H9NO3 (t-butyl nitrate) | IUPAC: tert-Butyl nitrite, PubChem CID: 10906, CAS Number: 54... | stable |
12106 | C4H9NO3 (2-butyl nitrate, sec-butyl nitrate) | IUPAC: Butan-2-yl nitrite, PubChem CID: 13544, CAS Number: 92... | stable |
12107 | C5H10O (2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol) | IUPAC: 2-Methylbut-3-en-2-ol, PubChem CID: 8257, CAS Number: ... | stable |
12108 | C8H18 (n-octane) | IUPAC: Octane, PubChem CID: 356, CAS Number: 111-65-9, in gas... | stable |
12109 | C8H18 (2,2,4-trimethylpentane) | IUPAC: 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane, PubChem CID: 10907, CAS Number... | stable |
12110 | C4H6O ((E)-crotonaldehyde, trans-2-butenal) | IUPAC: (2E)-but-2-enal, PubChem CID: 447466, CAS Number: 123-... | stable |
12111 | C4H6O ((Z)-crotonaldehyde, cis-2-butenal) | IUPAC: (Z)-but-2-enal, PubChem CID: 673950, CAS Number: 15798... | stable |
12112 | C4H6O (crotonaldehyde, 2-butenal) | IUPAC: But-2-enal, PubChem CID: 20138, CAS Number: 4170-30-3,... | stable |
12113 | C2H2Cl2 (1,1-dichloroethene) | IUPAC: 1,1-Dichloroethene, PubChem CID: 6366, CAS Number: 75-... | stable |
12114 | C2H2Cl2 ((Z)-1,2-dichloroethene, cis-1,2-dichloroethene) | IUPAC: (Z)-1,2-dichloroethene, PubChem CID: 643833, CAS Numbe... | stable |
12115 | C2H2Cl2 ((E)-1,2-dichloroethene, trans-1,2-dichloroethene) | IUPAC: (E)-1,2-dichloroethene, PubChem CID: 638186, CAS Numbe... | stable |
12116 | C2H2Cl2 (1,2-dichloroethene) | IUPAC: 1,2-dichloroethene, PubChem CID: 10900, CAS Number: 54... | stable |
12117 | C2H4Cl2 (1,1-dichloroethane) | IUPAC: 1,1-Dichloroethane, PubChem CID: 6365, CAS Number: 75-... | stable |
12118 | C2H4Cl2 (1,2-dichloroethane) | IUPAC: 1,2-Dichloroethane, PubChem CID: 11, CAS Number: 107-0... | stable |
12119 | CHBr2Cl (dibromochloromethane) | IUPAC: dibromo(chloro)methane, PubChem CID: 31296, CAS Number... | stable |
12120 | CHBrCl2 (bromodichloromethane) | IUPAC: bromo(dichloro)methane, PubChem CID: 6359, CAS Number:... | stable |
12121 | CH2ClI (chloroiodomethane) | IUPAC: chloro(iodo)methane, PubChem CID: 11644, CAS Number: 5... | stable |
12122 | CH2I2 (diiodomethane) | IUPAC: diiodomethane, PubChem CID: 6346, CAS Number: 75-11-6,... | stable |
12123 | C5H4O2 (furfural) | IUPAC: furan-2-carbaldehyde, PubChem CID: 7362, CAS Number: 9... | stable |
12124 | C5H4O2 (3-furaldehyde) | IUPAC: furan-3-carbaldehyde, PubChem CID: 10351, CAS Number: ... | stable |
12125 | C8H8 (styrene) | IUPAC: styrene, PubChem CID: 7501, CAS Number: 100-42-5, in g... | stable |
12126 | C8H6 (ethynylbenzene) | IUPAC: ethynylbenzene, PubChem CID: 10821, CAS Number: 536-74... | stable |
12127 | C6H5Cl (chlorobenzene) | IUPAC: chlorobenzene, PubChem CID: 7964, CAS Number: 108-90-7... | stable |
12128 | C10H16 (tricyclene) | IUPAC: 1,7,7-trimethyltricyclo[,6]heptane, PubChem CI... | stable |
12129 | C10H16 (alpha-pinene) | IUPAC: 2,6,6-trimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]hept-2-ene, PubChem CID: ... | stable |
12130 | C10H16 (beta-pinene) | IUPAC: 6,6-dimethyl-2-methylidenebicyclo[3.1.1]heptane, PubCh... | stable |
12131 | C10H16 (myrcene) | IUPAC: 7-methyl-3-methylideneocta-1, PubChem CID: 31253, CAS ... | stable |
