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label State identifier
manager www dm
member Bahamas | Ireland | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (RA I) | Hungary | Samoa | India | Ukraine | Bulgaria | Democratic People's Republic of Korea | Syrian Arab Republic | Bhutan | United States of America (RA V) | Sweden | Ethiopia | United Republic of Tanzania | Malta | Mozambique | Botswana | French Polynesia | Maldives | Cuba | Rwanda | Benin | Curaçao and Sint Maarten | Republic of Korea | Peru | Madagascar | Guatemala | Netherlands | Qatar | Belarus | Afghanistan | Slovakia | Albania | Panama | Mongolia | Indonesia | Nicaragua | Lao People's Democratic Republic | Cook Islands | Comoros | Georgia | Spain (RA I) | Egypt | Barbados | Antigua and Barbuda | Turkmenistan | Colombia | Uganda | Solomon Islands | Cyprus | Dominican Republic | Mauritius | China | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) | Switzerland | Bangladesh | Algeria | Spain (RA VI) | Kazakhstan | El Salvador | Tonga | Oman | Luxembourg | Morocco | Guinea | Fiji | Lithuania | Kuwait | Australia | Angola | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (RA V) | Libya | Haiti | Paraguay | France (RA IV) | Finland | Pakistan | Somalia | Brazil | Kyrgyzstan | Brunei Darussalam | Côte d'Ivoire | Portugal (RA I) | Portugal (RA VI) | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (RA IV) | France (RA VI) | Uzbekistan | Denmark | South Africa | Azerbaijan | Chile | Singapore | Croatia | Papua New Guinea | Democratic Republic of the Congo | New Zealand | Cambodia | Vanuatu | United States of America (RA IV) | ...
membership predicate member
modified 3 Sep 2014 09:53:32.693
owner wmo
publisher wmo
type Container | Register | Collection
version info 1
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Notation Name Description Status
100 Algeria stable
101 Angola stable
102 Benin stable
103 Botswana stable
104 Burkina Faso stable
105 Burundi stable
106 Cameroon stable
107 Cabo Verde stable
108 Central African Republic stable
109 Chad stable
110 Comoros stable
111 Congo stable
112 Côte d'Ivoire stable
113 Democratic Republic of the Congo stable
114 Djibouti stable
115 Egypt stable
116 Eritrea stable
117 Ethiopia stable
118 France (RA I) stable
119 Gabon stable
120 Gambia stable
121 Ghana stable
122 Guinea stable
123 Guinea-Bissau stable
124 Kenya stable
125 Lesotho stable
126 Liberia stable
127 Libya stable
128 Madagascar stable
129 Malawi stable
130 Mali stable
131 Mauritania stable
132 Mauritius stable
133 Morocco stable
134 Mozambique stable
135 Namibia stable
136 Niger stable
137 Nigeria stable
138 Portugal (RA I) stable
139 Rwanda stable
140 Sao Tome and Principe stable
141 Senegal stable
142 Seychelles stable
143 Sierra Leone stable
144 Somalia stable
145 South Africa stable
146 Spain (RA I) stable
147 Sudan stable
148 Swaziland stable
149 Togo stable
150 Tunisia stable
151 Uganda stable
152 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (RA I) stable
153 United Republic of Tanzania stable
154 Zambia stable
155 Zimbabwe stable
200 Afghanistan stable
201 Bahrain stable
202 Bangladesh stable
203 Bhutan stable
204 Cambodia stable
205 China stable
206 Democratic People's Republic of Korea stable
207 Hong Kong, China stable
208 India stable
209 Iran, Islamic Republic of stable
210 Iraq stable
211 Japan stable
212 Kazakhstan stable
213 Kuwait stable
214 Kyrgyzstan stable
215 Lao People's Democratic Republic stable
216 Macao, China stable
217 Maldives stable
218 Mongolia stable
219 Myanmar stable
220 Nepal stable
221 Oman stable
222 Pakistan stable
223 Qatar stable
224 Republic of Korea stable
225 Yemen stable
226 Russian Federation (RA II) stable
227 Saudi Arabia stable
228 Sri Lanka stable
229 Tajikistan stable
230 Thailand stable
231 Turkmenistan stable
232 United Arab Emirates stable
233 Uzbekistan stable
234 Viet Nam stable
300 Argentina stable
301 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) stable
302 Brazil stable
303 Chile stable
304 Colombia stable
305 Ecuador stable
306 France (RA III) stable
307 Guyana stable
308 Paraguay stable
309 Peru stable
310 Suriname stable
311 Uruguay stable
312 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) stable
400 Antigua and Barbuda stable
401 Bahamas stable
402 Barbados stable
403 Belize stable
404 British Caribbean Territories stable
405 Canada stable
406 Colombia stable
407 Costa Rica stable
408 Cuba stable
409 Dominica stable
410 Dominican Republic stable
411 El Salvador stable
412 France (RA IV) stable
413 Guatemala stable
414 Haiti stable
415 Honduras stable
416 Jamaica stable
417 Mexico stable
418 Curaçao and Sint Maarten stable
419 Nicaragua stable
420 Panama stable
421 Saint Lucia stable
422 Trinidad and Tobago stable
423 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (RA IV) stable
424 United States of America (RA IV) stable
425 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) stable
500 Australia stable
501 Brunei Darussalam stable
502 Cook Islands stable
503 Fiji stable
504 French Polynesia stable
505 Indonesia stable
506 Kiribati stable
507 Malaysia stable
508 Micronesia, Federated States of stable
509 New Caledonia stable
510 New Zealand stable
511 Niue stable
512 Papua New Guinea stable
513 Philippines stable
514 Samoa stable
515 Singapore stable
516 Solomon Islands stable
517 Tonga stable
518 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (RA V) stable
519 United States of America (RA V) stable
520 Vanuatu stable
600 Albania stable
601 Armenia stable
602 Austria stable
603 Azerbaijan stable
604 Belarus stable
605 Belgium stable
606 Bosnia and Herzegovina stable
607 Bulgaria stable
608 Croatia stable
609 Cyprus stable
610 Czech Republic stable
611 Denmark stable
612 Estonia stable
613 Finland stable
614 France (RA VI) stable
615 Georgia stable
616 Germany stable
617 Greece stable
618 Hungary stable
619 Iceland stable
620 Ireland stable
621 Israel stable
622 Italy stable
623 Jordan stable
624 Kazakhstan stable
625 Latvia stable
626 Lebanon stable
627 Lithuania stable
628 Luxembourg stable
629 Malta stable
630 Monaco stable
631 Montenegro stable
632 Netherlands stable
633 Norway stable
634 Poland stable
635 Portugal (RA VI) stable
636 Republic of Moldova stable
637 Romania stable
638 Russian Federation (RA VI) stable
639 Serbia stable
640 Slovakia stable
641 Slovenia stable
642 Spain (RA VI) stable
643 Sweden stable
644 Switzerland stable
645 Syrian Arab Republic stable
646 The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia stable
647 Turkey stable
648 Ukraine stable
649 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (RA VI) stable
1023 Missing value stable