Register: Scan line quality flags for ATOVS



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label Scan line quality flags for ATOVS
manager www dm
member Uncalibrated due to instrument mode | Earth view | Start of a sequence that apparently repeats scan times that have been previously accepted | Questionable calibration because of antenna position error of space view | Time field is bad but can probably be inferred from the previous good time | Time field is bad and cannot be inferred from the previous good time | Scan line was not calibrated because of bad or insufficient PRT data | Earth location questionable because of questionable time code (see time problem code bits) | Scan line calibration cold black body | Scan line was calibrated but with marginal PRT data | Earth location questionable - only marginal agreement with reasonableness check | Scan line calibration warm black body | Scan line was not calibrated because of bad time | Earth location questionable - fails reasonableness check | Questionable calibration because of antenna position error of black body | Scan line was calibrated using fewer than the preferred number of scan lines because of proximity to start or end of data or to a data gap | Not Earth located because of bad time | Earth location questionable because of antenna position check | Some uncalibrated channels on this scan | Scan line calibration space view | This record starts a sequence that is inconsistent with previous times (i.e. there is a time discontinuity). This may or may not be associated with a spacecraft clock update (see scan line status flags for ATOVS)
membership predicate member
modified 3 Sep 2014 09:56:10.213
owner wmo
publisher wmo
type Container | Register | Collection
version info 1
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Notation Name Description Status
1 Time field is bad but can probably be inferred from the previous good time stable
2 Time field is bad and cannot be inferred from the previous good time stable
3 This record starts a sequence that is inconsistent with previous times (i.e. there is a time discontinuity). This may or may not be associated with a spacecraft clock update (see scan line status flags for ATOVS) stable
4 Start of a sequence that apparently repeats scan times that have been previously accepted stable
5 Scan line was not calibrated because of bad time stable
6 Scan line was calibrated using fewer than the preferred number of scan lines because of proximity to start or end of data or to a data gap stable
7 Scan line was not calibrated because of bad or insufficient PRT data stable
8 Scan line was calibrated but with marginal PRT data stable
9 Some uncalibrated channels on this scan stable
10 Uncalibrated due to instrument mode stable
11 Questionable calibration because of antenna position error of space view stable
12 Questionable calibration because of antenna position error of black body stable
13 Not Earth located because of bad time stable
14 Earth location questionable because of questionable time code (see time problem code bits) stable
15 Earth location questionable - only marginal agreement with reasonableness check stable
16 Earth location questionable - fails reasonableness check stable
17 Earth location questionable because of antenna position check stable
18 Scan line calibration cold black body stable
19 Scan line calibration warm black body stable
20 Scan line calibration space view stable
21 Earth view stable