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submitted bymarqh (admin)

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description Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category
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member Total snowfall rate | Thunderstorm probability | Water depth | Concentration in air | Soil ice | Turbulence base | Attenuation coefficient of water with respect to solar radiation | Upward short-wave radiation flux | Convective precipitation rate | Asymmetry factor | Missing | Downward short-wave radiation flux | Evapotranspiration | Pressure altitude | Ocean vertical salt diffusivity | Pressure tendency | Icing base | Surface flux | Specific cloud ice water content | Aerosol lidar extinction from satellite | u-component of current | Volumetric wilting point | Aerosol lidar backscatter from the ground | Meridional flux of gravity wave stress | Missing | Current speed | Heat index | Volumetric soil moisture content | Normalized wave stress | Missing | Total kinematic moisture flux | Geometric height | Fraction of cloud cover | Fosberg index | Total snow precipitation | Virtual temperature | Ice thickness | Conditional per cent precipitation amount fractile for an overall period (Encoded as an accumulation) | Clear-sky radiance (with respect to wave number) | Cloud top | Richardson number | Ice cover | Humidity mixing ratio | Dewpoint depression (or deficit) | Turbulent transfer coefficient for heat | Albedo | Time-integrated air concentration of caesium pollutant | Convective outlook | Surface water runoff | Best (4-layer) lifted index | Elevation of snow-covered terrain | Total column integrated water vapour | Total column-integrated cloud water | Shape factor with respect to temperature profile in thermocline | Wet deposition by convective precipitation mass flux | Minimum temperature | Rime factor | Missing | Convective cloud efficiency | Spectral peakedness factor | Sediment thickness | Missing | Icing top | Upper layer soil moisture | Precipitation rate | Downward UV radiation | Categorical rain | Velocity potential | Water temperature | Tangential wind component | Exner pressure | Convective water precipitation | Cloud ice mixing-ratio | Wilting point | Aerosol lidar backscatter from satellite | Temperature anomaly | Current direction | Volumetric soil moisture | Transpiration stress-onset (soil moisture) | Anisotropy of sub-gridscale orography | Missing | Scaled brightness temperature | Shape factor with respect to temperature profile in thermocline | Total condensate | Mean zero-crossing period of wind waves | Aerosol extinction coefficient | Number of soil layers in root zone | Maximum relative humidity | Column-integrated mass density | Cloud top height quality indicator | Main thermocline depth | Column-integrated soil water | Vertical velocity (geometric) | Reflectivity | Wind mixing energy | Clear-sky brightness temperature | Snow temperature (top of snow) | Thunderstorm coverage | Weather | Evergreen forest cover | Surface lifted index | ...
membership predicate member
modified 3 Sep 2014 09:53:24.526
owner wmo
pref label Parameter number
publisher wmo
type Collection | Container | Register
version info 1
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Notation Name Description Status
0-0-0 Temperature Temperature stable
0-0-1 Virtual temperature Virtual temperature stable
0-0-10 Latent heat net flux Latent heat net flux stable
0-0-11 Sensible heat net flux Sensible heat net flux stable
0-0-12 Heat index Heat index stable
0-0-13 Wind chill factor Wind chill factor stable
0-0-14 Minimum dewpoint depression Minimum dewpoint depression stable
0-0-15 Virtual potential temperature Virtual potential temperature stable
0-0-16 Snow phase change heat flux Snow phase change heat flux stable
0-0-17 Skin temperature Skin temperature stable
0-0-18 Snow temperature (top of snow) Snow temperature (top of snow) stable
0-0-19 Turbulent transfer coefficient for heat Turbulent transfer coefficient for heat stable
0-0-2 Potential temperature Potential temperature stable
0-0-20 Turbulent diffusion coefficient for heat Turbulent diffusion coefficient for heat stable
0-0-21 Apparent temperature Apparent temperature stable
0-0-255 Missing Missing stable
0-0-3 Pseudo-adiabatic potential temperature or equivalent potential temperature Pseudo-adiabatic potential temperature or equivalent potentia... stable
0-0-4 Maximum temperature Maximum temperature stable
0-0-5 Minimum temperature Minimum temperature stable
0-0-6 Dewpoint temperature Dewpoint temperature stable
0-0-7 Dewpoint depression (or deficit) Dewpoint depression (or deficit) stable
0-0-8 Lapse rate Lapse rate stable
0-0-9 Temperature anomaly Temperature anomaly stable
0-1-0 Specific humidity Specific humidity stable
0-1-1 Relative humidity Relative humidity stable
0-1-10 Convective precipitation Convective precipitation stable
0-1-11 Snow depth Snow depth stable
0-1-12 Snowfall rate water equivalent Snowfall rate water equivalent stable
0-1-13 Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth stable
0-1-14 Convective snow Convective snow stable
0-1-15 Large-scale snow Large-scale snow stable
0-1-16 Snow melt Snow melt stable
0-1-17 Snow age Snow age stable
0-1-18 Absolute humidity Absolute humidity stable