12132 | C10H16 (camphene) | IUPAC: 2,2-dimethyl-3-methylidenebicyclo[2.2.1]heptane, PubCh... | stable |
12133 | C10H16 (D-limonene) | IUPAC: (4R)-1-methyl-4-prop-1-en-2-ylcyclohexene, PubChem CID... | stable |
12134 | C10H16 (3-carene) | IUPAC: 3,7,7-trimethylbicyclo[4.1.0]hept-3-ene, PubChem CID: ... | stable |
12135 | C2H2O2 (glyoxal) | IUPAC: oxaldehyde, PubChem CID: 7860, CAS Number: 107-22-2, i... | stable |
12136 | C2H4O2 (methyl formate) | IUPAC: methyl formate, PubChem CID: 7865, CAS Number: 107-31-... | stable |
12137 | C2H4O2 (glycolaldehyde) | IUPAC: 2-hydroxyacetaldehyde, PubChem CID: 756, CAS Number: 1... | stable |
12138 | C3H6O2 (methyl acetate) | IUPAC: methyl acetate, PubChem CID: 6584, CAS Number: 79-20-9... | stable |
12139 | C3H6O2 (ethyl formate) | IUPAC: ethyl formate, PubChem CID: 8025, CAS Number: 109-94-4... | stable |
12140 | C3H6O2 (hydroxyacetone) | IUPAC: 1-hydroxypropan-2-one, PubChem CID: 8299, CAS Number: ... | stable |
12141 | C3H6O2 (1,3-dioxolane) | IUPAC: 1,3-dioxolane, PubChem CID: 12586, CAS Number: 646-06-... | stable |
12142 | C4H8O2 (ethyl acetate) | IUPAC: ethyl acetate, PubChem CID: 8857, CAS Number: 141-78-6... | stable |
12143 | C4H8O2 (methyl propionate) | IUPAC: methyl propanoate, PubChem CID: 11124, CAS Number: 554... | stable |
12144 | C8H10 (p-xylene) | IUPAC: 1,4-xylene, PubChem CID: 7809, CAS Number: 106-42-3, i... | stable |
12145 | Particle light extinction coefficient | A measure of light attenuation due to scattering and absorpti... | stable |
12146 | Particle single scattering albedo | Ratio of particle scattering coefficient to particle extincti... | stable |
12147 | Ångström exponent for particle light extinction | A measure of dependence of the particle light extinction coef... | stable |
12148 | Ångström exponent for particle light scattering | A measure of dependence of the particle light scattering coef... | stable |
12149 | Ångström exponent for particle light absorption | A measure of dependence of the particle light absorption coef... | stable |
12150 | Ångström exponent for aerosol optical depth | A measure of dependence of the aerosol optical depth on wavel... | stable |
12151 | Ångström exponent for aerosol absorption optical depth | A measure of dependence of the aerosol absorption optical dep... | stable |
12152 | Particle surface area size distribution | Particle surface area concentration as a function of size, ty... | stable |
12153 | Particle volume size distribution | Particle volume concentration as a function of size, typicall... | stable |
12154 | Particle mass size distribution | Particle mass concentration as a function of size, typically ... | stable |
12155 | Hygroscopic particle size growth factor | A scaling factor describing the particle equivalent spherical... | stable |
12156 | Hygroscopic particle light scattering growth factor | A scaling factor describing the particle scattering coefficie... | stable |
12157 | Hygroscopic particle light extinction growth factor | A scaling factor describing the particle extinction coefficie... | stable |
12158 | Particle light hemispheric backscatter coefficient | The fraction of incident radiative flux scattered into all ba... | stable |
