Register: Meteorological Features



The items within this code table are the weather phenomena being represented by a weather object.

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is a Container | Collection | Register
submitted byamilan17
accepted on 15 Nov 2021 18:06:35.988

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description The items within this code table are the weather phenomena being represented by a weather object.
label Meteorological Features
member Convergence line | Tropopause | Warm front at the surface | Instability line | Cloud | Occlusion | Quasi-stationary front at the surface | Cold front at the surface | Thunderstorm | Sandstorm | Turbulence | Special clouds | Volcano | Warm front above the surface | Airframe icing | Radiation | Cloud clear | Tropical cyclone | Duststorm | Intertropical front | Jet stream | Cold front above the surface | Storm | Atmospherics | Mountain wave | Quasi-stationary front above the surface | Phenomenon
modified 15 Nov 2021 15:42:34.190
notation MeteorologicalFeature
status experimental
type Container | Collection | Register
version info 29
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Notation Name Description Status
AIRFRAME_ICING Airframe icing Airframe icing stable
ATMOSPHERICS Atmospherics Atmospherics stable
CLOUD Cloud Cloud stable
CLOUD_CLEAR Cloud clear Cloud clear stable
COLD_FRONT_ABOVE_THE_SURFACE Cold front above the surface Cold front above the surface stable
COLD_FRONT_AT_THE_SURFACE Cold front at the surface Cold front at the surface stable
CONVERGENCE_LINE Convergence line Convergence line stable
DUSTSTORM Duststorm Duststorm stable
INSTABILITY_LINE Instability line Instability line stable
INTERTROPICAL_FRONT Intertropical front Intertropical front stable
JETSTREAM Jet stream Jet stream stable
MOUNTAIN_WAVE Mountain wave Mountain wave stable
OCCLUSION Occlusion Occlusion stable
PHENOMENON Phenomenon Phenomenon stable
QUASI-STATIONARY_FRONT_ABOVE_THE_SURFACE Quasi-stationary front above the surface Quasi-stationary front above the surface stable
QUASI-STATIONARY_FRONT_AT_THE_SURFACE Quasi-stationary front at the surface Quasi-stationary front at the surface stable
RADIATION Radiation Radiation stable
SANDSTORM Sandstorm Sandstorm stable
SPECIAL_CLOUDS Special clouds Special clouds stable
STORM Storm Storm stable
THUNDERSTORM Thunderstorm Thunderstorm stable
TROPICAL_CYCLONE Tropical cyclone Tropical cyclone stable
TROPOPAUSE Tropopause Tropopause stable
TURBULENCE Turbulence Turbulence stable
VOLCANO Volcano Volcano stable
WARM_FRONT_ABOVE_THE_SURFACE Warm front above the surface Warm front above the surface stable
WARM_FRONT_AT_THE_SURFACE Warm front at the surface Warm front at the surface stable