Register: WMDR
WIGOS Metadata Representation, for the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS)
Notation | Name | Description | Status |
AltitudeOrDepth | Altitude/depth | Altitude/depth | stable |
ApplicationArea | Application areas | Application areas | stable |
ClimateZone | Climate zone | Climate zone | stable |
ControlLocation | Control location | Control location | stable |
ControlStandardType | Control standard type | Control standard type | stable |
CoordinateReferenceSystem | Coordinates reference | Coordinates reference | stable |
DataCommunicationMethod | Data communication method | Data communication method | stable |
DataFormat | Data format | Data format | stable |
DataPolicy | Data policy/use constraints | Data policy/use constraints | stable |
Domain | Domain | Domain | stable |
EventAtFacility | Events at station/platform | Events at station/platform | stable |
Exposure | Exposure of instrument | Exposure of instrument | stable |
FacilityType | Station/platform type | Station/platform type | stable |
FrequencyUse | Frequency use of electromagnetic radiation | Frequency use of electromagnetic radiation | stable |
Geometry | Geometry | Geometry | stable |
GeopositioningMethod | Coordinates source/service | Coordinates source/service | stable |
InstrumentControlResult | Instrument control result | Instrument control result | stable |
InstrumentOperatingStatus | Instrument operating status | Instrument operating status | stable |
LevelOfData | Level of data | Level of data | stable |
LocalTopography | Local topography | Local topography | stable |
Matrix | Matrix | Matrix | stable |
ObservationStatus | Status of observation | Status of observation | stable |
ObservedLayer | Layer of observation | Layer of observation | stable |
ObservedVariableAtmosphere | Observed variable - measurand (atmosphere) | Observed variable - measurand (atmosphere) | stable |
ObservedVariableEarth | Observed variable - measurand (earth) | Observed variable - measurand (earth) | stable |
ObservedVariableOcean | Observed variable - measurand (ocean) | Observed variable - measurand (ocean) | stable |
ObservedVariableOuterSpace | Observed variable - measurand (outer space) | Observed variable - measurand (outer space) | stable |
ObservedVariableTerrestrial | Observed variable - measurand (terrestrial and hydrological) | Observed variable - measurand (terrestrial and hydrological) | stable |
ObservingMethodAtmosphere | Measurement/observing method (atmosphere) | Measurement/observing method (atmosphere) | stable |
ObservingMethodOcean | Measurement/observing method (ocean) | Measurement/observing method (ocean) | stable |
ObservingMethodTerrestrial | Measurement/observing method (terrestrial and hydrological) | Measurement/observing method (terrestrial and hydrological) | stable |
ParticleSizeRange | Particle size range | Particle size range | stable |
Polarization | Polarization of electromagnetic radiation | Polarization of electromagnetic radiation | stable |
ProgramAffiliation | Programme/network affiliation | Programme/network affiliation | stable |
PurposeOfFrequencyUse | Purpose of frequency use | Purpose of frequency use | stable |
QualityFlagSystem | Quality Flag System | Quality Flag System | stable |
ReferenceSurfaceType | Type of reference surface | Type of reference surface | stable |
ReferenceTime | Reference time | Reference time | stable |
RelativeElevation | Relative elevation | Relative elevation | stable |
ReportingStatus | Station/Platform operating status | Station/Platform operating status | stable |
Representativeness | Representativeness | Representativeness | stable |
SampleTreatment | Sample treatment | Sample treatment | stable |
SamplingStrategy | Sampling strategy | Sampling strategy | stable |
SourceOfObservation | Source of observation | Source of observation | stable |
StationPictureDirection | Direction of station pictures | Direction of station pictures | stable |
SurfaceCoverClassification | Surface cover classification scheme | Surface cover classification scheme | stable |
SurfaceCoverGlob2009 | Surface cover types (Globcover2009) | Surface cover types (Globcover2009) | stable |
SurfaceCoverIGBP | Surface cover types (IGBP) | Surface cover types (IGBP) | stable |
SurfaceCoverLAI | Surface cover types (LAI/fPAR) | Surface cover types (LAI/fPAR) | stable |
SurfaceCoverLCCS | Surface cover types (LCCS) | Surface cover types (LCCS) | stable |
SurfaceCoverNPP | Surface cover types (NPP) | Surface cover types (NPP) | stable |
SurfaceCoverPFT | Surface cover types (PFT) | Surface cover types (PFT) | stable |
SurfaceCoverUMD | Surface cover types (UMD) | Surface cover types (UMD) | stable |
SurfaceRoughnessDavenport | Surface roughness (Davenport roughness classification) | Surface roughness (Davenport roughness classification) | stable |
TerritoryName | Territory of origin of data | Territory of origin of data | stable |
TimeStampMeaning | Meaning of time stamp | Meaning of time stamp | stable |
Timezone | Timezone | Timezone | stable |
TopographicContext | Topographic context | Topographic context | stable |
Traceability | Traceability | Traceability | stable |
TransmissionMode | Mode of energy transmission | Mode of energy transmission | stable |
UncertaintyEstimateProcedure | Procedure used to estimate uncertainty | Procedure used to estimate uncertainty | stable |
WIGOSFunction | WIGOS Functions | WIGOS Functions | stable |
WMORegion | Region of origin of data | Region of origin of data | stable |
WaterML2_0 | Quality flag (From WaterML2) | Quality flag (From WaterML2) | stable |
unit | Measurement unit | Measurement unit | stable |