12159 | Particle light backscatter coefficient | The fraction of incident radiative flux scattered backward at... | stable |
12160 | Particle light hemispheric forward scattering coefficient | Incident radiative flux scattered into all forward angles, i.... | stable |
12161 | Particle effective diameter | The area weighted mean diameter of the aerosol particles. | stable |
12162 | Aerosol layer height | Height of vertically localized aerosol layer above sea level | stable |
12163 | Mixed layer height | Height above the surface to which atmospheric properties (win... | stable |
12164 | O3 (ozone) | IUPAC: ozone, PubChem CID: 24823, CAS Number: 10028-15-6, in ... | stable |
12165 | Water vapour | stable | |
12166 | Temperature | stable | |
12167 | Cloud phase | Aggregate state of cloud particles, either water droplets/dro... | stable |
12168 | Height of the top of the PBL | Height of the surface above ground separating the planetary b... | stable |
12169 | Aerosol type | Selection, out of a pre-defined set of aerosol classes, that ... | stable |
12170 | Tritium [H-3] | IUPAC: n/a, PubChem CID: 24824, CAS Number: 10028-17-8 | stable |
12171 | Carbon [C-14] | IUPAC: n/a, PubChem CID: 26873, CAS Number: 14762-75-5 | stable |
12172 | Sodium [Na-22] | IUPAC: sodium-22, PubChem CID: 6328543, CAS Number: 13966-32-... | stable |
12173 | Sodium [Na-24] | IUPAC: sodium-24, PubChem CID: 6335498, CAS Number: 13982-04-... | stable |
12174 | Chlorine [Cl-38] | IUPAC: n/a, PubChem CID: 167013, CAS Number: 14158-34-0 | stable |
12175 | Potassium [K-40] | IUPAC: potassium-40, PubChem CID: 6328542, CAS Number: 13966-... | stable |
12176 | Potassium [K-42] | IUPAC: potassium-42, PubChem CID: 11607897, CAS Number: 14378... | stable |
12177 | Scandium [Sc-46] | IUPAC: scandium-46, PubChem CID: 107673, CAS Number: 13967-63... | stable |
12178 | Chromium [Cr-51] | IUPAC: chromium-51, PubChem CID: 104786, CAS Number: 14392-02... | stable |
12179 | Manganese [Mn-53] | IUPAC: manganese-53, PubChem CID: 167227, CAS Number: 14999-3... | stable |
12180 | Manganese [Mn-56] | IUPAC: manganese-56, PubChem CID: 114694, CAS Number: 14681-5... | stable |
12181 | Iron [Fe-59] | IUPAC: iron-59, PubChem CID: 104784, CAS Number: 14596-12-4 | stable |
12182 | Cobalt [Co-56] | IUPAC: cobalt-56, PubChem CID: 166998, CAS Number: 14093-03-9 | stable |
12183 | Cobalt [Co-57] | IUPAC: cobalt-57, PubChem CID: 104851, CAS Number: 13981-50-5 | stable |
12184 | Cobalt [Co-58] | IUPAC: cobalt-58, PubChem CID: 104844, CAS Number: 13981-38-9 | stable |
12185 | Cobalt [Co-60] | IUPAC: cobalt-60, PubChem CID: 61492, CAS Number: 10198-40-0 | stable |
12186 | Zinc [Zn-65] | IUPAC: zinc-65, PubChem CID: 91574, CAS Number: 13982-39-3 | stable |
12187 | Gallium [Ga-67] | IUPAC: gallium-67, PubChem CID: 5464084, CAS Number: 14119-09... | stable |
12188 | Selenium [Se-75] | IUPAC: selenium-75, PubChem CID: 6328176, CAS Number: 14265-7... | stable |
12189 | Strontium [Sr-85] | IUPAC: strontium-85, PubChem CID: 5464271, CAS Number: 13967-... | stable |
12190 | Strontium [Sr-89] | IUPAC: strontium-89, PubChem CID: 5388880, CAS Number: 14158-... | stable |
12191 | Strontium [Sr-90] | IUPAC: strontium-90, PubChem CID: 5486204, CAS Number: 10098-... | stable |
