Register: First-order statistics



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is a Container | Collection | Register
owned by wmo
submitted bymarqh (admin)

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label First-order statistics
manager www dm
member Median value | Harmonic mean | Mean absolute error | Mean value | Minimum value | Vector mean | Modal value | Maximum value | Missing value | Standard deviation (N) | Root-mean-square | Root-mean-square vector error | Best estimate of standard deviation (N-1)
membership predicate member
modified 3 Sep 2014 09:54:12.280
owner wmo
publisher wmo
type Container | Collection | Register
version info 1
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Notation Name Description Status
2 Maximum value stable
3 Minimum value stable
4 Mean value stable
5 Median value stable
6 Modal value stable
7 Mean absolute error stable
9 Best estimate of standard deviation (N-1) stable
10 Standard deviation (N) stable
11 Harmonic mean stable
12 Root-mean-square vector error stable
13 Root-mean-square stable
32 Vector mean stable
63 Missing value stable