Register: space-based-observations
Space based observations
Notation | Name | Description | Status |
ace | ace | Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) | stable |
aditya-1 | aditya-1 | Aditya-1 | stable |
arase-erg | arase-erg | Exploration of energization and Radiation in Geospace (Arase ... | stable |
arctica-m-n1 | arctica-m-n1 | Arctica-M N1 | stable |
arctica-m-n2 | arctica-m-n2 | Arctica-M N2 | stable |
artemis-p1 | artemis-p1 | Acceleration, Reconnection, Turbulence, and Electrodynamics o... | stable |
artemis-p2 | artemis-p2 | Acceleration, Reconnection, Turbulence, and Electrodynamics o... | stable |
aso-s | aso-s | Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory (ASO-S (Kuafu-1)) | stable |
cluster-1 | cluster-1 | CLUSTER-1 | stable |
cluster-2 | cluster-2 | CLUSTER-2 | stable |
cluster-3 | cluster-3 | CLUSTER-3 | stable |
cluster-4 | cluster-4 | CLUSTER-4 | stable |
diademe-1 | diademe-1 | Diademe-1 | stable |
diademe-2 | diademe-2 | Diademe-2 | stable |
dmsp-17 | dmsp-17 | Defense Meteorological Satellite Program - F17 (DMSP-F17) | stable |
dmsp-18 | dmsp-18 | Defense Meteorological Satellite Program - F18 (DMSP-F18) | stable |
dscovr | dscovr | Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) | stable |
electro-l-n2 | electro-l-n2 | Electro-L Number 2 (Electro-L N2) | stable |
electro-l-n3 | electro-l-n3 | Electro-L Number 3 (Electro-L N3) | stable |
electro-l-n4 | electro-l-n4 | Electro-L Number 4 (Electro-L N4) | stable |
formosat-5 | formosat-5 | FORMOSAT-5 | stable |
fy-2g | fy-2g | Feng-Yun - 2G (FY-2G) | stable |
fy-2h | fy-2h | Feng-Yun - 2H (FY-2H) | stable |
fy-3c | fy-3c | Feng-Yun 3C (FY-3C) | stable |
fy-3d | fy-3d | Feng-Yun 3D (FY-3D) | stable |
fy-3e | fy-3e | Feng-Yun 3E (FY-3E) | stable |
fy-4a | fy-4a | Feng-Yun - 4A (FY-4A) | stable |
fy-4b | fy-4b | Feng-Yun - 4B (FY-4B) | stable |
fy-4c | fy-4c | Feng-Yun - 4C (FY-4C) | stable |
fy-4d | fy-4d | Feng-Yun - 4D (FY-4D) | stable |
fy-4e | fy-4e | Feng-Yun - 4E (FY-4E) | stable |
galileo | galileo | Galileo | stable |
geo-kompsat-2a | geo-kompsat-2a | Geostationary Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite - 2A (GEO-KOMPSAT... | stable |
goes-14 | goes-14 | Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite - 14 (GOES-... | stable |
goes-16 | goes-16 | Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite - 16 (GOES-... | stable |
goes-17 | goes-17 | Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite - 17 (GOES-... | stable |
goes-18 | goes-18 | Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite - 18 (GOES-... | stable |
grace-fo | grace-fo | Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment - Follow-on (GRACE-FO... | stable |
icon | icon | Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON) | stable |
iris | iris | Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) | stable |
iss-gari | iss-gari | The GAGG Radiation Instruments (GARI) (ISS GARI) | stable |
jason-3 | jason-3 | Joint Altimetry Satellite Oceanography Network - 3 (JASON-3) | stable |
lemur-2 | lemur-2 | Low Earth Multi-Use Receiver - 2 (Lemur-2) | stable |
mats | mats | Mesospheric Airglow/Aerosol Tomography and Spectroscopy (MATS... | stable |
meteor-m-n2 | meteor-m-n2 | Meteor-M Number 2 (Meteor-M N2) | stable |
meteor-m-n2-2 | meteor-m-n2-2 | Meteor-M Number 2-2 (Meteor-M N2-2) | stable |
meteor-m-n2-3 | meteor-m-n2-3 | Meteor-M Number 2-3 (Meteor-M N2-3) | stable |
meteor-m-n2-4 | meteor-m-n2-4 | Meteor-M Number 2-4 (Meteor-M N2-4) | stable |
metop-b | metop-b | Meteorological operational satellite - B (Metop-B) | stable |
metop-c | metop-c | Meteorological operational satellite - C (Metop-C) | stable |
mms-a | mms-a | Magnetospheric MultiScale mission - A (MMS-A) | stable |
mms-b | mms-b | Magnetospheric MultiScale mission - B (MMS-B) | stable |
mms-c | mms-c | Magnetospheric MultiScale mission - C (MMS-C) | stable |
mms-d | mms-d | Magnetospheric MultiScale mission - D (MMS-D) | stable |
noaa-15 | noaa-15 | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - 15 (NOAA-15... | stable |
noaa-18 | noaa-18 | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - 18 (NOAA-18... | stable |
noaa-19 | noaa-19 | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - 19 (NOAA-19... | stable |
parker-solar-probe | parker-solar-probe | Parker Solar Probe | stable |
proba-2 | proba-2 | Project for On-Board Autonomy - 2 (PROBA-2) | stable |
sdo | sdo | Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) | stable |
sich-2-30 | sich-2-30 | SICH-2-30 (originally SICH-2-1) | stable |
soho | soho | Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) | stable |
solar-b | solar-b | Solar-B (Hinode) | stable |
solar-orbiter | solar-orbiter | Solar Orbiter | stable |
starlette | starlette | Satellite de Taille Adaptee avec Reflecteurs Laser pour les E... | stable |
stella | stella | STELLA | stable |
stereo-a | stereo-a | Solar-TErrestrial RElations Observatory - A (STEREO-A) | stable |
swarm-a | swarm-a | The Earth's Magnetic Field and Environment Explorers - A (SWA... | stable |
swarm-b | swarm-b | The Earth's Magnetic Field and Environment Explorers - B (SWA... | stable |
swarm-c | swarm-c | The Earth's Magnetic Field and Environment Explorers - C (SWA... | stable |
tempo | tempo | Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution | stable |
themis-a | themis-a | Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Sub... | stable |
themis-d | themis-d | Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Sub... | stable |
themis-e | themis-e | Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Sub... | stable |
tianmu-1 | tianmu-1 | Tianmu-1 | stable |
timed | timed | Thermosphere, Ionosphere, Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics ... | stable |
triton | triton | TRITON (also FORMOSAT-7R) | stable |
venus | venus | Vegetation and Environment monitoring on a New Micro-Satellit... | stable |
wind | wind | WIND | stable |
worldview-3 | worldview-3 | WorldView-3 | stable |
xmm-newton | xmm-newton | X-ray Multi-Mirror Mission Observatory - Newton (XMM-Newton) | stable |