12192 | Strontium [Sr-91] | IUPAC: strontium-91, PubChem CID: 6337043, CAS Number: 14331-... | stable |
12193 | Yttrium [Y-88] | IUPAC: yttrium-88, PubChem CID: 105173, CAS Number: 13982-36-... | stable |
12194 | Yttrium [Y-90m] | Metastable (excited) state of yttrium-90 isotope, IUPAC: yttr... | stable |
12195 | Zirconium [Zr-95] | IUPAC: zirconium-95, PubChem CID: 91573, CAS Number: 13967-71... | stable |
12196 | Niobium [Nb-95] | IUPAC: niobium-95, PubChem CID: 104776, CAS Number: 13967-76-... | stable |
12197 | Molybdenum [Mo-99] | IUPAC: molybdenum-99, PubChem CID: 104976, CAS Number: 14119-... | stable |
12198 | Technetium [Tc-99m] | Metastable (excited) state of technetium-99 isotope, IUPAC: t... | stable |
12199 | Ruthenium [Ru-103] | IUPAC: ruthenium-103, PubChem CID: 104749, CAS Number: 13968-... | stable |
12200 | Ruthenium [Ru-106] | IUPAC: ruthenium-106, PubChem CID: 26359, CAS Number: 13967-4... | stable |
12201 | Silver [Ag-108m] | Metastable (excited) state of silver-108 isotope, IUPAC: silv... | stable |
12202 | Silver [Ag-110m] | Metastable (excited) state of silver-110 isotope, IUPAC: silv... | stable |
12203 | Indium [In-111] | IUPAC: indium-111, PubChem CID: 5462099, CAS Number: 15750-15... | stable |
12204 | Tin [Sn-113] | IUPAC: tin-113, PubChem CID: 6335514, CAS Number: 13966-06-8 | stable |
12205 | Antimony [Sb-122] | IUPAC: antimony-122, PubChem CID: 6335836, CAS Number: 14374-... | stable |
12206 | Antimony [Sb-124] | IUPAC: antimony-124, PubChem CID: 6335510, CAS Number: 14683-... | stable |
12207 | Antimony [Sb-125] | IUPAC: antimony-125, PubChem CID: 6335317, CAS Number: 14234-... | stable |
12208 | Tellurium [Te-132] | IUPAC: tellurium-132, PubChem CID: 6336614, CAS Number: 14234... | stable |
12209 | Iodine [I-126], elementary | IUPAC: n/a, PubChem CID: 161029, CAS Number: 14158-32-8 | stable |
12210 | Iodine [I-131], elementary | IUPAC: n/a, PubChem CID: 24855, CAS Number: 10043-66-0 | stable |
12211 | Iodine [I-132], elementary | IUPAC: n/a, PubChem CID: 104966, CAS Number: 14683-16-0 | stable |
12212 | Iodine [I-133], elementary | IUPAC: n/a, PubChem CID: 167176, CAS Number: 14834-67-4 | stable |
12213 | Xenon [Xe-133] | IUPAC: xenon-133, PubChem CID: 66376, CAS Number: 14932-42-4 | stable |
12214 | Caesium [Cs-134] | IUPAC: cesium-134, PubChem CID: 6335485, CAS Number: 13967-70... | stable |
12215 | Caesium [Cs-136] | IUPAC: cesium-136, PubChem CID: 6335316, CAS Number: 14234-29... | stable |
12216 | Caesium [Cs-137] | IUPAC: cesium-137, PubChem CID: 5486527, CAS Number: 10045-97... | stable |
12217 | barium [Ba-133] | IUPAC: barium-133, PubChem CID: 5491664, CAS Number: 13981-41... | stable |
12218 | barium [Ba-140] | IUPAC: barium-140, PubChem CID: 6335490, CAS Number: 14798-08... | stable |
12219 | cerium [Ce-139] | IUPAC: cerium-139, PubChem CID: 166969, CAS Number: 13982-30-... | stable |
12220 | cerium [Ce-141] | IUPAC: cerium-141, PubChem CID: 104814, CAS Number: 13967-74-... | stable |
12221 | cerium [Ce-144] | IUPAC: cerium-144, PubChem CID: 26874, CAS Number: 14762-78-8 | stable |
12222 | Lanthanum [La-140] | IUPAC: lanthanum-140, PubChem CID: 104882, CAS Number: 13981-... | stable |
12223 | Neodymium [Nd-147] | IUPAC: neodymium-147, PubChem CID: 114848, CAS Number: 14269-... | stable |
