Register: Parameter number
Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category
Notation | Name | Description | Status |
0-0-0 | Temperature | Temperature | stable |
0-0-1 | Virtual temperature | Virtual temperature | stable |
0-0-10 | Latent heat net flux | Latent heat net flux | stable |
0-0-11 | Sensible heat net flux | Sensible heat net flux | stable |
0-0-12 | Heat index | Heat index | stable |
0-0-13 | Wind chill factor | Wind chill factor | stable |
0-0-14 | Minimum dewpoint depression | Minimum dewpoint depression | stable |
0-0-15 | Virtual potential temperature | Virtual potential temperature | stable |
0-0-16 | Snow phase change heat flux | Snow phase change heat flux | stable |
0-0-17 | Skin temperature | Skin temperature | stable |
0-0-18 | Snow temperature (top of snow) | Snow temperature (top of snow) | stable |
0-0-19 | Turbulent transfer coefficient for heat | Turbulent transfer coefficient for heat | stable |
0-0-2 | Potential temperature | Potential temperature | stable |
0-0-20 | Turbulent diffusion coefficient for heat | Turbulent diffusion coefficient for heat | stable |
0-0-21 | Apparent temperature | Apparent temperature | stable |
0-0-255 | Missing | Missing | stable |
0-0-3 | Pseudo-adiabatic potential temperature or equivalent potential temperature | Pseudo-adiabatic potential temperature or equivalent potentia... | stable |
0-0-4 | Maximum temperature | Maximum temperature | stable |
0-0-5 | Minimum temperature | Minimum temperature | stable |
0-0-6 | Dewpoint temperature | Dewpoint temperature | stable |
0-0-7 | Dewpoint depression (or deficit) | Dewpoint depression (or deficit) | stable |
0-0-8 | Lapse rate | Lapse rate | stable |
0-0-9 | Temperature anomaly | Temperature anomaly | stable |
0-1-0 | Specific humidity | Specific humidity | stable |
0-1-1 | Relative humidity | Relative humidity | stable |
0-1-10 | Convective precipitation | Convective precipitation | stable |
0-1-11 | Snow depth | Snow depth | stable |
0-1-12 | Snowfall rate water equivalent | Snowfall rate water equivalent | stable |
0-1-13 | Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth | Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth | stable |
0-1-14 | Convective snow | Convective snow | stable |
0-1-15 | Large-scale snow | Large-scale snow | stable |
0-1-16 | Snow melt | Snow melt | stable |
0-1-17 | Snow age | Snow age | stable |
0-1-18 | Absolute humidity | Absolute humidity | stable |
0-1-19 | Precipitation type | Precipitation type | stable |
0-1-2 | Humidity mixing ratio | Humidity mixing ratio | stable |
0-1-20 | Integrated liquid water | Integrated liquid water | stable |
0-1-21 | Condensate | Condensate | stable |
0-1-22 | Cloud mixing ratio | Cloud mixing ratio | stable |
0-1-23 | Ice water mixing ratio | Ice water mixing ratio | stable |
0-1-24 | Rain mixing ratio | Rain mixing ratio | stable |
0-1-25 | Snow mixing ratio | Snow mixing ratio | stable |
0-1-255 | Missing | Missing | stable |
0-1-26 | Horizontal moisture convergence | Horizontal moisture convergence | stable |
0-1-27 | Maximum relative humidity | Maximum relative humidity | stable |
0-1-28 | Maximum absolute humidity | Maximum absolute humidity | stable |
0-1-29 | Total snowfall | Total snowfall | stable |
0-1-3 | Precipitable water | Precipitable water | stable |
0-1-30 | Precipitable water category | Precipitable water category | stable |
0-1-31 | Hail | Hail | stable |
0-1-32 | Graupel (snow pellets) | Graupel (snow pellets) | stable |
0-1-33 | Categorical rain | Categorical rain | stable |
0-1-34 | Categorical freezing rain | Categorical freezing rain | stable |
0-1-35 | Categorical ice pellets | Categorical ice pellets | stable |
0-1-36 | Categorical snow | Categorical snow | stable |
0-1-37 | Convective precipitation rate | Convective precipitation rate | stable |
0-1-38 | Horizontal moisture divergence | Horizontal moisture divergence | stable |
0-1-39 | Per cent frozen precipitation | Per cent frozen precipitation | stable |
0-1-4 | Vapour pressure | Vapour pressure | stable |
0-1-40 | Potential evaporation | Potential evaporation | stable |
0-1-41 | Potential evaporation rate | Potential evaporation rate | stable |
0-1-42 | Snow cover | Snow cover | stable |
0-1-43 | Rain fraction of total cloud water | Rain fraction of total cloud water | stable |
0-1-44 | Rime factor | Rime factor | stable |
0-1-45 | Total column integrated rain | Total column integrated rain | stable |
0-1-46 | Total column integrated snow | Total column integrated snow | stable |
0-1-47 | Large scale water precipitation (non-convective) | Large scale water precipitation (non-convective) | stable |
0-1-48 | Convective water precipitation | Convective water precipitation | stable |
0-1-49 | Total water precipitation | Total water precipitation | stable |
0-1-5 | Saturation deficit | Saturation deficit | stable |
0-1-50 | Total snow precipitation | Total snow precipitation | stable |
0-1-51 | Total column water (Vertically integrated total water (vapour + cloud water/ice)) | Total column water (Vertically integrated total water (vapour... | stable |
0-1-52 | Total precipitation rate | Total precipitation rate | stable |
0-1-53 | Total snowfall rate water equivalent | Total snowfall rate water equivalent | stable |
0-1-54 | Large scale precipitation rate | Large scale precipitation rate | stable |
0-1-55 | Convective snowfall rate water equivalent | Convective snowfall rate water equivalent | stable |
0-1-56 | Large scale snowfall rate water equivalent | Large scale snowfall rate water equivalent | stable |