0-1-19 Precipitation type Precipitation type stable
0-1-2 Humidity mixing ratio Humidity mixing ratio stable
0-1-20 Integrated liquid water Integrated liquid water stable
0-1-21 Condensate Condensate stable
0-1-22 Cloud mixing ratio Cloud mixing ratio stable
0-1-23 Ice water mixing ratio Ice water mixing ratio stable
0-1-24 Rain mixing ratio Rain mixing ratio stable
0-1-25 Snow mixing ratio Snow mixing ratio stable
0-1-255 Missing Missing stable
0-1-26 Horizontal moisture convergence Horizontal moisture convergence stable
0-1-27 Maximum relative humidity Maximum relative humidity stable
0-1-28 Maximum absolute humidity Maximum absolute humidity stable
0-1-29 Total snowfall Total snowfall stable
0-1-3 Precipitable water Precipitable water stable
0-1-30 Precipitable water category Precipitable water category stable
0-1-31 Hail Hail stable
0-1-32 Graupel (snow pellets) Graupel (snow pellets) stable
0-1-33 Categorical rain Categorical rain stable
0-1-34 Categorical freezing rain Categorical freezing rain stable
0-1-35 Categorical ice pellets Categorical ice pellets stable
0-1-36 Categorical snow Categorical snow stable
0-1-37 Convective precipitation rate Convective precipitation rate stable
0-1-38 Horizontal moisture divergence Horizontal moisture divergence stable
0-1-39 Per cent frozen precipitation Per cent frozen precipitation stable
0-1-4 Vapour pressure Vapour pressure stable
0-1-40 Potential evaporation Potential evaporation stable
0-1-41 Potential evaporation rate Potential evaporation rate stable
0-1-42 Snow cover Snow cover stable
0-1-43 Rain fraction of total cloud water Rain fraction of total cloud water stable
0-1-44 Rime factor Rime factor stable
0-1-45 Total column integrated rain Total column integrated rain stable
0-1-46 Total column integrated snow Total column integrated snow stable
0-1-47 Large scale water precipitation (non-convective) Large scale water precipitation (non-convective) stable
0-1-48 Convective water precipitation Convective water precipitation stable
0-1-49 Total water precipitation Total water precipitation stable
0-1-5 Saturation deficit Saturation deficit stable
0-1-50 Total snow precipitation Total snow precipitation stable
0-1-51 Total column water (Vertically integrated total water (vapour + cloud water/ice)) Total column water (Vertically integrated total water (vapour... stable
0-1-52 Total precipitation rate Total precipitation rate stable
0-1-53 Total snowfall rate water equivalent Total snowfall rate water equivalent stable
0-1-54 Large scale precipitation rate Large scale precipitation rate stable
0-1-55 Convective snowfall rate water equivalent Convective snowfall rate water equivalent stable
0-1-56 Large scale snowfall rate water equivalent Large scale snowfall rate water equivalent stable
0-1-57 Total snowfall rate Total snowfall rate stable
0-1-58 Convective snowfall rate Convective snowfall rate stable
0-1-59 Large scale snowfall rate Large scale snowfall rate stable
0-1-6 Evaporation Evaporation stable
0-1-60 Snow depth water equivalent Snow depth water equivalent stable
0-1-61 Snow density Snow density stable
0-1-62 Snow evaporation Snow evaporation stable
0-1-64 Total column integrated water vapour Total column integrated water vapour stable
0-1-65 Rain precipitation rate Rain precipitation rate stable
0-1-66 Snow precipitation rate Snow precipitation rate stable
0-1-67 Freezing rain precipitation rate Freezing rain precipitation rate stable
0-1-68 Ice pellets precipitation rate Ice pellets precipitation rate stable
0-1-69 Total column integrated cloud water Total column integrated cloud water stable
0-1-7 Precipitation rate Precipitation rate stable
0-1-70 Total column integrated cloud ice Total column integrated cloud ice stable
0-1-71 Hail mixing ratio Hail mixing ratio stable
0-1-72 Total column integrated hail Total column integrated hail stable
0-1-73 Hail precipitation rate Hail precipitation rate stable
0-1-74 Total column integrated graupel Total column integrated graupel stable
0-1-75 Graupel (snow pellets) precipitation rate Graupel (snow pellets) precipitation rate stable
0-1-76 Convective rain rate Convective rain rate stable
0-1-77 Large scale rain rate Large scale rain rate stable
0-1-78 Total column integrated water (all components including precipitation) Total column integrated water (all components including preci... stable
0-1-79 Evaporation rate Evaporation rate stable
0-1-8 Total precipitation Total precipitation stable
0-1-80 Total condensate Total condensate stable
0-1-81 Total column-integrated condensate Total column-integrated condensate stable
0-1-82 Cloud ice mixing-ratio Cloud ice mixing-ratio stable
0-1-83 Specific cloud liquid water content Specific cloud liquid water content stable
0-1-84 Specific cloud ice water content Specific cloud ice water content stable
0-1-85 Specific rainwater content Specific rainwater content stable
0-1-86 Specific snow water content Specific snow water content stable
0-1-9 Large-scale precipitation (non-convective) Large-scale precipitation (non-convective) stable
0-1-90 Total kinematic moisture flux Total kinematic moisture flux stable
0-1-91 u-component (zonal) kinematic moisture flux u-component (zonal) kinematic moisture flux stable
0-1-92 v-component (meridional) kinematic moisture flux v-component (meridional) kinematic moisture flux stable