12224 | Europium [Eu-152] | IUPAC: europium-152, PubChem CID: 104907, CAS Number: 14683-2... | stable |
12225 | Tantalum [Ta-182] | IUPAC: tantalum-182, PubChem CID: 161013, CAS Number: 13982-0... | stable |
12226 | Iridium [Ir-192] | IUPAC: iridium-192, PubChem CID: 66373, CAS Number: 14694-69-... | stable |
12227 | Mercury [Hg-203] | IUPAC: mercury-203, PubChem CID: 104771, CAS Number: 13982-78... | stable |
12228 | bismuth [Bi-212] | IUPAC: bismuth-212, PubChem CID: 6335500, CAS Number: 14913-4... | stable |
12229 | bismuth [Bi-213] | IUPAC: bismuth-213, PubChem CID: 6337093, CAS Number: 15776-2... | stable |
12230 | Lead [Pb-212] | IUPAC: lead-212, PubChem CID: 6335491, CAS Number: 15092-94-1 | stable |
12231 | Lead [Pb-214] | IUPAC: lead-214, PubChem CID: 6328551, CAS Number: 15067-28-4 | stable |
12232 | Radium [Ra-226] | IUPAC: radium-226, PubChem CID: 9877911, CAS Number: 13982-63... | stable |
12233 | Actinium [Ac-228] | IUPAC: actinium-228, PubChem CID: 105063, CAS Number: 14331-8... | stable |
12234 | Thorium [Th-232] | IUPAC: thorium-232, PubChem CID: 11817119, CAS Number: n/a | stable |
12235 | Uranium [U-234] | IUPAC: uranium-234, PubChem CID: 61704, CAS Number: 13966-29-... | stable |
12236 | Uranium [U-235] | IUPAC: uranium-235, PubChem CID: 61784, CAS Number: 15117-96-... | stable |
12237 | Uranium [U-238] | IUPAC: uranium-238, PubChem CID: n/a, CAS Number: n/a | stable |
12238 | Plutonium [Pu-238] | IUPAC: plutonium-238, PubChem CID: 61709, CAS Number: 13981-1... | stable |
12239 | Neptunium [Np-239] | IUPAC: neptunium-239, PubChem CID: 104958, CAS Number: 13968-... | stable |
12240 | Americium [Am-241] | IUPAC: americium-241, PubChem CID: 104726, CAS Number: 14596-... | stable |
12241 | Sum of Plutonium [Pu-239] and [Pu-240] | Sum of Plutonium isotopes: Pu-239 and Pu-240, IUPAC: plutoniu... | stable |
12242 | Gold [Au-198] | IUPAC: gold-198, PubChem CID: 66274, CAS Number: 10043-49-9 | stable |
12243 | C2H2Cl2F2 (1,2-dichloro-1,1-difluoroethane, HCFC-132b) | IUPAC: 1,2-dichloro-1,1-difluoroethane, PubChem CID: 15442, C... | stable |
12244 | C2H2ClF3 (2-chloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane, HCFC-133a) | IUPAC: 2-chloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane, PubChem CID: 6408, CAS... | stable |
12245 | C3H2F6 (1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoropropane, HFC-236fa) | IUPAC: 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoropropane, PubChem CID: 12722, CAS... | superseded |
12246 | Tellurium [Te-131] | IUPAC: tellurium-131, PubChem CID: 6337051, CAS Number: 14683... | superseded |
12247 | Neodymium [Nd-137] | IUPAC: neodymium-137 | stable |
12248 | Attenuated backscatter | The product of the total volume backscatter coefficient and t... | stable |
12249 | Relative humidity (with respect to water) | The ratio of the amount fraction of the water vapour in the a... | stable |
12250 | Specific humidity | The ratio of the mass of water vapour in the air to the mass ... | stable |
12251 | Relative attenuated backscatter | The product of the total volume backscatter coefficient and t... | stable |
12295 | Radiance | The radiant flux emitted, reflected, transmitted or received ... | stable |