0-1-57 | Total snowfall rate | Total snowfall rate | stable |
0-1-58 | Convective snowfall rate | Convective snowfall rate | stable |
0-1-59 | Large scale snowfall rate | Large scale snowfall rate | stable |
0-1-6 | Evaporation | Evaporation | stable |
0-1-60 | Snow depth water equivalent | Snow depth water equivalent | stable |
0-1-61 | Snow density | Snow density | stable |
0-1-62 | Snow evaporation | Snow evaporation | stable |
0-1-64 | Total column integrated water vapour | Total column integrated water vapour | stable |
0-1-65 | Rain precipitation rate | Rain precipitation rate | stable |
0-1-66 | Snow precipitation rate | Snow precipitation rate | stable |
0-1-67 | Freezing rain precipitation rate | Freezing rain precipitation rate | stable |
0-1-68 | Ice pellets precipitation rate | Ice pellets precipitation rate | stable |
0-1-69 | Total column integrated cloud water | Total column integrated cloud water | stable |
0-1-7 | Precipitation rate | Precipitation rate | stable |
0-1-70 | Total column integrated cloud ice | Total column integrated cloud ice | stable |
0-1-71 | Hail mixing ratio | Hail mixing ratio | stable |
0-1-72 | Total column integrated hail | Total column integrated hail | stable |
0-1-73 | Hail precipitation rate | Hail precipitation rate | stable |
0-1-74 | Total column integrated graupel | Total column integrated graupel | stable |
0-1-75 | Graupel (snow pellets) precipitation rate | Graupel (snow pellets) precipitation rate | stable |
0-1-76 | Convective rain rate | Convective rain rate | stable |
0-1-77 | Large scale rain rate | Large scale rain rate | stable |
0-1-78 | Total column integrated water (all components including precipitation) | Total column integrated water (all components including preci... | stable |
0-1-79 | Evaporation rate | Evaporation rate | stable |
0-1-8 | Total precipitation | Total precipitation | stable |
0-1-80 | Total condensate | Total condensate | stable |
0-1-81 | Total column-integrated condensate | Total column-integrated condensate | stable |
0-1-82 | Cloud ice mixing-ratio | Cloud ice mixing-ratio | stable |
0-1-83 | Specific cloud liquid water content | Specific cloud liquid water content | stable |
0-1-84 | Specific cloud ice water content | Specific cloud ice water content | stable |
0-1-85 | Specific rainwater content | Specific rainwater content | stable |
0-1-86 | Specific snow water content | Specific snow water content | stable |
0-1-9 | Large-scale precipitation (non-convective) | Large-scale precipitation (non-convective) | stable |
0-1-90 | Total kinematic moisture flux | Total kinematic moisture flux | stable |
0-1-91 | u-component (zonal) kinematic moisture flux | u-component (zonal) kinematic moisture flux | stable |
0-1-92 | v-component (meridional) kinematic moisture flux | v-component (meridional) kinematic moisture flux | stable |
0-13-0 | Aerosol type | Aerosol type | stable |
0-13-255 | Missing | Missing | stable |
0-14-0 | Total ozone | Total ozone | stable |
0-14-1 | Ozone mixing ratio | Ozone mixing ratio | stable |
0-14-2 | Total column integrated ozone | Total column integrated ozone | stable |
0-14-255 | Missing | Missing | stable |
0-15-0 | Base spectrum width | Base spectrum width | stable |
0-15-1 | Base reflectivity | Base reflectivity | stable |
0-15-10 | Reflectivity of cloud ice | Reflectivity of cloud ice | stable |
0-15-11 | Reflectivity of snow | Reflectivity of snow | stable |
0-15-12 | Reflectivity of rain | Reflectivity of rain | stable |
0-15-13 | Reflectivity of graupel | Reflectivity of graupel | stable |
0-15-14 | Reflectivity of hail | Reflectivity of hail | stable |
0-15-2 | Base radial velocity | Base radial velocity | stable |
0-15-255 | Missing | Missing | stable |
0-15-3 | Vertically integrated liquid water (VIL) | Vertically integrated liquid water (VIL) | stable |
0-15-4 | Layer-maximum base reflectivity | Layer-maximum base reflectivity | stable |
0-15-5 | Precipitation | Precipitation | stable |
0-15-6 | Radar spectra (1) | Radar spectra (1) | stable |
0-15-7 | Radar spectra (2) | Radar spectra (2) | stable |
0-15-8 | Radar spectra (3) | Radar spectra (3) | stable |
0-15-9 | Reflectivity of cloud droplets | Reflectivity of cloud droplets | stable |
0-16-0 | Equivalent radar reflectivity factor for rain | Equivalent radar reflectivity factor for rain | stable |
0-16-1 | Equivalent radar reflectivity factor for snow | Equivalent radar reflectivity factor for snow | stable |
0-16-2 | Equivalent radar reflectivity factor for parameterized convection | Equivalent radar reflectivity factor for parameterized convec... | stable |
0-16-255 | Missing | Missing | stable |
0-16-3 | Echo top | Echo top | stable |
0-16-4 | Reflectivity | Reflectivity | stable |
0-16-5 | Composite reflectivity | Composite reflectivity | stable |
0-17-0 | Lightning strike density | Lightning strike density | stable |
0-18-0 | Air concentration of caesium 137 | Air concentration of caesium 137 | stable |
0-18-1 | Air concentration of iodine 131 | Air concentration of iodine 131 | stable |
0-18-10 | Air concentration | Air concentration | stable |
0-18-11 | Wet deposition | Wet deposition | stable |
0-18-12 | Dry deposition | Dry deposition | stable |
0-18-13 | Total deposition (wet + dry) | Total deposition (wet + dry) | stable |
0-18-2 | Air concentration of radioactive pollutant | Air concentration of radioactive pollutant | stable |
0-18-255 | Missing | Missing | stable |
