Register: BUFR/CREX Oceanographic elements



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owned by wmo
submitted bymarqh (admin)

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label BUFR/CREX Oceanographic elements
manager www dm
member Mean direction from which waves are coming | Number of valid points for C band backscatter | Directional spread of dominant wave | Ku band net instrumental correction for significant wave height | Water column height deviation from the reference value | Height of waves | Height of wind waves | Standard deviation wave height | Standard deviation of significant wave height | Waveband central wave number | Spectral peak wave length | Sea/water temperature | RMS 20 Hz C band significant wave height | Sea-surface temperature (15-day running mean) | Total water depth | Sea-surface temperature | STD of 20 Hz ocean range | C band significant wave height | Number of 20 Hz valid points for Ku band significant wave height | RMS 20 Hz Ku band significant wave height | Spectral band width | Average wave length | Maximum non-directional spectral wave density | Directional spectral estimate by wave frequency | Maximum wave height | Direction of profile | RMS of 20 Hz Ku band ocean range | C band ocean range | Tide station automated meteorological data check | Length of wave record | Period of waves | RMS of C band ocean range | Mean direction at low wave numbers (wavelength > 731 m) | C band net instrumental correction for significant wave height | Water pressure | Water conductivity | Sea/water temperature | STD of 18 Hz S band ocean range | Sound velocity | Sea-surface temperature (15-day running mean) | XBT/XCTD launcher type | Spectral wave density | Direction of waves | STD of 18 Hz S band significant wave height | Significant wave height | Direction of sea-surface current | Total energy (wavelength > 731m) at low wave numbers | Wavelength spread (wavelength > 731 m) at low wave numbers | Second normalized polar coordinate from Fourier coefficients | BPR transmission count | Water column height | Spectral peak wave period | Normalized inverse wave age | Wave spectra | Tide station automated water level check | Tide station manual water level check | Tidal elevation with respect to local chart datum | Number of 20 Hz valid points for C band | Number of 18 Hz valid points for S band | Number of 20 Hz valid points for SWH-squared | Directional spread of individual waves | Salinity | Non-directional spectral estimate by wave number | State of the sea | Float cycle number | Salinity | Ku band ocean range | Meteorological residual tidal elevation (surge or offset) | Water temperature profile recorder types | STD of 18 Hz Ku band ocean range | Sea-surface salinity | Number of 20 Hz valid points for ocean range | Direction of swell waves | Direction of current | Height of XBT/XCTD launcher | Total number of wave bands | Principal direction from which waves are coming | First normalized polar coordinate from Fourier coefficients | Number of 20 Hz valid points for Ku band | Spectral wave density ratio | Non-directional spectral estimate by wave frequency | S band ocean range | Speed of sea-surface current | Height of swell waves | Number of valid points for Ku band backscatter | S band significant wave height | Meteorological residual tidal elevation (surge or offset) | Period of swell waves | Mean wavelength > 731 m of image spectrum at low wave numbers | Duration of wave record | Sea/water temperature | Lagrangian drifter drogue status | Meteorological residual tidal elevation (surge or offset) | Sea ice fraction | Direction spread at low wave numbers (wavelength > 731 m) | Tidal elevation with respect to national land datum | Dissolved oxygen | Maximum non-directional spectral wave number | Number of 20 Hz valid points for C band significant wave height | Band containing maximum non-directional spectral wave density | STD of 18 Hz Ku band ocean range | ...
