Register: Type of precipitation



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is a Container | Register | Collection
owned by wmo
submitted bymarqh (admin)

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All properties of the register

label Type of precipitation
manager www dm
member Dew | Clear ice | Wet snow | Soft rime | Hard rime | White dew | Hoar frost | Small hail | Hail | Solid precipitation | Liquid precipitation not freezing | Precipitation - unknown type | Snow | Liquid freezing precipitation | Snow grains | Snow pellets | Drizzle | Glaze | Rain | Rime | Ice crystals | Ice pellets | Diamond dust
membership predicate member
modified 3 Sep 2014 09:54:45.091
owner wmo
publisher wmo
type Container | Register | Collection
version info 1
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Notation Name Description Status
1 Precipitation - unknown type stable
2 Liquid precipitation not freezing stable
3 Liquid freezing precipitation stable
4 Drizzle stable
5 Rain stable
6 Solid precipitation stable
7 Snow stable
8 Snow grains stable
9 Snow pellets stable
10 Ice pellets stable
11 Ice crystals stable
12 Diamond dust stable
13 Small hail stable
14 Hail stable
15 Glaze stable
16 Rime stable
17 Soft rime stable
18 Hard rime stable
19 Clear ice stable
20 Wet snow stable
21 Hoar frost stable
22 Dew stable
23 White dew stable