0-18-3 | Ground deposition of caesium 137 | Ground deposition of caesium 137 | stable |
0-18-4 | Ground deposition of iodine 131 | Ground deposition of iodine 131 | stable |
0-18-5 | Ground deposition of radioactive pollutant | Ground deposition of radioactive pollutant | stable |
0-18-6 | Time-integrated air concentration of caesium pollutant | Time-integrated air concentration of caesium pollutant | stable |
0-18-7 | Time-integrated air concentration of iodine pollutant | Time-integrated air concentration of iodine pollutant | stable |
0-18-8 | Time-integrated air concentration of radioactive pollutant | Time-integrated air concentration of radioactive pollutant | stable |
0-19-0 | Visibility | Visibility | stable |
0-19-1 | Albedo | Albedo | stable |
0-19-10 | Turbulence | Turbulence | stable |
0-19-11 | Turbulent kinetic energy | Turbulent kinetic energy | stable |
0-19-12 | Planetary boundary-layer regime | Planetary boundary-layer regime | stable |
0-19-13 | Contrail intensity | Contrail intensity | stable |
0-19-14 | Contrail engine type | Contrail engine type | stable |
0-19-15 | Contrail top | Contrail top | stable |
0-19-16 | Contrail base | Contrail base | stable |
0-19-17 | Maximum snow albedo | Maximum snow albedo | stable |
0-19-18 | Snow free albedo | Snow free albedo | stable |
0-19-19 | Snow albedo | Snow albedo | stable |
0-19-2 | Thunderstorm probability | Thunderstorm probability | stable |
0-19-20 | Icing | Icing | stable |
0-19-21 | In-cloud turbulence | In-cloud turbulence | stable |
0-19-22 | Clear air turbulence (CAT) | Clear air turbulence (CAT) | stable |
0-19-23 | Supercooled large droplet probability | Supercooled large droplet probability | stable |
0-19-24 | Convective turbulent kinetic energy | Convective turbulent kinetic energy | stable |
0-19-25 | Weather | Weather | stable |
0-19-255 | Missing | Missing | stable |
0-19-26 | Convective outlook | Convective outlook | stable |
0-19-27 | Icing scenario | Icing scenario | stable |
0-19-3 | Mixed layer depth | Mixed layer depth | stable |
0-19-4 | Volcanic ash | Volcanic ash | stable |
0-19-5 | Icing top | Icing top | stable |
0-19-6 | Icing base | Icing base | stable |
0-19-7 | Icing | Icing | stable |
0-19-8 | Turbulence top | Turbulence top | stable |
0-19-9 | Turbulence base | Turbulence base | stable |
0-190-0 | Arbitrary text string | Arbitrary text string | stable |
0-190-255 | Missing | Missing | stable |
0-191-0 | Seconds prior to initial reference time (defined in Section 1) | Seconds prior to initial reference time (defined in Section 1... | stable |
0-191-1 | Geographical latitude | Geographical latitude | stable |
0-191-2 | Geographical longitude | Geographical longitude | stable |
0-191-255 | Missing | Missing | stable |
0-191-3 | Days since last observation | Days since last observation | stable |
0-2-0 | Wind direction (from which blowing) | Wind direction (from which blowing) | stable |
0-2-1 | Wind speed | Wind speed | stable |
0-2-10 | Absolute vorticity | Absolute vorticity | stable |
0-2-11 | Absolute divergence | Absolute divergence | stable |
0-2-12 | Relative vorticity | Relative vorticity | stable |
0-2-13 | Relative divergence | Relative divergence | stable |
0-2-14 | Potential vorticity | Potential vorticity | stable |
0-2-15 | Vertical u-component shear | Vertical u-component shear | stable |
0-2-16 | Vertical v-component shear | Vertical v-component shear | stable |
0-2-17 | Momentum flux, u-component | Momentum flux, u-component | stable |
0-2-18 | Momentum flux, v-component | Momentum flux, v-component | stable |
0-2-19 | Wind mixing energy | Wind mixing energy | stable |
0-2-2 | u-component of wind | u-component of wind | stable |
0-2-20 | Boundary layer dissipation | Boundary layer dissipation | stable |
0-2-21 | Maximum wind speed | Maximum wind speed | stable |
0-2-22 | Wind speed (gust) | Wind speed (gust) | stable |
0-2-23 | u-component of wind (gust) | u-component of wind (gust) | stable |
0-2-24 | v-component of wind (gust) | v-component of wind (gust) | stable |
0-2-25 | Vertical speed shear | Vertical speed shear | stable |
0-2-255 | Missing | Missing | stable |
0-2-26 | Horizontal momentum flux | Horizontal momentum flux | stable |
0-2-27 | u-component storm motion | u-component storm motion | stable |
0-2-28 | v-component storm motion | v-component storm motion | stable |
0-2-29 | Drag coefficient | Drag coefficient | stable |
0-2-3 | v-component of wind | v-component of wind | stable |
0-2-30 | Frictional velocity | Frictional velocity | stable |
0-2-31 | Turbulent diffusion coefficient for momentum | Turbulent diffusion coefficient for momentum | stable |
0-2-32 | Eta coordinate vertical velocity | Eta coordinate vertical velocity | stable |
0-2-33 | Wind fetch | Wind fetch | stable |
0-2-34 | Normal wind component | Normal wind component | stable |
0-2-35 | Tangential wind component | Tangential wind component | stable |
0-2-36 | Amplitude function for Rossby wave envelope for meridional wind | Amplitude function for Rossby wave envelope for meridional wi... | stable |
0-2-37 | Northward turbulent surface stress | Northward turbulent surface stress | stable |
0-2-38 | Eastward turbulent surface stress | Eastward turbulent surface stress | stable |
0-2-4 | Stream function | Stream function | stable |
0-2-5 | Velocity potential | Velocity potential | stable |
0-2-6 | Montgomery stream function | Montgomery stream function | stable |
0-2-7 | Sigma coordinate vertical velocity | Sigma coordinate vertical velocity | stable |