0-13-0 Aerosol type Aerosol type stable
0-13-255 Missing Missing stable
0-14-0 Total ozone Total ozone stable
0-14-1 Ozone mixing ratio Ozone mixing ratio stable
0-14-2 Total column integrated ozone Total column integrated ozone stable
0-14-255 Missing Missing stable
0-15-0 Base spectrum width Base spectrum width stable
0-15-1 Base reflectivity Base reflectivity stable
0-15-10 Reflectivity of cloud ice Reflectivity of cloud ice stable
0-15-11 Reflectivity of snow Reflectivity of snow stable
0-15-12 Reflectivity of rain Reflectivity of rain stable
0-15-13 Reflectivity of graupel Reflectivity of graupel stable
0-15-14 Reflectivity of hail Reflectivity of hail stable
0-15-2 Base radial velocity Base radial velocity stable
0-15-255 Missing Missing stable
0-15-3 Vertically integrated liquid water (VIL) Vertically integrated liquid water (VIL) stable
0-15-4 Layer-maximum base reflectivity Layer-maximum base reflectivity stable
0-15-5 Precipitation Precipitation stable
0-15-6 Radar spectra (1) Radar spectra (1) stable
0-15-7 Radar spectra (2) Radar spectra (2) stable
0-15-8 Radar spectra (3) Radar spectra (3) stable
0-15-9 Reflectivity of cloud droplets Reflectivity of cloud droplets stable
0-16-0 Equivalent radar reflectivity factor for rain Equivalent radar reflectivity factor for rain stable
0-16-1 Equivalent radar reflectivity factor for snow Equivalent radar reflectivity factor for snow stable
0-16-2 Equivalent radar reflectivity factor for parameterized convection Equivalent radar reflectivity factor for parameterized convec... stable
0-16-255 Missing Missing stable
0-16-3 Echo top Echo top stable
0-16-4 Reflectivity Reflectivity stable
0-16-5 Composite reflectivity Composite reflectivity stable
0-17-0 Lightning strike density Lightning strike density stable
0-18-0 Air concentration of caesium 137 Air concentration of caesium 137 stable
0-18-1 Air concentration of iodine 131 Air concentration of iodine 131 stable
0-18-10 Air concentration Air concentration stable
0-18-11 Wet deposition Wet deposition stable
0-18-12 Dry deposition Dry deposition stable
0-18-13 Total deposition (wet + dry) Total deposition (wet + dry) stable
0-18-2 Air concentration of radioactive pollutant Air concentration of radioactive pollutant stable
0-18-255 Missing Missing stable
0-18-3 Ground deposition of caesium 137 Ground deposition of caesium 137 stable
0-18-4 Ground deposition of iodine 131 Ground deposition of iodine 131 stable
0-18-5 Ground deposition of radioactive pollutant Ground deposition of radioactive pollutant stable
0-18-6 Time-integrated air concentration of caesium pollutant Time-integrated air concentration of caesium pollutant stable
0-18-7 Time-integrated air concentration of iodine pollutant Time-integrated air concentration of iodine pollutant stable
0-18-8 Time-integrated air concentration of radioactive pollutant Time-integrated air concentration of radioactive pollutant stable
0-19-0 Visibility Visibility stable
0-19-1 Albedo Albedo stable
0-19-10 Turbulence Turbulence stable
0-19-11 Turbulent kinetic energy Turbulent kinetic energy stable
0-19-12 Planetary boundary-layer regime Planetary boundary-layer regime stable
0-19-13 Contrail intensity Contrail intensity stable
0-19-14 Contrail engine type Contrail engine type stable
0-19-15 Contrail top Contrail top stable
0-19-16 Contrail base Contrail base stable
0-19-17 Maximum snow albedo Maximum snow albedo stable
0-19-18 Snow free albedo Snow free albedo stable
0-19-19 Snow albedo Snow albedo stable
0-19-2 Thunderstorm probability Thunderstorm probability stable
0-19-20 Icing Icing stable
0-19-21 In-cloud turbulence In-cloud turbulence stable
0-19-22 Clear air turbulence (CAT) Clear air turbulence (CAT) stable
0-19-23 Supercooled large droplet probability Supercooled large droplet probability stable
0-19-24 Convective turbulent kinetic energy Convective turbulent kinetic energy stable
0-19-25 Weather Weather stable
0-19-255 Missing Missing stable
0-19-26 Convective outlook Convective outlook stable
0-19-27 Icing scenario Icing scenario stable
0-19-3 Mixed layer depth Mixed layer depth stable
0-19-4 Volcanic ash Volcanic ash stable
0-19-5 Icing top Icing top stable
0-19-6 Icing base Icing base stable
0-19-7 Icing Icing stable
0-19-8 Turbulence top Turbulence top stable
0-19-9 Turbulence base Turbulence base stable
0-190-0 Arbitrary text string Arbitrary text string stable
0-190-255 Missing Missing stable
0-191-0 Seconds prior to initial reference time (defined in Section 1) Seconds prior to initial reference time (defined in Section 1... stable
0-191-1 Geographical latitude Geographical latitude stable
0-191-2 Geographical longitude Geographical longitude stable
0-191-255 Missing Missing stable
0-191-3 Days since last observation Days since last observation stable
0-2-0 Wind direction (from which blowing) Wind direction (from which blowing) stable
0-2-1 Wind speed Wind speed stable
0-2-10 Absolute vorticity Absolute vorticity stable
0-2-11 Absolute divergence Absolute divergence stable
0-2-12 Relative vorticity Relative vorticity stable
0-2-13 Relative divergence Relative divergence stable
0-2-14 Potential vorticity Potential vorticity stable
0-2-15 Vertical u-component shear Vertical u-component shear stable
0-2-16 Vertical v-component shear Vertical v-component shear stable
