Register: Surface roughness (Davenport roughness classification)



Surface roughness (Davenport roughness classification)

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is a Collection | Container | Register
changed on 21 Nov 2019 09:21:32.061
submitted bykurt-hectic
accepted on 29 Apr 2020 14:36:17.868

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Notation Name Description Status
chaotic Chaotic (City centre with high and low-rise buildings) Centres of large towns with mixture of low-rise and high-rise... stable
closed Closed (Regular large obstacle COVER (suburb, forest)) Landscape totally and quite regularly covered with similar si... stable
inapplicable inapplicable None of the codes in the table are applicable in the context ... stable
open Open (Open flat terrain; grass, few isolated obstacles) Level country with low vegetation (e.g. grass) and isolated o... stable
rough Rough (High crops; scattered obstacles, 15 < x/H < 20) Recently-developed 'young' landscape with high crops or crops... stable
roughlyOpen Roughly open (Low crops; occasional large obstacles, x/H > 20) Cultivated area with regular cover of low crops, or moderatel... stable
sea Sea (open water, tidal flat, snow with fetch above 3 km Open sea or lake (irrespective of the wave size), tidal flat,... stable
smooth Smooth (Mud flats, snow; no vegetation, no obstacles) Featureless land surface without any noticeable obstacles and... stable
unknown unknown The surface roughness is unknown. stable
veryRough Very rough (Parkland, bushes; numerous obstacles, x/H ~ 10) 'Old' cultivated landscape with many rather large obstacle gr... stable