0-2-8 | Vertical velocity (pressure) | Vertical velocity (pressure) | stable |
0-2-9 | Vertical velocity (geometric) | Vertical velocity (geometric) | stable |
0-20-0 | Mass density (concentration) | Mass density (concentration) | stable |
0-20-1 | Column-integrated mass density | Column-integrated mass density | stable |
0-20-10 | Wet deposition by convective precipitation mass flux | Wet deposition by convective precipitation mass flux | stable |
0-20-100 | Surface area density (aerosol) | Surface area density (aerosol) | stable |
0-20-101 | Vertical visual range | Vertical visual range | stable |
0-20-102 | Aerosol optical thickness | Aerosol optical thickness | stable |
0-20-103 | Single scattering albedo | Single scattering albedo | stable |
0-20-104 | Asymmetry factor | Asymmetry factor | stable |
0-20-105 | Aerosol extinction coefficient | Aerosol extinction coefficient | stable |
0-20-106 | Aerosol absorption coefficient | Aerosol absorption coefficient | stable |
0-20-107 | Aerosol lidar backscatter from satellite | Aerosol lidar backscatter from satellite | stable |
0-20-108 | Aerosol lidar backscatter from the ground | Aerosol lidar backscatter from the ground | stable |
0-20-109 | Aerosol lidar extinction from satellite | Aerosol lidar extinction from satellite | stable |
0-20-11 | Sedimentation mass flux | Sedimentation mass flux | stable |
0-20-110 | Aerosol lidar extinction from the ground | Aerosol lidar extinction from the ground | stable |
0-20-12 | Dry deposition mass flux | Dry deposition mass flux | stable |
0-20-13 | Transfer from hydrophobic to hydrophilic | Transfer from hydrophobic to hydrophilic | stable |
0-20-14 | Transfer from SO2 (sulphur dioxide) to SO4 (sulphate) | Transfer from SO2 (sulphur dioxide) to SO4 (sulphate) | stable |
0-20-2 | Mass mixing ratio (mass fraction in air) | Mass mixing ratio (mass fraction in air) | stable |
0-20-255 | Missing | Missing | stable |
0-20-3 | Atmosphere emission mass flux | Atmosphere emission mass flux | stable |
0-20-4 | Atmosphere net production mass flux | Atmosphere net production mass flux | stable |
0-20-5 | Atmosphere net production and emission mass flux | Atmosphere net production and emission mass flux | stable |
0-20-50 | Amount in atmosphere | Amount in atmosphere | stable |
0-20-51 | Concentration in air | Concentration in air | stable |
0-20-52 | Volume mixing ratio (fraction in air) | Volume mixing ratio (fraction in air) | stable |
0-20-53 | Chemical gross production rate of concentration | Chemical gross production rate of concentration | stable |
0-20-54 | Chemical gross destruction rate of concentration | Chemical gross destruction rate of concentration | stable |
0-20-55 | Surface flux | Surface flux | stable |
0-20-56 | Changes of amount in atmosphere | Changes of amount in atmosphere | stable |
0-20-57 | Total yearly average burden of the atmosphere | Total yearly average burden of the atmosphere | stable |
0-20-58 | Total yearly averaged atmospheric loss | Total yearly averaged atmospheric loss | stable |
0-20-59 | Aerosol number concentration | Aerosol number concentration | stable |
0-20-6 | Surface dry deposition mass flux | Surface dry deposition mass flux | stable |
0-20-7 | Surface wet deposition mass flux | Surface wet deposition mass flux | stable |
0-20-8 | Atmosphere re-emission mass flux | Atmosphere re-emission mass flux | stable |
0-20-9 | Wet deposition by large-scale precipitation mass flux | Wet deposition by large-scale precipitation mass flux | stable |
0-3-0 | Pressure | Pressure | stable |
0-3-1 | Pressure reduced to MSL | Pressure reduced to MSL | stable |
0-3-10 | Density | Density | stable |
0-3-11 | Altimeter setting | Altimeter setting | stable |
0-3-12 | Thickness | Thickness | stable |
0-3-13 | Pressure altitude | Pressure altitude | stable |
0-3-14 | Density altitude | Density altitude | stable |
0-3-15 | 5-wave geopotential height | 5-wave geopotential height | stable |
0-3-16 | Zonal flux of gravity wave stress | Zonal flux of gravity wave stress | stable |
0-3-17 | Meridional flux of gravity wave stress | Meridional flux of gravity wave stress | stable |
0-3-18 | Planetary boundary layer height | Planetary boundary layer height | stable |
0-3-19 | 5-wave geopotential height anomaly | 5-wave geopotential height anomaly | stable |
0-3-2 | Pressure tendency | Pressure tendency | stable |
0-3-20 | Standard deviation of sub-grid scale orography | Standard deviation of sub-grid scale orography | stable |
0-3-21 | Angle of sub-gridscale orography | Angle of sub-gridscale orography | stable |
0-3-22 | Slope of sub-gridscale orography | Slope of sub-gridscale orography | stable |
0-3-23 | Gravity wave dissipation | Gravity wave dissipation | stable |
0-3-24 | Anisotropy of sub-gridscale orography | Anisotropy of sub-gridscale orography | stable |
0-3-25 | Natural logarithm of pressure in Pa | Natural logarithm of pressure in Pa | stable |
0-3-255 | Missing | Missing | stable |
0-3-26 | Exner pressure | Exner pressure | stable |
0-3-3 | ICAO Standard Atmosphere Reference Height | ICAO Standard Atmosphere Reference Height | stable |
0-3-4 | Geopotential | Geopotential | stable |
0-3-5 | Geopotential height | Geopotential height | stable |
0-3-6 | Geometric height | Geometric height | stable |
0-3-7 | Standard deviation of height | Standard deviation of height | stable |
0-3-8 | Pressure anomaly | Pressure anomaly | stable |
0-3-9 | Geopotential height anomaly | Geopotential height anomaly | stable |