0-2-17 Momentum flux, u-component Momentum flux, u-component stable
0-2-18 Momentum flux, v-component Momentum flux, v-component stable
0-2-19 Wind mixing energy Wind mixing energy stable
0-2-2 u-component of wind u-component of wind stable
0-2-20 Boundary layer dissipation Boundary layer dissipation stable
0-2-21 Maximum wind speed Maximum wind speed stable
0-2-22 Wind speed (gust) Wind speed (gust) stable
0-2-23 u-component of wind (gust) u-component of wind (gust) stable
0-2-24 v-component of wind (gust) v-component of wind (gust) stable
0-2-25 Vertical speed shear Vertical speed shear stable
0-2-255 Missing Missing stable
0-2-26 Horizontal momentum flux Horizontal momentum flux stable
0-2-27 u-component storm motion u-component storm motion stable
0-2-28 v-component storm motion v-component storm motion stable
0-2-29 Drag coefficient Drag coefficient stable
0-2-3 v-component of wind v-component of wind stable
0-2-30 Frictional velocity Frictional velocity stable
0-2-31 Turbulent diffusion coefficient for momentum Turbulent diffusion coefficient for momentum stable
0-2-32 Eta coordinate vertical velocity Eta coordinate vertical velocity stable
0-2-33 Wind fetch Wind fetch stable
0-2-34 Normal wind component Normal wind component stable
0-2-35 Tangential wind component Tangential wind component stable
0-2-36 Amplitude function for Rossby wave envelope for meridional wind Amplitude function for Rossby wave envelope for meridional wi... stable
0-2-37 Northward turbulent surface stress Northward turbulent surface stress stable
0-2-38 Eastward turbulent surface stress Eastward turbulent surface stress stable
0-2-4 Stream function Stream function stable
0-2-5 Velocity potential Velocity potential stable
0-2-6 Montgomery stream function Montgomery stream function stable
0-2-7 Sigma coordinate vertical velocity Sigma coordinate vertical velocity stable
0-2-8 Vertical velocity (pressure) Vertical velocity (pressure) stable
0-2-9 Vertical velocity (geometric) Vertical velocity (geometric) stable
0-20-0 Mass density (concentration) Mass density (concentration) stable
0-20-1 Column-integrated mass density Column-integrated mass density stable
0-20-10 Wet deposition by convective precipitation mass flux Wet deposition by convective precipitation mass flux stable
0-20-100 Surface area density (aerosol) Surface area density (aerosol) stable
0-20-101 Vertical visual range Vertical visual range stable
0-20-102 Aerosol optical thickness Aerosol optical thickness stable
0-20-103 Single scattering albedo Single scattering albedo stable
0-20-104 Asymmetry factor Asymmetry factor stable
0-20-105 Aerosol extinction coefficient Aerosol extinction coefficient stable
0-20-106 Aerosol absorption coefficient Aerosol absorption coefficient stable
0-20-107 Aerosol lidar backscatter from satellite Aerosol lidar backscatter from satellite stable
0-20-108 Aerosol lidar backscatter from the ground Aerosol lidar backscatter from the ground stable
0-20-109 Aerosol lidar extinction from satellite Aerosol lidar extinction from satellite stable
0-20-11 Sedimentation mass flux Sedimentation mass flux stable
0-20-110 Aerosol lidar extinction from the ground Aerosol lidar extinction from the ground stable
0-20-12 Dry deposition mass flux Dry deposition mass flux stable
0-20-13 Transfer from hydrophobic to hydrophilic Transfer from hydrophobic to hydrophilic stable
0-20-14 Transfer from SO2 (sulphur dioxide) to SO4 (sulphate) Transfer from SO2 (sulphur dioxide) to SO4 (sulphate) stable
0-20-2 Mass mixing ratio (mass fraction in air) Mass mixing ratio (mass fraction in air) stable
0-20-255 Missing Missing stable
0-20-3 Atmosphere emission mass flux Atmosphere emission mass flux stable
0-20-4 Atmosphere net production mass flux Atmosphere net production mass flux stable
0-20-5 Atmosphere net production and emission mass flux Atmosphere net production and emission mass flux stable
0-20-50 Amount in atmosphere Amount in atmosphere stable
0-20-51 Concentration in air Concentration in air stable
0-20-52 Volume mixing ratio (fraction in air) Volume mixing ratio (fraction in air) stable
0-20-53 Chemical gross production rate of concentration Chemical gross production rate of concentration stable
0-20-54 Chemical gross destruction rate of concentration Chemical gross destruction rate of concentration stable
0-20-55 Surface flux Surface flux stable
0-20-56 Changes of amount in atmosphere Changes of amount in atmosphere stable
0-20-57 Total yearly average burden of the atmosphere Total yearly average burden of the atmosphere stable
0-20-58 Total yearly averaged atmospheric loss Total yearly averaged atmospheric loss stable
0-20-59 Aerosol number concentration Aerosol number concentration stable
0-20-6 Surface dry deposition mass flux Surface dry deposition mass flux stable
0-20-7 Surface wet deposition mass flux Surface wet deposition mass flux stable
0-20-8 Atmosphere re-emission mass flux Atmosphere re-emission mass flux stable
0-20-9 Wet deposition by large-scale precipitation mass flux Wet deposition by large-scale precipitation mass flux stable
0-3-0 Pressure Pressure stable
0-3-1 Pressure reduced to MSL Pressure reduced to MSL stable
0-3-10 Density Density stable
0-3-11 Altimeter setting Altimeter setting stable
0-3-12 Thickness Thickness stable
0-3-13 Pressure altitude Pressure altitude stable
