Register: BUFR/CREX Identification



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owned by wmo
submitted bymarqh (admin)

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label BUFR/CREX Identification
manager www dm
member Aircraft flight number | Identification of originating/generating centre | Wind speed source | Name of feature | Aircraft tail number | Direction of motion of moving observing platform | Stationary buoy platform identifier; e.g. C-MAN buoys | Station acquisition | WBAN number | ICAO location indicator | Agency in charge of operating the observing platform | WMO long storm name | Buoy/platform identifier | WMO Region number/geographical area | Synoptic feature identifier | Originating centre | Template version number defined by originating centre | WMO station number | WMO marine observing platform extended identifier | WMO Region sub-area | Destination airport | Observing platform manufacturer's serial number | Type of ensemble forecast | Ship line number according to SOOP | Long station or site name | Technique for making up initial perturbations | Processing centre ID code | Source of sea ice fraction | Generating application | Observation sequence number | WMO block number | Grid point identifier | Identifier of the cruise or mission under which the data were collected | Identification of originating/generating centre | Observing platform manufacturer's model | Radiosonde release number | Tsunameter report sequence number triggered by a tsunami event | Radiosonde ascension number | Platform transmitter ID number | Station or site name | Unique product definition | Identification of originating/generating sub-centre | Snapshot identifier | Origination airport | Aircraft registration number or other identification | Radiosonde serial number | Absolute platform velocity - first component | Short station or site name | Absolute platform velocity - third component | Speed of motion of moving observing platform | Absolute platform velocity - second component | Ship or mobile land station identifier | IMO Number. Unique Lloyd's register | Observer identification | ICAO region identifier | Numerical model identifier | SSI source | Runway designator | Short ICAO location indicator | SIGMET sequence identifier | Aerosol optical depth (AOD) source | WMO storm name | WMO Region sub-area | Platform transmitter ID | Platform transmitter ID number | Platform drift speed (high precision) | National station number | State identifier | Balloon lot number | Type of commercial aircraft | Ensemble member number | Tide station identification | Satellite identifier | Unique identifier for the profile | Storm identifier | Graphical Area Forecast (GFA) sequence identifier | Aircraft reporting point (Beacon identifier)
membership predicate member
modified 3 Sep 2014 09:56:40.036
owner wmo
publisher wmo
type Collection | Register | Container
version info 1
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Notation Name Description Status
1 WMO block number stable
2 WMO station number stable
3 WMO Region number/geographical area stable
4 WMO Region sub-area stable
5 Buoy/platform identifier stable
6 Aircraft flight number stable
7 Satellite identifier stable
8 Aircraft registration number or other identification stable
9 Type of commercial aircraft stable
10 Stationary buoy platform identifier; e.g. C-MAN buoys stable
11 Ship or mobile land station identifier stable
12 Direction of motion of moving observing platform stable
13 Speed of motion of moving observing platform stable
14 Platform drift speed (high precision) stable
15 Station or site name stable
18 Short station or site name stable
19 Long station or site name stable
20 WMO Region sub-area stable
21 Synoptic feature identifier stable
22 Name of feature stable
23 Observation sequence number stable
24 Wind speed source stable
25 Storm identifier stable
26 WMO storm name stable
27 WMO long storm name stable
28 Aerosol optical depth (AOD) source stable
29 SSI source stable
30 Numerical model identifier stable
31 Identification of originating/generating centre stable
32 Generating application stable
33 Identification of originating/generating centre stable
34 Identification of originating/generating sub-centre stable
35 Originating centre stable
36 Agency in charge of operating the observing platform stable
37 SIGMET sequence identifier stable
38 Source of sea ice fraction stable
39 Graphical Area Forecast (GFA) sequence identifier stable
40 Processing centre ID code stable
41 Absolute platform velocity - first component stable
42 Absolute platform velocity - second component stable
43 Absolute platform velocity - third component stable
50 Platform transmitter ID number stable
51 Platform transmitter ID number stable
52 Platform transmitter ID stable
53 Tsunameter report sequence number triggered by a tsunami event stable
60 Aircraft reporting point (Beacon identifier) stable
62 Short ICAO location indicator stable
63 ICAO location indicator stable
64 Runway designator stable
65 ICAO region identifier stable
75 Tide station identification stable
79 Unique identifier for the profile stable
80 Ship line number according to SOOP stable
81 Radiosonde serial number stable
82 Radiosonde ascension number stable
83 Radiosonde release number stable
85 Observing platform manufacturer's model stable
86 Observing platform manufacturer's serial number stable
87 WMO marine observing platform extended identifier stable
90 Technique for making up initial perturbations stable
91 Ensemble member number stable
92 Type of ensemble forecast stable
93 Balloon lot number stable
94 WBAN number stable
95 Observer identification stable
96 Station acquisition stable
99 Unique product definition stable
101 State identifier stable
102 National station number stable
103 IMO Number. Unique Lloyd's register stable
110 Aircraft tail number stable
111 Origination airport stable
112 Destination airport stable
113 Template version number defined by originating centre stable
115 Identifier of the cruise or mission under which the data were collected stable
124 Grid point identifier stable
144 Snapshot identifier stable