0-4-0 | Net short-wave radiation flux (surface) | Net short-wave radiation flux (surface) | stable |
0-4-1 | Net short-wave radiation flux (top of atmosphere) | Net short-wave radiation flux (top of atmosphere) | stable |
0-4-10 | Photosynthetically active radiation | Photosynthetically active radiation | stable |
0-4-11 | Net short-wave radiation flux, clear sky | Net short-wave radiation flux, clear sky | stable |
0-4-12 | Downward UV radiation | Downward UV radiation | stable |
0-4-2 | Short-wave radiation flux | Short-wave radiation flux | stable |
0-4-255 | Missing | Missing | stable |
0-4-3 | Global radiation flux | Global radiation flux | stable |
0-4-4 | Brightness temperature | Brightness temperature | stable |
0-4-5 | Radiance (with respect to wave number) | Radiance (with respect to wave number) | stable |
0-4-50 | UV index (under clear sky) | UV index (under clear sky) | stable |
0-4-51 | UV index | UV index | stable |
0-4-6 | Radiance (with respect to wave length) | Radiance (with respect to wave length) | stable |
0-4-7 | Downward short-wave radiation flux | Downward short-wave radiation flux | stable |
0-4-8 | Upward short-wave radiation flux | Upward short-wave radiation flux | stable |
0-4-9 | Net short wave radiation flux | Net short wave radiation flux | stable |
0-5-0 | Net long-wave radiation flux (surface) | Net long-wave radiation flux (surface) | stable |
0-5-1 | Net long-wave radiation flux (top of atmosphere) | Net long-wave radiation flux (top of atmosphere) | stable |
0-5-2 | Long-wave radiation flux | Long-wave radiation flux | stable |
0-5-255 | Missing | Missing | stable |
0-5-3 | Downward long-wave radiation flux | Downward long-wave radiation flux | stable |
0-5-4 | Upward long-wave radiation flux | Upward long-wave radiation flux | stable |
0-5-5 | Net long-wave radiation flux | Net long-wave radiation flux | stable |
0-5-6 | Net long-wave radiation flux, clear sky | Net long-wave radiation flux, clear sky | stable |
0-6-0 | Cloud ice | Cloud ice | stable |
0-6-1 | Total cloud cover | Total cloud cover | stable |
0-6-10 | Thunderstorm coverage | Thunderstorm coverage | stable |
0-6-11 | Cloud base | Cloud base | stable |
0-6-12 | Cloud top | Cloud top | stable |
0-6-13 | Ceiling | Ceiling | stable |
0-6-14 | Non-convective cloud cover | Non-convective cloud cover | stable |
0-6-15 | Cloud work function | Cloud work function | stable |
0-6-16 | Convective cloud efficiency | Convective cloud efficiency | stable |
0-6-17 | Total condensate | Total condensate | stable |
0-6-18 | Total column-integrated cloud water | Total column-integrated cloud water | stable |
0-6-19 | Total column-integrated cloud ice | Total column-integrated cloud ice | stable |
0-6-2 | Convective cloud cover | Convective cloud cover | stable |
0-6-20 | Total column-integrated condensate | Total column-integrated condensate | stable |
0-6-21 | Ice fraction of total condensate | Ice fraction of total condensate | stable |
0-6-22 | Cloud cover | Cloud cover | stable |
0-6-23 | Cloud ice mixing ratio | Cloud ice mixing ratio | stable |
0-6-24 | Sunshine | Sunshine | stable |
0-6-25 | Horizontal extent of cumulonimbus (CB) | Horizontal extent of cumulonimbus (CB) | stable |
0-6-255 | Missing | Missing | stable |
0-6-26 | Height of convective cloud base | Height of convective cloud base | stable |
0-6-27 | Height of convective cloud top | Height of convective cloud top | stable |
0-6-28 | Number of cloud droplets per unit mass of air | Number of cloud droplets per unit mass of air | stable |
0-6-29 | Number of cloud ice particles per unit mass of air | Number of cloud ice particles per unit mass of air | stable |
0-6-3 | Low cloud cover | Low cloud cover | stable |
0-6-30 | Number density of cloud droplets | Number density of cloud droplets | stable |
0-6-31 | Number density of cloud ice particles | Number density of cloud ice particles | stable |
0-6-32 | Fraction of cloud cover | Fraction of cloud cover | stable |
0-6-33 | Sunshine duration | Sunshine duration | stable |
0-6-34 | Surface long-wave effective total cloudiness | Surface long-wave effective total cloudiness | stable |
0-6-35 | Surface short-wave effective total cloudiness | Surface short-wave effective total cloudiness | stable |
0-6-4 | Medium cloud cover | Medium cloud cover | stable |
0-6-5 | High cloud cover | High cloud cover | stable |
0-6-6 | Cloud water | Cloud water | stable |
0-6-7 | Cloud amount | Cloud amount | stable |
0-6-8 | Cloud type | Cloud type | stable |
0-6-9 | Thunderstorm maximum tops | Thunderstorm maximum tops | stable |
0-7-0 | Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa) | Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa) | stable |
0-7-1 | Best lifted index (to 500 hPa) | Best lifted index (to 500 hPa) | stable |
0-7-10 | Surface lifted index | Surface lifted index | stable |
0-7-11 | Best (4-layer) lifted index | Best (4-layer) lifted index | stable |
0-7-12 | Richardson number | Richardson number | stable |
0-7-13 | Showalter index | Showalter index | stable |
0-7-15 | Updraft helicity | Updraft helicity | stable |
0-7-2 | K index | K index | stable |
0-7-255 | Missing | Missing | stable |
0-7-3 | KO index | KO index | stable |
0-7-4 | Total totals index | Total totals index | stable |
0-7-5 | Sweat index | Sweat index | stable |
0-7-6 | Convective available potential energy | Convective available potential energy | stable |
0-7-7 | Convective inhibition | Convective inhibition | stable |
0-7-8 | Storm relative helicity | Storm relative helicity | stable |