membership predicate member
modified 3 Sep 2014 09:56:54.930
owner wmo
publisher wmo
type Collection | Container | Register
version info 1
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Notation Name Description Status
1 Direction of waves stable
2 Direction of wind waves stable
3 Direction of swell waves stable
4 Direction of current stable
5 Direction of sea-surface current stable
11 Period of waves stable
12 Period of wind waves stable
13 Period of swell waves stable
21 Height of waves stable
22 Height of wind waves stable
23 Height of swell waves stable
25 Standard deviation wave height stable
26 Standard deviation of significant wave height stable
31 Speed of current stable
32 Speed of sea-surface current stable
35 Tidal elevation with respect to local chart datum stable
36 Meteorological residual tidal elevation (surge or offset) stable
37 Tidal elevation with respect to national land datum stable
38 Tidal elevation with respect to local chart datum stable
39 Meteorological residual tidal elevation (surge or offset) stable
40 Meteorological residual tidal elevation (surge or offset) stable
41 Sea-surface temperature (15-day running mean) stable
42 Sea/water temperature stable
43 Sea/water temperature stable
44 Sound velocity stable
45 Sea/water temperature stable
46 Sea ice fraction stable
49 Sea-surface temperature stable
50 Standard deviation sea-surface temperature stable
55 Float cycle number stable
56 Direction of profile stable
59 Sea-surface salinity stable
60 Lagrangian drifter drogue status stable
61 State of the sea stable
62 Salinity stable
63 Total water depth stable
64 Salinity stable
65 Water pressure stable
66 Water conductivity stable
67 Instrument type for water temperature/salinity profile measurement stable
68 Water temperature profile recorder types stable
69 Spectral wave density stable
70 Significant wave height stable
71 Spectral peak wave period stable
72 Spectral peak wave length stable
73 Maximum wave height stable
74 Average wave period stable
75 Average wave length stable
76 Direction from which dominant waves are coming stable
77 Directional spread of dominant wave stable
78 Duration of wave record stable
79 Length of wave record stable
80 Waveband central frequency stable
81 Waveband central wave number stable
82 Maximum non-directional spectral wave density stable
83 Maximum non-directional spectral wave number stable
84 Band containing maximum non-directional spectral wave density stable
85 Spectral wave density ratio stable
86 Mean direction from which waves are coming stable
87 Principal direction from which waves are coming stable
88 First normalized polar coordinate from Fourier coefficients stable
89 Second normalized polar coordinate from Fourier coefficients stable
90 Non-directional spectral estimate by wave frequency stable
91 Non-directional spectral estimate by wave number stable
92 Directional spectral estimate by wave frequency stable
93 Directional spectral estimate by wave number stable
94 Total number of wave bands stable
95 Directional spread of individual waves stable
96 Spectral band width stable
97 Mean wavelength > 731 m of image spectrum at low wave numbers stable
98 Wavelength spread (wavelength > 731 m) at low wave numbers stable
99 Mean direction at low wave numbers (wavelength > 731 m) stable
100 Direction spread at low wave numbers (wavelength > 731 m) stable
101 Total energy (wavelength > 731m) at low wave numbers stable
120 Tide station automated water level check stable
121 Tide station manual water level check stable
122 Tide station automated meteorological data check stable
123 Tide station manual meteorological data check stable
141 Sea-surface temperature (15-day running mean) stable
142 Square of significant wave height stable
143 STD of 20 Hz SWH squared stable
144 Number of 20 Hz valid points for SWH-squared stable
145 STD of 20 Hz ocean range stable
146 OCOG range stable
147 STD of 20 Hz OCOG range stable
148 Number of 20 Hz valid points for ocean range stable
149 20 Hz significant wave height squared stable
150 Number of 18 Hz valid points for Ku band stable
151 Ku band ocean range stable
152 STD of 18 Hz Ku band ocean range stable
153 Number of 18 Hz valid points for S band stable
154 S band ocean range stable
155 STD of 18 Hz S band ocean range stable
156 Ku band significant wave height stable
157 STD of 18 Hz Ku band ocean range stable
158 S band significant wave height stable
159 STD of 18 Hz S band significant wave height stable
160 Normalized inverse wave age stable
161 Wave spectra stable
162 RMS of 20 Hz Ku band ocean range stable
163 Number of 20 Hz valid points for Ku band stable
164 RMS 20 Hz Ku band significant wave height stable
165 Number of 20 Hz valid points for Ku band significant wave height stable
166 Ku band net instrumental correction for significant wave height stable
167 Number of valid points for Ku band backscatter stable
168 C band ocean range stable
169 RMS of C band ocean range stable
170 Number of 20 Hz valid points for C band stable
171 C band significant wave height stable
172 RMS 20 Hz C band significant wave height stable
173 Number of 20 Hz valid points for C band significant wave height stable
174 C band net instrumental correction for significant wave height stable
175 Number of valid points for C band backscatter stable
177 Height of XBT/XCTD launcher stable
178 XBT/XCTD launcher type stable
182 Water column height stable
184 Water column height deviation from the reference value stable
185 BPR transmission count stable
188 Dissolved oxygen stable