Register: Satellite classification



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label Satellite classification
manager www dm
member ERS | INSAT | GOES | METEOSAT Second Generation Programme (MSG) | GOMS | Missing value | GLONASS | GPS | Himawari | FY-2 | METEOSAT Transitional Programme (MTP) | EUMETSAT Polar System (EPS) | EOS | MTSAT | Tiros 2 (NOAA-14 onwards) | METEOSAT Operational Programme (MOP) | COMS | FY-1 | DMSP | GMS | Tiros 1 (Tiros, NOAA-6 to NOAA-13) | VTPR | Nimbus | JASON | GALILEO | GCOM | ADEOS
membership predicate member
modified 3 Sep 2014 09:53:36.474
owner wmo
publisher wmo
type Collection | Register | Container
version info 1
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Notation Name Description Status
0 Nimbus stable
1 VTPR stable
2 Tiros 1 (Tiros, NOAA-6 to NOAA-13) stable
3 Tiros 2 (NOAA-14 onwards) stable
10 EOS stable
31 DMSP stable
61 EUMETSAT Polar System (EPS) stable
91 ERS stable
121 ADEOS stable
122 GCOM stable
241 GOES stable
261 JASON stable
271 GMS stable
272 MTSAT stable
273 Himawari stable
281 COMS stable
301 INSAT stable
331 METEOSAT Operational Programme (MOP) stable
332 METEOSAT Transitional Programme (MTP) stable
333 METEOSAT Second Generation Programme (MSG) stable
351 GOMS stable
380 FY-1 stable
381 FY-2 stable
401 GPS stable
402 GLONASS stable
403 GALILEO stable
511 Missing value stable