0-7-9 | Energy helicity index | Energy helicity index | stable |
1-0-0 | Flash flood guidance (Encoded as an accumulation over a floating subinterval of time between the reference time and valid time) | Flash flood guidance (Encoded as an accumulation over a float... | stable |
1-0-1 | Flash flood runoff (Encoded as an accumulation over a floating subinterval of time) | Flash flood runoff (Encoded as an accumulation over a floatin... | stable |
1-0-2 | Remotely-sensed snow cover | Remotely-sensed snow cover | stable |
1-0-255 | Missing | Missing | stable |
1-0-3 | Elevation of snow-covered terrain | Elevation of snow-covered terrain | stable |
1-0-4 | Snow water equivalent per cent of normal | Snow water equivalent per cent of normal | stable |
1-0-5 | Baseflow-groundwater runoff | Baseflow-groundwater runoff | stable |
1-0-6 | Storm surface runoff | Storm surface runoff | stable |
1-0-7 | Discharge from rivers or streams | Discharge from rivers or streams | stable |
1-1-0 | Conditional per cent precipitation amount fractile for an overall period (Encoded as an accumulation) | Conditional per cent precipitation amount fractile for an ove... | stable |
1-1-1 | Per cent precipitation in a sub-period of an overall period (Encoded as per cent accumulation over the sub-period) | Per cent precipitation in a sub-period of an overall period (... | stable |
1-1-2 | Probability of 0.01 inch of precipitation (POP) | Probability of 0.01 inch of precipitation (POP) | stable |
1-1-255 | Missing | Missing | stable |
1-2-0 | Water depth | Water depth | stable |
1-2-1 | Water temperature | Water temperature | stable |
1-2-10 | Shape factor with respect to temperature profile in thermocline | Shape factor with respect to temperature profile in thermocli... | stable |
1-2-11 | Attenuation coefficient of water with respect to solar radiation | Attenuation coefficient of water with respect to solar radiat... | stable |
1-2-12 | Salinity | Salinity | stable |
1-2-2 | Water fraction | Water fraction | stable |
1-2-3 | Sediment thickness | Sediment thickness | stable |
1-2-4 | Sediment temperature | Sediment temperature | stable |
1-2-5 | Ice thickness | Ice thickness | stable |
1-2-6 | Ice temperature | Ice temperature | stable |
1-2-7 | Ice cover | Ice cover | stable |
1-2-8 | Land cover (0 = water, 1 = land) | Land cover (0 = water, 1 = land) | stable |
1-2-9 | Shape factor with respect to salinity profile | Shape factor with respect to salinity profile | stable |
10-0-0 | Wave spectra (1) | Wave spectra (1) | stable |
10-0-1 | Wave spectra (2) | Wave spectra (2) | stable |
10-0-10 | Primary wave direction | Primary wave direction | stable |
10-0-11 | Primary wave mean period | Primary wave mean period | stable |
10-0-12 | Secondary wave direction | Secondary wave direction | stable |
10-0-13 | Secondary wave mean period | Secondary wave mean period | stable |
10-0-14 | Direction of combined wind waves and swell | Direction of combined wind waves and swell | stable |
10-0-15 | Mean period of combined wind waves and swell | Mean period of combined wind waves and swell | stable |
10-0-16 | Coefficient of drag with waves | Coefficient of drag with waves | stable |
10-0-17 | Friction velocity | Friction velocity | stable |
10-0-18 | Wave stress | Wave stress | stable |
10-0-19 | Normalized wave stress | Normalized wave stress | stable |
10-0-2 | Wave spectra (3) | Wave spectra (3) | stable |
10-0-20 | Mean square slope of waves | Mean square slope of waves | stable |
10-0-21 | u-component surface Stokes drift | u-component surface Stokes drift | stable |
10-0-22 | v-component surface Stokes drift | v-component surface Stokes drift | stable |
10-0-23 | Period of maximum individual wave height | Period of maximum individual wave height | stable |
10-0-24 | Maximum individual wave height | Maximum individual wave height | stable |
10-0-25 | Inverse mean wave frequency | Inverse mean wave frequency | stable |
10-0-255 | Missing | Missing | stable |
10-0-26 | Inverse mean frequency of wind waves | Inverse mean frequency of wind waves | stable |
10-0-27 | Inverse mean frequency of total swell | Inverse mean frequency of total swell | stable |
10-0-28 | Mean zero-crossing wave period | Mean zero-crossing wave period | stable |
10-0-29 | Mean zero-crossing period of wind waves | Mean zero-crossing period of wind waves | stable |
10-0-3 | Significant height of combined wind waves and swell | Significant height of combined wind waves and swell | stable |
10-0-30 | Mean zero-crossing period of total swell | Mean zero-crossing period of total swell | stable |
10-0-31 | Wave directional width | Wave directional width | stable |
10-0-32 | Directional width of wind waves | Directional width of wind waves | stable |
10-0-33 | Directional width of total swell | Directional width of total swell | stable |
10-0-34 | Peak wave period | Peak wave period | stable |
10-0-35 | Peak period of wind waves | Peak period of wind waves | stable |
10-0-36 | Peak period of total swell | Peak period of total swell | stable |
10-0-37 | Altimeter wave height | Altimeter wave height | stable |
10-0-38 | Altimeter corrected wave height | Altimeter corrected wave height | stable |
10-0-39 | Altimeter range relative correction | Altimeter range relative correction | stable |
10-0-4 | Direction of wind waves | Direction of wind waves | stable |
10-0-40 | 10-metre neutral wind speed over waves | 10-metre neutral wind speed over waves | stable |
10-0-41 | 10-metre wind direction over waves | 10-metre wind direction over waves | stable |