0-3-14 Density altitude Density altitude stable
0-3-15 5-wave geopotential height 5-wave geopotential height stable
0-3-16 Zonal flux of gravity wave stress Zonal flux of gravity wave stress stable
0-3-17 Meridional flux of gravity wave stress Meridional flux of gravity wave stress stable
0-3-18 Planetary boundary layer height Planetary boundary layer height stable
0-3-19 5-wave geopotential height anomaly 5-wave geopotential height anomaly stable
0-3-2 Pressure tendency Pressure tendency stable
0-3-20 Standard deviation of sub-grid scale orography Standard deviation of sub-grid scale orography stable
0-3-21 Angle of sub-gridscale orography Angle of sub-gridscale orography stable
0-3-22 Slope of sub-gridscale orography Slope of sub-gridscale orography stable
0-3-23 Gravity wave dissipation Gravity wave dissipation stable
0-3-24 Anisotropy of sub-gridscale orography Anisotropy of sub-gridscale orography stable
0-3-25 Natural logarithm of pressure in Pa Natural logarithm of pressure in Pa stable
0-3-255 Missing Missing stable
0-3-26 Exner pressure Exner pressure stable
0-3-3 ICAO Standard Atmosphere Reference Height ICAO Standard Atmosphere Reference Height stable
0-3-4 Geopotential Geopotential stable
0-3-5 Geopotential height Geopotential height stable
0-3-6 Geometric height Geometric height stable
0-3-7 Standard deviation of height Standard deviation of height stable
0-3-8 Pressure anomaly Pressure anomaly stable
0-3-9 Geopotential height anomaly Geopotential height anomaly stable
0-4-0 Net short-wave radiation flux (surface) Net short-wave radiation flux (surface) stable
0-4-1 Net short-wave radiation flux (top of atmosphere) Net short-wave radiation flux (top of atmosphere) stable
0-4-10 Photosynthetically active radiation Photosynthetically active radiation stable
0-4-11 Net short-wave radiation flux, clear sky Net short-wave radiation flux, clear sky stable
0-4-12 Downward UV radiation Downward UV radiation stable
0-4-2 Short-wave radiation flux Short-wave radiation flux stable
0-4-255 Missing Missing stable
0-4-3 Global radiation flux Global radiation flux stable
0-4-4 Brightness temperature Brightness temperature stable
0-4-5 Radiance (with respect to wave number) Radiance (with respect to wave number) stable
0-4-50 UV index (under clear sky) UV index (under clear sky) stable
0-4-51 UV index UV index stable
0-4-6 Radiance (with respect to wave length) Radiance (with respect to wave length) stable
0-4-7 Downward short-wave radiation flux Downward short-wave radiation flux stable
0-4-8 Upward short-wave radiation flux Upward short-wave radiation flux stable
0-4-9 Net short wave radiation flux Net short wave radiation flux stable
0-5-0 Net long-wave radiation flux (surface) Net long-wave radiation flux (surface) stable
0-5-1 Net long-wave radiation flux (top of atmosphere) Net long-wave radiation flux (top of atmosphere) stable
0-5-2 Long-wave radiation flux Long-wave radiation flux stable
0-5-255 Missing Missing stable
0-5-3 Downward long-wave radiation flux Downward long-wave radiation flux stable
0-5-4 Upward long-wave radiation flux Upward long-wave radiation flux stable
0-5-5 Net long-wave radiation flux Net long-wave radiation flux stable
0-5-6 Net long-wave radiation flux, clear sky Net long-wave radiation flux, clear sky stable
0-6-0 Cloud ice Cloud ice stable
0-6-1 Total cloud cover Total cloud cover stable
0-6-10 Thunderstorm coverage Thunderstorm coverage stable
0-6-11 Cloud base Cloud base stable
0-6-12 Cloud top Cloud top stable
0-6-13 Ceiling Ceiling stable
0-6-14 Non-convective cloud cover Non-convective cloud cover stable
0-6-15 Cloud work function Cloud work function stable
0-6-16 Convective cloud efficiency Convective cloud efficiency stable
0-6-17 Total condensate Total condensate stable
0-6-18 Total column-integrated cloud water Total column-integrated cloud water stable
0-6-19 Total column-integrated cloud ice Total column-integrated cloud ice stable
0-6-2 Convective cloud cover Convective cloud cover stable
0-6-20 Total column-integrated condensate Total column-integrated condensate stable
0-6-21 Ice fraction of total condensate Ice fraction of total condensate stable
0-6-22 Cloud cover Cloud cover stable
0-6-23 Cloud ice mixing ratio Cloud ice mixing ratio stable
0-6-24 Sunshine Sunshine stable
0-6-25 Horizontal extent of cumulonimbus (CB) Horizontal extent of cumulonimbus (CB) stable
0-6-255 Missing Missing stable
0-6-26 Height of convective cloud base Height of convective cloud base stable
0-6-27 Height of convective cloud top Height of convective cloud top stable
0-6-28 Number of cloud droplets per unit mass of air Number of cloud droplets per unit mass of air stable
0-6-29 Number of cloud ice particles per unit mass of air Number of cloud ice particles per unit mass of air stable
0-6-3 Low cloud cover Low cloud cover stable
0-6-30 Number density of cloud droplets Number density of cloud droplets stable
0-6-31 Number density of cloud ice particles Number density of cloud ice particles stable
0-6-32 Fraction of cloud cover Fraction of cloud cover stable
0-6-33 Sunshine duration Sunshine duration stable
0-6-34 Surface long-wave effective total cloudiness Surface long-wave effective total cloudiness stable
0-6-35 Surface short-wave effective total cloudiness Surface short-wave effective total cloudiness stable
