Entry: ODYSSEA H2020 Glider program


URI: http://codes.wmo.int/wmdr/ProgramAffiliation/ODYSSEAGlider    

ODYSSEA developed, operate and demonstrate an interoperable and cost-effective platform that fully integrates networks of observing and forecasting systems across the Mediterranean basin, addressing both the open sea and the coastal zone. ODYSSEA program started in 2018 and finished in 2021.

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submitted byamilan17

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date submitted 22 Jun 2022 12:38:42.072
entity ODYSSEA H2020 Glider program
source graph graph

description ODYSSEA developed, operate and demonstrate an interoperable and cost-effective platform that fully integrates networks of observing and forecasting systems across the Mediterranean basin, addressing both the open sea and the coastal zone. ODYSSEA program started in 2018 and finished in 2021.
item class Concept
label ODYSSEA H2020 Glider program
notation ODYSSEAGlider
register program affiliation
status status stable
account name https://api.github.com/users/amilan17
name amilan17

type register item
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description ODYSSEA developed, operate and demonstrate an interoperable and cost-effective platform that fully integrates networks of observing and forecasting systems across the Mediterranean basin, addressing both the open sea and the coastal zone. ODYSSEA program started in 2018 and finished in 2021.
label ODYSSEA H2020 Glider program
notation ODYSSEAGlider
type Concept