10-0-42 | Wave energy spectrum | Wave energy spectrum | stable |
10-0-43 | Kurtosis of the sea-surface elevation due to waves | Kurtosis of the sea-surface elevation due to waves | stable |
10-0-44 | Benjamin-Feir index | Benjamin-Feir index | stable |
10-0-45 | Spectral peakedness factor | Spectral peakedness factor | stable |
10-0-5 | Significant height of wind waves | Significant height of wind waves | stable |
10-0-6 | Mean period of wind waves | Mean period of wind waves | stable |
10-0-7 | Direction of swell waves | Direction of swell waves | stable |
10-0-8 | Significant height of swell waves | Significant height of swell waves | stable |
10-0-9 | Mean period of swell waves | Mean period of swell waves | stable |
10-1-0 | Current direction | Current direction | stable |
10-1-1 | Current speed | Current speed | stable |
10-1-2 | u-component of current | u-component of current | stable |
10-1-255 | Missing | Missing | stable |
10-1-3 | v-component of current | v-component of current | stable |
10-191-0 | Seconds prior to initial reference time (defined in Section 1) | Seconds prior to initial reference time (defined in Section 1... | stable |
10-191-1 | Meridional overturning stream function | Meridional overturning stream function | stable |
10-191-255 | Missing | Missing | stable |
10-191-3 | Days since last observation | Days since last observation | stable |
10-2-0 | Ice cover | Ice cover | stable |
10-2-1 | Ice thickness | Ice thickness | stable |
10-2-10 | Zonal vector component of vertically integrated ice internal pressure | Zonal vector component of vertically integrated ice internal ... | stable |
10-2-11 | Meridional vector component of vertically integrated ice internal pressure | Meridional vector component of vertically integrated ice inte... | stable |
10-2-12 | Compressive ice strength | Compressive ice strength | stable |
10-2-2 | Direction of ice drift | Direction of ice drift | stable |
10-2-255 | Missing | Missing | stable |
10-2-3 | Speed of ice drift | Speed of ice drift | stable |
10-2-4 | u-component of ice drift | u-component of ice drift | stable |
10-2-5 | v-component of ice drift | v-component of ice drift | stable |
10-2-6 | Ice growth rate | Ice growth rate | stable |
10-2-7 | Ice divergence | Ice divergence | stable |
10-2-8 | Ice temperature | Ice temperature | stable |
10-2-9 | Ice internal pressure | Ice internal pressure | stable |
10-3-0 | Water temperature | Water temperature | stable |
10-3-1 | Deviation of sea level from mean | Deviation of sea level from mean | stable |
10-3-255 | Missing | Missing | stable |
10-4-0 | Main thermocline depth | Main thermocline depth | stable |
10-4-1 | Main thermocline anomaly | Main thermocline anomaly | stable |
10-4-11 | Shape factor with respect to salinity profile | Shape factor with respect to salinity profile | stable |
10-4-12 | Shape factor with respect to temperature profile in thermocline | Shape factor with respect to temperature profile in thermocli... | stable |
10-4-13 | Attenuation coefficient of water with respect to solar radiation | Attenuation coefficient of water with respect to solar radiat... | stable |
10-4-14 | Water depth | Water depth | stable |
10-4-15 | Water temperature | Water temperature | stable |
10-4-2 | Transient thermocline depth | Transient thermocline depth | stable |
10-4-255 | Missing | Missing | stable |
10-4-3 | Salinity | Salinity | stable |
10-4-4 | Ocean vertical heat diffusivity | Ocean vertical heat diffusivity | stable |
10-4-5 | Ocean vertical salt diffusivity | Ocean vertical salt diffusivity | stable |
10-4-6 | Ocean vertical momentum diffusivity | Ocean vertical momentum diffusivity | stable |
10-4-7 | Bathymetry | Bathymetry | stable |
2-0-0 | Land cover (0 = sea, 1 = land) | Land cover (0 = sea, 1 = land) | stable |
2-0-1 | Surface roughness | Surface roughness | stable |
2-0-10 | Ground heat flux | Ground heat flux | stable |
2-0-11 | Moisture availability | Moisture availability | stable |
2-0-12 | Exchange coefficient | Exchange coefficient | stable |
2-0-13 | Plant canopy surface water | Plant canopy surface water | stable |
2-0-14 | Blackadar’s mixing length scale | Blackadar’s mixing length scale | stable |
2-0-15 | Canopy conductance | Canopy conductance | stable |
2-0-16 | Minimal stomatal resistance | Minimal stomatal resistance | stable |
2-0-17 | Wilting point | Wilting point | stable |
2-0-18 | Solar parameter in canopy conductance | Solar parameter in canopy conductance | stable |
2-0-19 | Temperature parameter in canopy | Temperature parameter in canopy | stable |
2-0-2 | Soil temperature | Soil temperature | stable |
2-0-20 | Humidity parameter in canopy conductance | Humidity parameter in canopy conductance | stable |
2-0-21 | Soil moisture parameter in canopy conductance | Soil moisture parameter in canopy conductance | stable |
2-0-22 | Soil moisture | Soil moisture | stable |
2-0-23 | Column-integrated soil water | Column-integrated soil water | stable |
2-0-24 | Heat flux | Heat flux | stable |
2-0-25 | Volumetric soil moisture | Volumetric soil moisture | stable |
2-0-255 | Missing | Missing | stable |
2-0-26 | Wilting point | Wilting point | stable |
2-0-27 | Volumetric wilting point | Volumetric wilting point | stable |
2-0-28 | Leaf area index | Leaf area index | stable |
2-0-29 | Evergreen forest cover | Evergreen forest cover | stable |
2-0-3 | Soil moisture content | Soil moisture content | stable |
2-0-30 | Deciduous forest cover | Deciduous forest cover | stable |