12296 | Spectral radiance | The radiance of a surface per unit frequency or wavelength, d... | stable |
12297 | Brightness temperature | Also called radiance temperature or equivalent black body tem... | stable |
12298 | Spectral bidirectional reflectance | Ratio of reflected to incident radiation as a function of inc... | stable |
12299 | Radar backscatter coefficient | Normalised radar cross section (NRCS) backscatter coefficient... | stable |
12300 | Bending angle | The angle through which an electromagnetic wave is refracted ... | stable |
12301 | Refractivity | The refractive index (of air) minus one. Particularly used fo... | stable |
12302 | Slant total delay (STD) | The time delay of a GNSS radio signal passing along an atmosp... | stable |
12303 | Zenith total delay (ZTD) | The time delay of a GNSS radio signal passing along an atmosp... | stable |
12304 | Delay Doppler map | A 2D array of backscatter coefficients as a function of Doppl... | stable |
12305 | Impact parameter | Minimum distance between the direction vector of the ray (pri... | stable |
12306 | Net short-wave irradiance | Flux density of short-wave solar radiation, as the difference... | stable |
12307 | Short-wave irradiance (direction unspecified) | Flux density of short-wave radiation (direction unspecified) ... | stable |
12308 | Net long-wave irradiance | Flux density of upwelling long-wave radiation, as the differe... | stable |
12309 | Upward spectral radiance | Upward radiant power per area unit, per solid angle, and per ... | stable |
12310 | Downward spectral radiance | Downward radiant power per area unit, per solid angle, and pe... | stable |
12311 | Solar spectral irradiance | Spectrally resolved flux density of radiation received from t... | stable |
12312 | Solar total irradiance | Spectrally integrated flux density of radiation received from... | stable |
12313 | Earth surface short-wave bidirectional reflectance | Reflectance of the Earth surface as a function of the viewing... | stable |
12314 | Earth surface spectral bidirectional reflectance | Reflectance of the Earth surface as a function of viewing ang... | stable |
12315 | Earth surface emissivity | Emissivity of the Earth surface as a function of wavelength a... | stable |
12316 | Long-wave earth surface emissivity | Emissivity of the earth surface integrated over the thermal I... | stable |
12320 | C3H2F6 (1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoropropane, HFC-236fa) | IUPAC: 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoropropane, PubChem CID: 12722, CAS... | stable |
12321 | Tellurium [Te-131] | IUPAC: tellurium-131, PubChem CID: 6337051, CAS Number: 14683... | stable |
12326 | u (u component of horizontal wind vector) | East-west component of the horizontal wind vector, positive v... | stable |
12327 | v (v component of horizontal wind vector) | North-south component of the horizontal wind vector, positive... | stable |
12328 | Total lightning flash density | Total number of detected flashes in the corresponding time in... | stable |
12329 | Lightning flash density cloud-to-ground | Number of detected cloud-to-ground flashes in the correspondi... | stable |