0-6-4 Medium cloud cover Medium cloud cover stable
0-6-5 High cloud cover High cloud cover stable
0-6-6 Cloud water Cloud water stable
0-6-7 Cloud amount Cloud amount stable
0-6-8 Cloud type Cloud type stable
0-6-9 Thunderstorm maximum tops Thunderstorm maximum tops stable
0-7-0 Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa) Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa) stable
0-7-1 Best lifted index (to 500 hPa) Best lifted index (to 500 hPa) stable
0-7-10 Surface lifted index Surface lifted index stable
0-7-11 Best (4-layer) lifted index Best (4-layer) lifted index stable
0-7-12 Richardson number Richardson number stable
0-7-13 Showalter index Showalter index stable
0-7-15 Updraft helicity Updraft helicity stable
0-7-2 K index K index stable
0-7-255 Missing Missing stable
0-7-3 KO index KO index stable
0-7-4 Total totals index Total totals index stable
0-7-5 Sweat index Sweat index stable
0-7-6 Convective available potential energy Convective available potential energy stable
0-7-7 Convective inhibition Convective inhibition stable
0-7-8 Storm relative helicity Storm relative helicity stable
0-7-9 Energy helicity index Energy helicity index stable
1-0-0 Flash flood guidance (Encoded as an accumulation over a floating subinterval of time between the reference time and valid time) Flash flood guidance (Encoded as an accumulation over a float... stable
1-0-1 Flash flood runoff (Encoded as an accumulation over a floating subinterval of time) Flash flood runoff (Encoded as an accumulation over a floatin... stable
1-0-2 Remotely-sensed snow cover Remotely-sensed snow cover stable
1-0-255 Missing Missing stable
1-0-3 Elevation of snow-covered terrain Elevation of snow-covered terrain stable
1-0-4 Snow water equivalent per cent of normal Snow water equivalent per cent of normal stable
1-0-5 Baseflow-groundwater runoff Baseflow-groundwater runoff stable
1-0-6 Storm surface runoff Storm surface runoff stable
1-0-7 Discharge from rivers or streams Discharge from rivers or streams stable
1-1-0 Conditional per cent precipitation amount fractile for an overall period (Encoded as an accumulation) Conditional per cent precipitation amount fractile for an ove... stable
1-1-1 Per cent precipitation in a sub-period of an overall period (Encoded as per cent accumulation over the sub-period) Per cent precipitation in a sub-period of an overall period (... stable
1-1-2 Probability of 0.01 inch of precipitation (POP) Probability of 0.01 inch of precipitation (POP) stable
1-1-255 Missing Missing stable
1-2-0 Water depth Water depth stable
1-2-1 Water temperature Water temperature stable
1-2-10 Shape factor with respect to temperature profile in thermocline Shape factor with respect to temperature profile in thermocli... stable
1-2-11 Attenuation coefficient of water with respect to solar radiation Attenuation coefficient of water with respect to solar radiat... stable
1-2-12 Salinity Salinity stable
1-2-2 Water fraction Water fraction stable
1-2-3 Sediment thickness Sediment thickness stable
1-2-4 Sediment temperature Sediment temperature stable
1-2-5 Ice thickness Ice thickness stable
1-2-6 Ice temperature Ice temperature stable
1-2-7 Ice cover Ice cover stable
1-2-8 Land cover (0 = water, 1 = land) Land cover (0 = water, 1 = land) stable
1-2-9 Shape factor with respect to salinity profile Shape factor with respect to salinity profile stable
10-0-0 Wave spectra (1) Wave spectra (1) stable
10-0-1 Wave spectra (2) Wave spectra (2) stable
10-0-10 Primary wave direction Primary wave direction stable
10-0-11 Primary wave mean period Primary wave mean period stable
10-0-12 Secondary wave direction Secondary wave direction stable
10-0-13 Secondary wave mean period Secondary wave mean period stable
10-0-14 Direction of combined wind waves and swell Direction of combined wind waves and swell stable
10-0-15 Mean period of combined wind waves and swell Mean period of combined wind waves and swell stable
10-0-16 Coefficient of drag with waves Coefficient of drag with waves stable
10-0-17 Friction velocity Friction velocity stable
10-0-18 Wave stress Wave stress stable
10-0-19 Normalized wave stress Normalized wave stress stable
10-0-2 Wave spectra (3) Wave spectra (3) stable
10-0-20 Mean square slope of waves Mean square slope of waves stable
10-0-21 u-component surface Stokes drift u-component surface Stokes drift stable
10-0-22 v-component surface Stokes drift v-component surface Stokes drift stable
10-0-23 Period of maximum individual wave height Period of maximum individual wave height stable
10-0-24 Maximum individual wave height Maximum individual wave height stable
10-0-25 Inverse mean wave frequency Inverse mean wave frequency stable
10-0-255 Missing Missing stable
10-0-26 Inverse mean frequency of wind waves Inverse mean frequency of wind waves stable
10-0-27 Inverse mean frequency of total swell Inverse mean frequency of total swell stable
10-0-28 Mean zero-crossing wave period Mean zero-crossing wave period stable
10-0-29 Mean zero-crossing period of wind waves Mean zero-crossing period of wind waves stable
10-0-3 Significant height of combined wind waves and swell Significant height of combined wind waves and swell stable
10-0-30 Mean zero-crossing period of total swell Mean zero-crossing period of total swell stable
10-0-31 Wave directional width Wave directional width stable
