Entry: Nowcasting and very short-range forecasting (NVSRF)


URI: http://codes.wmo.int/wmdr/ApplicationArea/nowcasting    

Nowcasting and very short-range forecasting (NVSRF) covers the 0-12 hours forecasting range with high time and space resolution, focusing on rapid evolving phenomena like convection and using dedicated algorithms with combined relevant observed and model data, to produce forecasts usually near the surface, in a seamless way for the forecast range. http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/OSY/SOG/SoG-Nowcasting-VSRF.pdf

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is a Concept
submitted bykurt-hectic
accepted on 29 Apr 2020 14:25:38.716 | 29 Apr 2020 14:26:17.815

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date accepted 29 Apr 2020 14:25:38.716 | 29 Apr 2020 14:26:17.815
date submitted 14 Oct 2019 16:36:32.626
entity Nowcasting and very short-range forecasting (NVSRF)
source graph graph

description Nowcasting and very short-range forecasting (NVSRF) covers the 0-12 hours forecasting range with high time and space resolution, focusing on rapid evolving phenomena like convection and using dedicated algorithms with combined relevant observed and model data, to produce forecasts usually near the surface, in a seamless way for the forecast range. http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/OSY/SOG/SoG-Nowcasting-VSRF.pdf
item class Concept
label Nowcasting and very short-range forecasting (NVSRF)
notation nowcasting
register application area
status status stable
account name https://api.github.com/users/kurt-hectic
name kurt-hectic

type register item
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description Nowcasting and very short-range forecasting (NVSRF) covers the 0-12 hours forecasting range with high time and space resolution, focusing on rapid evolving phenomena like convection and using dedicated algorithms with combined relevant observed and model data, to produce forecasts usually near the surface, in a seamless way for the forecast range. http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/OSY/SOG/SoG-Nowcasting-VSRF.pdf
label Nowcasting and very short-range forecasting (NVSRF)
notation nowcasting
type Concept