2-0-31 | Normalized differential vegetation index (NDVI) | Normalized differential vegetation index (NDVI) | stable |
2-0-32 | Root depth of vegetation | Root depth of vegetation | stable |
2-0-33 | Water runoff and drainage | Water runoff and drainage | stable |
2-0-34 | Surface water runoff | Surface water runoff | stable |
2-0-4 | Vegetation | Vegetation | stable |
2-0-5 | Water runoff | Water runoff | stable |
2-0-6 | Evapotranspiration | Evapotranspiration | stable |
2-0-7 | Model terrain height | Model terrain height | stable |
2-0-8 | Land use | Land use | stable |
2-0-9 | Volumetric soil moisture content | Volumetric soil moisture content | stable |
2-3-0 | Soil type | Soil type | stable |
2-3-1 | Upper layer soil temperature | Upper layer soil temperature | stable |
2-3-10 | Liquid volumetric soil moisture (non-frozen) | Liquid volumetric soil moisture (non-frozen) | stable |
2-3-11 | Volumetric transpiration stress-onset (soil moisture) | Volumetric transpiration stress-onset (soil moisture) | stable |
2-3-12 | Transpiration stress-onset (soil moisture) | Transpiration stress-onset (soil moisture) | stable |
2-3-13 | Volumetric direct evaporation cease (soil moisture) | Volumetric direct evaporation cease (soil moisture) | stable |
2-3-14 | Direct evaporation cease (soil moisture) | Direct evaporation cease (soil moisture) | stable |
2-3-15 | Soil porosity | Soil porosity | stable |
2-3-16 | Volumetric saturation of soil moisture | Volumetric saturation of soil moisture | stable |
2-3-17 | Saturation of soil moisture | Saturation of soil moisture | stable |
2-3-18 | Soil temperature | Soil temperature | stable |
2-3-19 | Soil moisture | Soil moisture | stable |
2-3-2 | Upper layer soil moisture | Upper layer soil moisture | stable |
2-3-20 | Column-integrated soil moisture | Column-integrated soil moisture | stable |
2-3-21 | Soil ice | Soil ice | stable |
2-3-22 | Column-integrated soil ice | Column-integrated soil ice | stable |
2-3-255 | Missing | Missing | stable |
2-3-3 | Lower layer soil moisture | Lower layer soil moisture | stable |
2-3-4 | Bottom layer soil temperature | Bottom layer soil temperature | stable |
2-3-5 | Liquid volumetric soil moisture (non-frozen) | Liquid volumetric soil moisture (non-frozen) | stable |
2-3-6 | Number of soil layers in root zone | Number of soil layers in root zone | stable |
2-3-7 | Transpiration stress-onset (soil moisture) | Transpiration stress-onset (soil moisture) | stable |
2-3-8 | Direct evaporation cease (soil moisture) | Direct evaporation cease (soil moisture) | stable |
2-3-9 | Soil porosity | Soil porosity | stable |
2-4-0 | Fire outlook | Fire outlook | stable |
2-4-1 | Fire outlook due to dry thunderstorm | Fire outlook due to dry thunderstorm | stable |
2-4-2 | Haines Index | Haines Index | stable |
2-4-255 | Missing | Missing | stable |
2-4-3 | Fire burned area | Fire burned area | stable |
2-4-4 | Fosberg index | Fosberg index | stable |
3-0-0 | Scaled radiance | Scaled radiance | stable |
3-0-1 | Scaled albedo | Scaled albedo | stable |
3-0-2 | Scaled brightness temperature | Scaled brightness temperature | stable |
3-0-255 | Missing | Missing | stable |
3-0-3 | Scaled precipitable water | Scaled precipitable water | stable |
3-0-4 | Scaled lifted index | Scaled lifted index | stable |
3-0-5 | Scaled cloud top pressure | Scaled cloud top pressure | stable |
3-0-6 | Scaled skin temperature | Scaled skin temperature | stable |
3-0-7 | Cloud mask | Cloud mask | stable |
3-0-8 | Pixel scene type | Pixel scene type | stable |
3-0-9 | Fire detection indicator | Fire detection indicator | stable |
3-1-0 | Estimated precipitation | Estimated precipitation | stable |
3-1-1 | Instantaneous rain rate | Instantaneous rain rate | stable |
3-1-10 | Reflectance in 0.8 micron channel | Reflectance in 0.8 micron channel | stable |
3-1-11 | Reflectance in 1.6 micron channel | Reflectance in 1.6 micron channel | stable |
3-1-12 | Reflectance in 3.9 micron channel | Reflectance in 3.9 micron channel | stable |
3-1-13 | Atmospheric divergence | Atmospheric divergence | stable |
3-1-14 | Cloudy brightness temperature | Cloudy brightness temperature | stable |
3-1-15 | Clear-sky brightness temperature | Clear-sky brightness temperature | stable |
3-1-16 | Cloudy radiance (with respect to wave number) | Cloudy radiance (with respect to wave number) | stable |
3-1-17 | Clear-sky radiance (with respect to wave number) | Clear-sky radiance (with respect to wave number) | stable |
3-1-19 | Wind speed | Wind speed | stable |
3-1-2 | Cloud top height | Cloud top height | stable |
3-1-20 | Aerosol optical thickness at 0.635 μm | Aerosol optical thickness at 0.635 μm | stable |
3-1-21 | Aerosol optical thickness at 0.810 μm | Aerosol optical thickness at 0.810 μm | stable |
3-1-22 | Aerosol optical thickness at 1.640 μm | Aerosol optical thickness at 1.640 μm | stable |
3-1-23 | Angstrom coefficient | Angstrom coefficient | stable |
3-1-255 | Missing | Missing | stable |
3-1-3 | Cloud top height quality indicator | Cloud top height quality indicator | stable |
3-1-4 | Estimated u component of wind | Estimated u component of wind | stable |
3-1-5 | Estimated v component of wind | Estimated v component of wind | stable |
3-1-6 | Number of pixel used | Number of pixel used | stable |
3-1-7 | Solar zenith angle | Solar zenith angle | stable |
3-1-8 | Relative azimuth angle | Relative azimuth angle | stable |
3-1-9 | Reflectance in 0.6 micron channel | Reflectance in 0.6 micron channel | stable |