Entry: Aeronautical visibility


URI: http://codes.wmo.int/common/quantity-kind/aeronauticalVisibility    

The greater of:(a) The greatest distance at which a black object of suitable dimensions, situated near the ground, can be seen and recognized when observed against a bright background;(b) The greatest distance at which lights in the vicinity of 1000 candelas can be seen and identified against an unlit background.

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is a Concept | quantity kind | space and time quantity kind
submitted bymarqh (admin)

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date submitted 3 Sep 2014 09:53:17.694
entity Aeronautical visibility
source graph graph

description The greater of:(a) The greatest distance at which a black object of suitable dimensions, situated near the ground, can be seen and recognized when observed against a bright background;(b) The greatest distance at which lights in the vicinity of 1000 candelas can be seen and identified against an unlit background.
item class Concept | space and time quantity kind | quantity kind
label Aeronautical visibility
notation aeronauticalVisibility
register quantity kind
status status stable
name marqh (admin)
openid 100578379482821123729

type register item
version info 1
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description The greater of:(a) The greatest distance at which a black object of suitable dimensions, situated near the ground, can be seen and recognized when observed against a bright background;(b) The greatest distance at which lights in the vicinity of 1000 candelas can be seen and identified against an unlit background.
dimensions L
discipline Aeronautical quantity kinds
label Aeronautical visibility
notation aeronauticalVisibility
type Concept | quantity kind | space and time quantity kind