10-0-32 Directional width of wind waves Directional width of wind waves stable
10-0-33 Directional width of total swell Directional width of total swell stable
10-0-34 Peak wave period Peak wave period stable
10-0-35 Peak period of wind waves Peak period of wind waves stable
10-0-36 Peak period of total swell Peak period of total swell stable
10-0-37 Altimeter wave height Altimeter wave height stable
10-0-38 Altimeter corrected wave height Altimeter corrected wave height stable
10-0-39 Altimeter range relative correction Altimeter range relative correction stable
10-0-4 Direction of wind waves Direction of wind waves stable
10-0-40 10-metre neutral wind speed over waves 10-metre neutral wind speed over waves stable
10-0-41 10-metre wind direction over waves 10-metre wind direction over waves stable
10-0-42 Wave energy spectrum Wave energy spectrum stable
10-0-43 Kurtosis of the sea-surface elevation due to waves Kurtosis of the sea-surface elevation due to waves stable
10-0-44 Benjamin-Feir index Benjamin-Feir index stable
10-0-45 Spectral peakedness factor Spectral peakedness factor stable
10-0-5 Significant height of wind waves Significant height of wind waves stable
10-0-6 Mean period of wind waves Mean period of wind waves stable
10-0-7 Direction of swell waves Direction of swell waves stable
10-0-8 Significant height of swell waves Significant height of swell waves stable
10-0-9 Mean period of swell waves Mean period of swell waves stable
10-1-0 Current direction Current direction stable
10-1-1 Current speed Current speed stable
10-1-2 u-component of current u-component of current stable
10-1-255 Missing Missing stable
10-1-3 v-component of current v-component of current stable
10-191-0 Seconds prior to initial reference time (defined in Section 1) Seconds prior to initial reference time (defined in Section 1... stable
10-191-1 Meridional overturning stream function Meridional overturning stream function stable
10-191-255 Missing Missing stable
10-191-3 Days since last observation Days since last observation stable
10-2-0 Ice cover Ice cover stable
10-2-1 Ice thickness Ice thickness stable
10-2-10 Zonal vector component of vertically integrated ice internal pressure Zonal vector component of vertically integrated ice internal ... stable
10-2-11 Meridional vector component of vertically integrated ice internal pressure Meridional vector component of vertically integrated ice inte... stable
10-2-12 Compressive ice strength Compressive ice strength stable
10-2-2 Direction of ice drift Direction of ice drift stable
10-2-255 Missing Missing stable
10-2-3 Speed of ice drift Speed of ice drift stable
10-2-4 u-component of ice drift u-component of ice drift stable
10-2-5 v-component of ice drift v-component of ice drift stable
10-2-6 Ice growth rate Ice growth rate stable
10-2-7 Ice divergence Ice divergence stable
10-2-8 Ice temperature Ice temperature stable
10-2-9 Ice internal pressure Ice internal pressure stable
10-3-0 Water temperature Water temperature stable
10-3-1 Deviation of sea level from mean Deviation of sea level from mean stable
10-3-255 Missing Missing stable
10-4-0 Main thermocline depth Main thermocline depth stable
10-4-1 Main thermocline anomaly Main thermocline anomaly stable
10-4-11 Shape factor with respect to salinity profile Shape factor with respect to salinity profile stable
10-4-12 Shape factor with respect to temperature profile in thermocline Shape factor with respect to temperature profile in thermocli... stable
10-4-13 Attenuation coefficient of water with respect to solar radiation Attenuation coefficient of water with respect to solar radiat... stable
10-4-14 Water depth Water depth stable
10-4-15 Water temperature Water temperature stable
10-4-2 Transient thermocline depth Transient thermocline depth stable
10-4-255 Missing Missing stable
10-4-3 Salinity Salinity stable
10-4-4 Ocean vertical heat diffusivity Ocean vertical heat diffusivity stable
10-4-5 Ocean vertical salt diffusivity Ocean vertical salt diffusivity stable
10-4-6 Ocean vertical momentum diffusivity Ocean vertical momentum diffusivity stable
10-4-7 Bathymetry Bathymetry stable
2-0-0 Land cover (0 = sea, 1 = land) Land cover (0 = sea, 1 = land) stable
2-0-1 Surface roughness Surface roughness stable
2-0-10 Ground heat flux Ground heat flux stable
2-0-11 Moisture availability Moisture availability stable
2-0-12 Exchange coefficient Exchange coefficient stable
2-0-13 Plant canopy surface water Plant canopy surface water stable
2-0-14 Blackadar’s mixing length scale Blackadar’s mixing length scale stable
2-0-15 Canopy conductance Canopy conductance stable
2-0-16 Minimal stomatal resistance Minimal stomatal resistance stable
2-0-17 Wilting point Wilting point stable
2-0-18 Solar parameter in canopy conductance Solar parameter in canopy conductance stable
2-0-19 Temperature parameter in canopy Temperature parameter in canopy stable
2-0-2 Soil temperature Soil temperature stable
2-0-20 Humidity parameter in canopy conductance Humidity parameter in canopy conductance stable
2-0-21 Soil moisture parameter in canopy conductance Soil moisture parameter in canopy conductance stable
2-0-22 Soil moisture Soil moisture stable
2-0-23 Column-integrated soil water Column-integrated soil water stable
2-0-24 Heat flux Heat flux stable
