Entry: Monitoring atmospheric composition - showing version 1


URI: http://codes.wmo.int/wmdr/ApplicationArea/atmosphericCompositionMonitoring    

Applications related to evaluating and analysing changes (temporally and spatially) in atmospheric composition regionally and globally to support treaty monitoring, climatologies and re-analyses, assessing trends in composition and emissions/ fluxes, and to better understand processes, using data of controlled quality (and with less stringent time requirements (not needed in NRT)), and used in products such as Ozone and Greenhouse Gas Bulletins, and State/Health of the Atmosphere reports [source: http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/arep/gaw/documents/FINAL_GAW_221.pdf]

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submitted bykurt-hectic

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date submitted 14 Oct 2019 16:36:32.629
entity Monitoring atmospheric composition
source graph graph

description Applications related to evaluating and analysing changes (temporally and spatially) in atmospheric composition regionally and globally to support treaty monitoring, climatologies and re-analyses, assessing trends in composition and emissions/ fluxes, and to better understand processes, using data of controlled quality (and with less stringent time requirements (not needed in NRT)), and used in products such as Ozone and Greenhouse Gas Bulletins, and State/Health of the Atmosphere reports [source: http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/arep/gaw/documents/FINAL_GAW_221.pdf]
item class Concept
label Monitoring atmospheric composition
notation atmosphericCompositionMonitoring
register application area
status status experimental
account name https://api.github.com/users/kurt-hectic
name kurt-hectic

type register item
version info 1
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description Applications related to evaluating and analysing changes (temporally and spatially) in atmospheric composition regionally and globally to support treaty monitoring, climatologies and re-analyses, assessing trends in composition and emissions/ fluxes, and to better understand processes, using data of controlled quality (and with less stringent time requirements (not needed in NRT)), and used in products such as Ozone and Greenhouse Gas Bulletins, and State/Health of the Atmosphere reports [source: http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/arep/gaw/documents/FINAL_GAW_221.pdf]
label Monitoring atmospheric composition
notation atmosphericCompositionMonitoring
type Concept