Register: Timezone




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submitted byamilan17

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description Timezone
has member relation member
label Timezone
member UTC-01:00 | UTC+08:00 | UTC+06:30 | UTC+09:00 | UTC+06:00 | UTC-12:00 | UTC+14:00 | UTC+12:00 | UTC+10:30 | UTC-09:00 | UTC-07:00 | UTC+04:30 | UTC+11:00 | UTC-03:30 | UTC+03:30 | UTC-11:00 | UTC+07:00 | UTC+04:00 | UTC+05:00 | UTC+02:00 | UTC+08:45 | UTC+10:00 | UTC-08:00 | UTC-05:00 | UTC-06:00 | UTC+05:45 | UTC-03:00 | UTC+12:45 | UTC-10:00 | UTC±00:00 | UTC+01:00 | UTC+09:30 | UTC+13:00 | UTC+03:00 | UTC-09:30 | UTC-02:00 | UTC+05:30 | UTC-04:00
modified 14 Nov 2022 14:49:59.617
type Collection | Register | Container
version info 39
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Notation Name Description Status
-12 UTC-12:00 Timezone with a UTC offset of UTC-12:00 hours. Locations in t... stable
-11 UTC-11:00 Timezone with a UTC offset of UTC-11:00 hours. Locations in t... stable
-10 UTC-10:00 Timezone with a UTC offset of UTC-10:00 hours. Locations in t... stable
-9 UTC-09:00 Timezone with a UTC offset of UTC-09:00 hours. Locations in t... stable
-8 UTC-08:00 Timezone with a UTC offset of UTC-08:00 hours. Locations in t... stable
-7 UTC-07:00 Timezone with a UTC offset of UTC-07:00 hours. Locations in t... stable
-6 UTC-06:00 Timezone with a UTC offset of UTC-06:00 hours. Locations in t... stable
-5 UTC-05:00 Timezone with a UTC offset of UTC-05:00 hours. Locations in t... stable
-4 UTC-04:00 Timezone with a UTC offset of UTC-04:00 hours. Locations in t... stable
-3 UTC-03:00 Timezone with a UTC offset of UTC-03:00 hours. Locations in t... stable
-2 UTC-02:00 Timezone with a UTC offset of UTC-02:00 hours. Locations in t... stable
-1 UTC-01:00 Timezone with a UTC offset of UTC-01:00 hours. Locations in t... stable
-3.5 UTC-03:30 Timezone with a UTC offset of UTC-03:30 hours. Locations in t... stable
-9.5 UTC-09:30 Timezone with a UTC offset of UTC-09:30 hours. Locations in t... stable
0 UTC±00:00 Timezone with a UTC offset of UTC±00:00 hours. Locations in t... stable
1 UTC+01:00 Timezone with a UTC offset of UTC+01:00 hours. Locations in t... stable
10 UTC+10:00 Timezone with a UTC offset of UTC+10:00 hours. Locations in t... stable
10.5 UTC+10:30 Timezone with a UTC offset of UTC+10:30 hours. Locations in t... stable
11 UTC+11:00 Timezone with a UTC offset of UTC+11:00 hours. Locations in t... stable
12 UTC+12:00 Timezone with a UTC offset of UTC+12:00 hours. Locations in t... stable
12.75 UTC+12:45 Timezone with a UTC offset of UTC+12:45 hours. Locations in t... stable
2 UTC+02:00 Timezone with a UTC offset of UTC+02:00 hours. Locations in t... stable
3 UTC+03:00 Timezone with a UTC offset of UTC+03:00 hours. Locations in t... stable
4 UTC+04:00 Timezone with a UTC offset of UTC+04:00 hours. Locations in t... stable
6 UTC+06:00 Timezone with a UTC offset of UTC+06:00 hours. Locations in t... stable
7 UTC+07:00 Timezone with a UTC offset of UTC+07:00 hours. Locations in t... stable
8 UTC+08:00 Timezone with a UTC offset of UTC+08:00 hours. Locations in t... stable
9 UTC+09:00 Timezone with a UTC offset of UTC+09:00 hours. Locations in t... stable
13 UTC+13:00 Timezone with a UTC offset of UTC+13:00 hours. Locations in t... stable
14 UTC+14:00 Timezone with a UTC offset of UTC+14:00 hours. Locations in t... stable
3.5 UTC+03:30 Timezone with a UTC offset of UTC+03:30 hours. Locations in t... stable
4.5 UTC+04:30 Timezone with a UTC offset of UTC+04:30 hours. Locations in t... stable
5 UTC+05:00 Timezone with a UTC offset of UTC+05:00 hours. Locations in t... stable
5.5 UTC+05:30 Timezone with a UTC offset of UTC+05:30 hours. Locations in t... stable
5.75 UTC+05:45 Timezone with a UTC offset of UTC+05:45 hours. Locations in t... stable
6.5 UTC+06:30 Timezone with a UTC offset of UTC+06:30 hours. Locations in t... stable
8.75 UTC+08:45 Timezone with a UTC offset of UTC+08:45 hours. Locations in t... stable
9.5 UTC+09:30 Timezone with a UTC offset of UTC+09:30 hours. Locations in t... stable