2-0-25 Volumetric soil moisture Volumetric soil moisture stable
2-0-255 Missing Missing stable
2-0-26 Wilting point Wilting point stable
2-0-27 Volumetric wilting point Volumetric wilting point stable
2-0-28 Leaf area index Leaf area index stable
2-0-29 Evergreen forest cover Evergreen forest cover stable
2-0-3 Soil moisture content Soil moisture content stable
2-0-30 Deciduous forest cover Deciduous forest cover stable
2-0-31 Normalized differential vegetation index (NDVI) Normalized differential vegetation index (NDVI) stable
2-0-32 Root depth of vegetation Root depth of vegetation stable
2-0-33 Water runoff and drainage Water runoff and drainage stable
2-0-34 Surface water runoff Surface water runoff stable
2-0-4 Vegetation Vegetation stable
2-0-5 Water runoff Water runoff stable
2-0-6 Evapotranspiration Evapotranspiration stable
2-0-7 Model terrain height Model terrain height stable
2-0-8 Land use Land use stable
2-0-9 Volumetric soil moisture content Volumetric soil moisture content stable
2-3-0 Soil type Soil type stable
2-3-1 Upper layer soil temperature Upper layer soil temperature stable
2-3-10 Liquid volumetric soil moisture (non-frozen) Liquid volumetric soil moisture (non-frozen) stable
2-3-11 Volumetric transpiration stress-onset (soil moisture) Volumetric transpiration stress-onset (soil moisture) stable
2-3-12 Transpiration stress-onset (soil moisture) Transpiration stress-onset (soil moisture) stable
2-3-13 Volumetric direct evaporation cease (soil moisture) Volumetric direct evaporation cease (soil moisture) stable
2-3-14 Direct evaporation cease (soil moisture) Direct evaporation cease (soil moisture) stable
2-3-15 Soil porosity Soil porosity stable
2-3-16 Volumetric saturation of soil moisture Volumetric saturation of soil moisture stable
2-3-17 Saturation of soil moisture Saturation of soil moisture stable
2-3-18 Soil temperature Soil temperature stable
2-3-19 Soil moisture Soil moisture stable
2-3-2 Upper layer soil moisture Upper layer soil moisture stable
2-3-20 Column-integrated soil moisture Column-integrated soil moisture stable
2-3-21 Soil ice Soil ice stable
2-3-22 Column-integrated soil ice Column-integrated soil ice stable
2-3-255 Missing Missing stable
2-3-3 Lower layer soil moisture Lower layer soil moisture stable
2-3-4 Bottom layer soil temperature Bottom layer soil temperature stable
2-3-5 Liquid volumetric soil moisture (non-frozen) Liquid volumetric soil moisture (non-frozen) stable
2-3-6 Number of soil layers in root zone Number of soil layers in root zone stable
2-3-7 Transpiration stress-onset (soil moisture) Transpiration stress-onset (soil moisture) stable
2-3-8 Direct evaporation cease (soil moisture) Direct evaporation cease (soil moisture) stable
2-3-9 Soil porosity Soil porosity stable
2-4-0 Fire outlook Fire outlook stable
2-4-1 Fire outlook due to dry thunderstorm Fire outlook due to dry thunderstorm stable
2-4-2 Haines Index Haines Index stable
2-4-255 Missing Missing stable
2-4-3 Fire burned area Fire burned area stable
2-4-4 Fosberg index Fosberg index stable
3-0-0 Scaled radiance Scaled radiance stable
3-0-1 Scaled albedo Scaled albedo stable
3-0-2 Scaled brightness temperature Scaled brightness temperature stable
3-0-255 Missing Missing stable
3-0-3 Scaled precipitable water Scaled precipitable water stable
3-0-4 Scaled lifted index Scaled lifted index stable
3-0-5 Scaled cloud top pressure Scaled cloud top pressure stable
3-0-6 Scaled skin temperature Scaled skin temperature stable
3-0-7 Cloud mask Cloud mask stable
3-0-8 Pixel scene type Pixel scene type stable
3-0-9 Fire detection indicator Fire detection indicator stable
3-1-0 Estimated precipitation Estimated precipitation stable
3-1-1 Instantaneous rain rate Instantaneous rain rate stable
3-1-10 Reflectance in 0.8 micron channel Reflectance in 0.8 micron channel stable
3-1-11 Reflectance in 1.6 micron channel Reflectance in 1.6 micron channel stable
3-1-12 Reflectance in 3.9 micron channel Reflectance in 3.9 micron channel stable
3-1-13 Atmospheric divergence Atmospheric divergence stable
3-1-14 Cloudy brightness temperature Cloudy brightness temperature stable
3-1-15 Clear-sky brightness temperature Clear-sky brightness temperature stable
3-1-16 Cloudy radiance (with respect to wave number) Cloudy radiance (with respect to wave number) stable
3-1-17 Clear-sky radiance (with respect to wave number) Clear-sky radiance (with respect to wave number) stable
3-1-19 Wind speed Wind speed stable
3-1-2 Cloud top height Cloud top height stable
3-1-20 Aerosol optical thickness at 0.635 μm Aerosol optical thickness at 0.635 μm stable
3-1-21 Aerosol optical thickness at 0.810 μm Aerosol optical thickness at 0.810 μm stable
3-1-22 Aerosol optical thickness at 1.640 μm Aerosol optical thickness at 1.640 μm stable
3-1-23 Angstrom coefficient Angstrom coefficient stable
3-1-255 Missing Missing stable
3-1-3 Cloud top height quality indicator Cloud top height quality indicator stable
3-1-4 Estimated u component of wind Estimated u component of wind stable
3-1-5 Estimated v component of wind Estimated v component of wind stable
3-1-6 Number of pixel used Number of pixel used stable
3-1-7 Solar zenith angle Solar zenith angle stable
3-1-8 Relative azimuth angle Relative azimuth angle stable
3-1-9 Reflectance in 0.6 micron channel Reflectance in 0.6 micron channel stable