Register: Space Wx Location



The items within this code table are the locations of space weather phenomena of significance to aeronautical operations

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is a Register | Collection | Container
submitted bymarqH
accepted on 16 Nov 2021 10:07:23.311

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description The items within this code table are the locations of space weather phenomena of significance to aeronautical operations
has member relation member
label Space Wx Location
member Equatorial latitudes northern hemisphere | Middle northern hemisphere | Daylight Side | Equatorial latitudes southern hemisphere | Middle latitudes southern hemisphere | High latitudes southern hemisphere | High northern hemisphere
modified 20 Mar 2019 16:57:02.324
type Register | Collection | Container
version info 1
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Notation Name Description Status
DAYLIGHT_SIDE Daylight Side Daylight Side stable
EQN Equatorial latitudes northern hemisphere Equatorial latitudes northern hemisphere stable
EQS Equatorial latitudes southern hemisphere Equatorial latitudes southern hemisphere stable
HNH High northern hemisphere High northern hemisphere stable
HSH High latitudes southern hemisphere High latitudes southern hemisphere stable
MNH Middle northern hemisphere Middle northern hemisphere stable
MSH Middle latitudes southern hemisphere Middle latitudes southern hemisphere stable